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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Wanna learn how to play the boolabong?
  2. Whatever.
  3. Who's Poojer?
  4. Blood agents are cyanics. Chemical compunds that inhibit the actions of the enzyme cytochrome oxidase within the hemoglobin, prohibiting oxygen transfer between the red blood cells and the remainder of the body. The most typically weaponized blood agents are hydrogen cyanide, and cyanogen chloride. Extremely volatile, and difficult to use under field conditions. I'd suggest you opt for a garden variety persistent nerve, such as VX or VR55.
  5. Funny how these threads always die when some facts get inserted.
  6. There was a credible threat string to the RNC. Security procedures were enacted based on the information at hand. There actually never was a credible threat string to the DNC, hence the differences in the level of security arrangements. NYC's inconvienience was minimized as much as was practically, and safely possible.
  7. ..........WAY too much information there.
  8. You ever put Nair in someones jockstrap? Not as funny as bengay, but more lasting effect.
  9. Once again, as much as everyone wants to call Bush an idiot, this is some complicated stuff. Real, real hard to get a big picture across to the voters when some of the individual pieces don't "look" right. Case in point, the role of OIF in the overall GWOT. That's been debated here to death-it's been pretty well fully explained-and 99% of everyone here is still at square one of the argument. More fire trucks? Puhleeze. What needs to get talked about is the national support structure, done through FEMA, for a catastrophic event. If you try to ramp up the entire country to respond to a catastrophic event, you'll have BILLIONS of dollars in people and equipment not getting used, hopefully 100% of the time. The fight against terror is away from our shores as much as possible. Responding to a successful attack is planned for. But, how does that all sound to the voter? He hears "Bush isn't giving us more firetrucks-Bush Bad". You tell the average American voter how a systematic regionalized augmentation, including specialized assets from within the DoD are already sourced and programmed to respond to an incident anywhere within the United States, and you'll get the where are my cookies look. I'll bet you dollars to donuts right now, that there are Kerryites who will read this and think "But we don't have enough fire trucks and Bush is leaving nookaler material out so the terrorists can have it." Where's the hit in the head with a hammer smiley?
  10. Hence my post. Whatever the feelings, it probably ain't gonna happen. As much as I HATE Miami, if the Bills want a playoff shot, they are going to need all the help they can get. Right now I'm not convinced we can beat Miami, let alone the Jets.
  11. As far as these issues go, there's plenty of unclassified stuff they can use-they just need to get it out there. Example: The PSI-proliferation security initiative. Bush has organized the largest, functioning WMD non-proliferation coalition in history. Countries like France, Spain, Russia, Germany and about 70 others actively perform interdictions and shut down networks. The global GWOT effort is operated much the same way. The actual GWOT plans are TS, which is why you never hear much about it. 90% of the operations are very, very black. Kerry's tripe about Russian nuclear material is pure crap. I work in the agency that is the executive agent for Russian nuclear stockpile and material stuff. We have folks scurrying around Russia like ants, for crying out loud. They just need to get the info out, but sadly-it might take more than three sentences so people won't read it.
  12. Hey everybody! Look at the flying pig!
  13. Two nuns, Sister Marilyn and Sister Helen, are traveling through Europe in their car. They get to Transylvania and are stopped at a traffic light. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tiny little Dracula jumps onto the hood of the car and hisses through the windshield. "Quick, quick!" shouts Sister Marilyn. "What shall we do?" "Turn the windshield wipers on. That will get rid of the abomination," says Sister Helen. Sister Marilyn switches them on, knocking Dracula about, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns. "What shall I do now?" she shouts. "Switch on the windshield washer. I filled it up with Holy Water at the Vatican," says Sister Helen. Sister Marilyn turns on the windshield washer. Dracula screams as the water burns his skin, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns. "Now what?" shouts Sister Marilyn? "Show him your cross," says Sister Helen. "Now you're talking," says Sister Marilyn. She opens the window and shouts, "Get the fu-ck off the car!
  14. That's what she said, alright...
  15. It was shaped like a Panda?
  16. I can tell you as a fact, take it to the bank, that that is not the position of the Bush administration towards GWOT. The problem with National Security issues is that they are impossible to adequately explain in that kind of format. And GWOT is a tremendously complicated effort. From what I saw, didn't watch all of it-Kerry either did not pay any attention at the National Security briefings he (grudgingly) received, or he planned all along to out and out lie. Kerryites? I'm sorry, but that's what your boy did. And in some areas there isn't going to be much Bush can do about it. I'd be pi$sed too. And if you let this guy become in charge of our security, we're screwed.
  17. ......you mean we just gave up the big secret? Oh, that's right-we were TALKING about the "Big Secret"....
  18. I usually just tossed it over my shoulder. Told everyone I was a boolabong player.
  19. Back in high school you just might have been the reason there was so much camping talk going on.
  20. They just might not be quite as alert as they were 27 years ago.
  21. Wow, you've been to my office at 4 PM?
  22. He hates that, you know. Not that there's anything wrong with it.
  23. They forgot to tally Dundalk.
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