The problem, Spidey-or the desired idea, is that not to many are going to go past looking up the four points. They are very misleading.
Halliburton is a general contractor. Most of the actual work is being done by Iraqi subcontractors.
The reconstruction effort is going at an excellent pace. The trouble is, the bad guys blow up stuff just about as soon as it's built.
Kerry is way out in left field on NATO. One, it's not even within their charter and two, the only folks of note that aren't playing are France and Germany, who are not playing because it doesn't serve their national interest.
The train up of Iraqi forces isn't going to go any faster under Kerry than it does Bush. Much of the training is being done by Jordan, and they can only cycle so much so fast.
The biggest point, is that there are four bites that say "This is what we need to do" whatever. There is nothing there at ALL about how to do them. All Kerry's "points" are just that. There is no, absolutely no substance. Bush was pis$ed last night because Kerry out and out lied, on several issues. Either that-or he is so horribly uninformed as to be dangerous. Pick your poison. He wants to be President, and has little if any idea what to do once he gets there. He's pandering to the masses, most of whom will not do their homework. Bush may have many faults-but Kerry is a hedonist with what Kerry wants as a priority. GW Bush honestly wants what is best for the country.