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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Man, that is some nasty stevestojan. Believe me, I know. Stay away from smoked meats, wine and beer-no matter how boring that makes Sunday.
  2. Not that there's anything wrong with that... Now, quit picking on the nice people or you'll have to take a time out. What's old Daddy Rabbit gonna do with you guys?
  3. I've been challenged to two bar fights in one week. I'm getting too old for this stevestojan. Simpler to just blow them up in their car. For the record, I've always like KTFABD. Even before he was fair and balanced. Nice little tribute to Thirdborn, BTW. Fuggen Paul-never calls-never writes...
  4. You know what is really refreshing? We can disagree and not be plotting spearing contests in a bar parking lot. I for one, kind of like it.
  5. Wow, here we go again. Yeah, you can post anything you want, I just would think that if one were going to pass something off as factual information, they might want to use facts-that's all. And no, I'm not a Gator's guy-I just happened to be down that way for a week on business. And yes, if you were to come out with something that was complete fiction passing it off as factual, and I knew it-I'd say something. At first as maybe a hint to avoid embarrassment for either of us-but if you kept it up, I might get more direct if it seemed as though folks believed you. Is it important? Probably not. But judging from what I and many others hear on a regular basis from folks who will believe any soundbite they hear on TV, or similar activities-I'm really getting to get a peeve about people working off bad data. It's going to haunt us some day.
  6. Your right on a lot of it Kelly. It's hard to explain things that can't be explained. My problem goes to the core issues of wrong war-right war. Senator Kerry is probably well aware of the stategies involved, and is going to have to embrace many of them if elected, whether he wants to or not. Bush came across wrong in how he put it out, but the fight IS against an ideology, part of which is UBL and the boys. Kerry knows that many of the voting public are not going to take the time to learn and understand the dynamics of not only Radical Islam, but global terror. Hence, making his points about AQ and UBL sound good, but were he to get elected the realities would remain the same. There might be sounds on the news that "look" good, but under the surface things are going to be the way they are for a long, long, long time. This isn't right war-wrong war, it's the new war. And a lot of things cross over each other and effect how others are done. I fully understand that everyone is going to use what they can against each other. The firetruck stuff is ludicrous, Kerry knows it is, but what is Bush going to look like to voters if he says so?
  7. Idiots without jobs taking potshots? Navy, post anything you want-I for one don't care. As for your opinions, yours are as good as anyone elses. You really do need to look up things before you post them though. You just embarrassed yourself to anyone who has even a cursory knowledge of Chemical Warfare. You have often posted as someone in the know, and here's what's going on. And your "I need a life" thing was to underscore your knowledge of the matter-but the simple fact is you are way, way wrong and it looks dumb. Flame me if you want. If I were you, I might consider the advice.
  8. Somewhere amongst the other threads I have some comments about non-proliferation and counter-proliferation. Also GWOT. And I really don't want to cop out on you, but it's a "If I told ya I'd have to kill ya" type of thing, provided I wasn't sitting in jail first. Kerry made a broad statement to the effect that this administration is doing little to nothing as far as the proliferation of WMD goes, and that it is a low priority. Do a Google on the proliferation security initiative. The comments made about securing Russian nuclear material are baseless. Within the organization I work for is a branch that is the executive agent for these matters. We have a lot of people on the ground within the former soviet union, helping the Russians in these matters. There is no such thing as unguarded, unsecured weapons grade nuclear material, but that's what was said.
  9. I just had one of those lightbulb moments. If, somehow Kerry gets elected, all the Bush administration stuff that's sort of hidden away becomes Kerry's stuff? He takes credit for it and when the Republican's call him on it it gets turned into a sour grapes thing in the media and gets forgotten about? Oh, and I'm certain that he'd get his summit too. Where France, Germany and Russia smile, shake hands and take him to the cleaners.
  10. I keep telling him not to run the microwave.
  11. That's Daddy Rabbit Uninformed Lunatic As$-hole to you, sonny.
  12. That's what HE says anyway. I think he was talking about his left leg. Might have been his right, don't remember exactly.
  13. .....can't.......musn't......whew, that was close.
  14. Well, maybe with a little luck, a turnover or two and a few good bounces, Ed gets laid tomorrow at about 4 PM.
  15. Be glad that he's a gentle giant.
  16. Great minds think alike. I was going to post something along the lines of it has a good beat and I can dance to it.
  17. Yeah, when asked to provide a link to the source I'd have to give up my own email. From what I've heard come out of Kerry so far, on these particular issues, I'm pretty convinced your cats know more about this stuff than Kerry does. What's sad, is I really at this point believe that he does know more about it, and is deliberately twisting and lieing just to get the seat. He can't produce what he's advertising, and we will end up in serious stevestojan for it. How do I know he's lieing fellow boarders? "BECAUSE I HELP WRITE THE FRIGGEN PLANS AND OPERATIONS ORDERS FOR THE STUFF HE SAYS DOESN'T EXIST!" But, I'm sure his campaign website is much more accurate and informative. I don't think anyone can come up with a more clear cut example of what that guy is all about than I just did, and I only say that to make a point. I'm equally certain that the Kerryites here will completely skip over this and go back to 4 points, and consider me an uninformed lunatic.
  18. Yeah, you don't see that one get used too much anymore. My answer probably would go about 15 paragraphs. Just a short thought to toss out. Don't China and Russia have a couple-three missiles too?
  19. Gus is da man, and Paul's not too shabby himself.
  20. Want me to send you some sheet music for the boolabong?
  21. Who's the Yankees?
  22. I think most everyone did. How can your toe be RIP'd if its still attached?
  23. Thank You. May you have many, many more.
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