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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Hey everybody! Look at the neat flying pig!
  2. With everything that went wrong for whatever reason, the Bills were in it until Travis tripped over his own feet in front of a hole you could put a Hummer through on the 3-2. That killed them. there wouldn't have been any need for some screwed up 23 skiddoo double fake reverse screen pass flea flick back to bledsoe naked bootleg monstrosity of a play if he just walked 6 feet.
  3. Closest thing to consistent blocking they might accomplish all year.
  4. Well, screw it then. Go for the gusto. Mix it with a couple raw eggs, chase it with orange juice and go out smokin'.
  5. Doesn't it contain a lot of dietary fiber? Just a guess. Or maybe it's the beer you're mixing with it.
  6. Who's Poojer?
  7. Scratch that. I like Clueless.
  8. how about the "Seattle Slew" Remember the horse? Either works for me. We had the KCM pegged (we should have copyrighted the name since it showed up in the press two weeks after we thought of it"
  9. Kelly? We gotta get together and just have some wings and laugh my brother. I had a few local Bills fans by today and we actually broke out laughing at the end. It's way past the playcalling. you can easily predict the disasters. I'm more surprised when the DON'T happen. I made regular wings. Seattle? Tequila for certain. And I spent $190 bucks for Sunday what? The Bills are a DTV con game.
  10. Me. Never for a second was in doubt, although I'm a little more used to 40 yards passes on 3-35. Did confuse me for a second. Do they do weapons checks there? Think they'd notice a scoped rifle hidden in a golf bag? How far does one of those animal traquilizer darts go, anyway?
  11. Just when I think they can't get more bizzare, they do. Time to gut it and start over.
  12. Yeah, I'll happily call you a dickwad on the "other side", but Buffalo used to get some good shows. Even the "cheaper" tickets for some venues. Were you old enough to make the James Gang/Lynard Skynard/ELP when they first built the Ralph (Rich Stadium, thank you very much). I remember this guy selling bags out from under his big cowboy hat to the infield crowd. Like everyone came un-prepared . Yeah, it's also Buffalo. He probably made some bucks before he got popped.
  13. I've posted about 3,500 words on this, in as much detail as I can get away with. You should come around more often. I'll try to consolidate to the Reader's Digest version. There are links to not just AQ and Sadaam, but to AQ and the UN. Oil for Food has been tracked back to shell companies that fund AQ, at least a dozen set up by SH's regime. Several in the mid-east, but also several based out of France, Russia and Germany. Khofi's son engineered a lot of the deals. They all have some folks who have made a lot of money off it. All people like you know is the word "Halliburton". I'm not a "Bushyite". I know next to nothing about issues such as economy, affordable drugs, Gay marriage (not that there's anything wrong with that...) We are at the inroads of World War Three. Asymetrical warfare seems to confuse everybody, so, look at it this way. You are now going up against a tremedously well organized and well funded coaltion of varied crime organizations who want to establish a Pan Islamic Caliphate throughout the middle east. Traditionally, the way to strategically deter an enemy is to hold his center of gravities at risk. This is easilly done with folks like N. Korea or Iran, because they are nation states with infrastructure. They get too far out of line, bomb something. The global terrorist network, yes, it is a network, is very distributed. you had five picked up in Lackawana for crying out loud. There's precious little to hold at risk, in the conventional sense. The only thing AQ-and about 2 dozen affilliated groups consider a deterence is fear of failure, the inability to execute. This administration had to learn a lot of stevestojan on the fly and they have done well. What works doesn't make for good sound bites. Kerry is yelling about fire trucks. Fire Trucks aren't going to help anything. You folks never think anything through past the soundbite. Bush can't stand up and say firetrucks aren't going to help, which is the truth, but how will that sound? Now, quote CNN as to how I'm wrong and stupid. BTW, you mentioned the yellowcake in an earlier post. There was a lot more to it than just the yellowcake. I WROTE the OPORD for it's security and removal. Not a "secret" anymore. Made the "news". I thought it was a pretty good plan, if I do say so myself. I, on ocassion do some pretty good work. Didn't get blownup, and it's safely in the US as we speak. Senator Kerry says we don't do anything about that stuff, because we accepted an error in judgement and invaded Iraq. You want to talk counterproliferation? You wanna talk Global War on Terror? Go ahead. I've spent the last couple years hip deep in Homeland Defense, The warplans for Defeating AQ and their buds, and DoD support to Homeland Defense consequence management. I can converse on N. Korea and Iran as well. Stick with football, and gun control.
  14. You're an idiot. Ever hear that before? I deal with this stuff everyday. I don't care if Donald Duck is President as long as we do what we need to do. As far as this subject goes, Kerry has a long way to go to catch Donald Duck.
  15. Perot was a hoot. "well let's just lift the hood and fix it!"
  16. Were they beautiful BEFORE you started drinking (definitely cool), or is someone chewing off their own arm tomorrow?
  17. Who's Kerry? And who the hell is this Poojer anyway? I heard both Laura Brannigan fans went to see him. Ok, way, way out on my last vistage of optimism. Bills 27, Pasties 24. Bills defense counts for 14 points. NE goes down. They will beat us in NE. You sorry assez at the game better make it unbearable for Marcia. This is as close of a playoff game you're gonna see this year, if they lose.
  18. Man did Tull ever do a lot of Buffalo? I remember one where they came out wearing rabbit suits and scuba tanks. I think the first song was Locamotive Breath. Hadn't even gotten into the good buzz yet, so I don't think I hallucinated it. Zappa concerts were pretty cool too, but ELP shows were always my favorite. Quad sound when it was cutting edge. God I'm old.
  19. And there's nothing wrong with that. Tom? You're an assshole.
  20. He started up that Hulka Burgers chain. And I hear Cable Lady won the date with Ox.
  21. This was in coaches mode.
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