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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. No stevestojan. I can see him rolling his eyes as the wall came up going "Not again...."
  2. Keep 'em comin' boys and girls. We need enough for four sets.
  3. Stewart is already an accomplished CART/IRL driver. Had a damn good shot at winning both the Indy and at Charlotte a few memorial days ago. I've always seen the difference in the guys, like Stewart and Gordon, who cut their teeth in open wheel racing. They are just better race car drivers. Anyhow, Gordon's a good driver-but his first few years got under my skin. If someone tapped him a little too far into a corner, he'd be whining after the race even when he won.
  4. Rubbin' is racin'. Maybe it's cause I'm a little older-but go back and watch some of the races from the Petty, Parsons, Yarborough days. Heck go back and watch some old Fireball Roberts and AJ Foyt. Those were the days.
  5. Gordon always runs clean? Guess you skip Bristol.
  6. (Desperado) Hey Drew Bledsoe, You’re knocked clear out of your senses That line ain’t no fences-for too long now Well you’re a tough one-but we fans all have our reasons To salvage the season-maybe you should sit down Do your feet go dead when it’s playing time- “To execute” is a dead horse whine It’s hard to throw a touchdown from your knees You miss receivers high and low And where the h.e.l.l did Travis go?, oh please… Hey Drew Bledsoe, you just ain’t getting’ no younger Us fans have a hunger, for just a few wins It’s been a long time, since we’ve had Superbowl Sunday Instead we B word Monday…WE JUST WANT A FUNDAY! It’s always a crumb Day We just want back our heyday For just one more time
  7. Boy the way Jim Kelly played Back in our old glory days Jeeze a bet was easily made Those were the days. They knew to find the end zone then. Never feared a 4th and ten. We could use some guys like Thurman, Andre and Tasker again. Didn’t need no Pittsburgh greats Everybody pulled their weight Gee the old K-gun ran great… Those were the days! (All in the Family)
  8. THAT'S the spirit! Keep 'em coming folks.
  9. End zone. Meet the end zone. It’s the thing down there that you can’t see. From the 40 yard line. It’s a page right out of history. Hand off- dammit Travis please run right Pass rush-great, I now see yellow lights. End zone. Meet the end zone. It’s a 2 and goal reverse time. A missed attempt time. We’ll have a false start TIME! (Flinstones)
  10. And they could easily be 3-0. that's why we all take meds, or need to.
  11. Pathetic. Rule a week NASCAR. Guess they never figured some of us have been in the pits at a stock car race. stevestojan is one of the kinder phrases. guess everyone has to be whiney little weasel like Jeffie.
  12. Come and listen to a story ‘bout a man named Tom Had a GM job in Pitt and man it sure did bomb. Then one day he was looking for some fools… And up from the North came a bunch of Buff’lo Bills. Well first thing you know old Tom’s the GM heir. League all laughed, said “no way you win up there!” Said “Kaliforny is the place you ought to be.) Bills got New York Jets, the Pats and Miami” Bills they is…Super Bowls…Super Fans… Well now it’s time to say goodbye to Bills and all their fans. We’ve filled the team slap up with high priced duds and old has beens. You’re all invited back again to this menagerie… To watch another train wreck starting out at 0 and 3. Y’all throw up now, ya here? GO BILLS! Beat the Jets! Y’all watch MNF last night? (Beverly Hillbillies)
  13. Realistically? Yes, as long as he's upright. They probably won't adjust an entire system in the middle of a season. They can't get the one they have now, right.
  14. I love the blank stare and monotone voice, too. It repeats over and over until you drop it for a loss of 6.
  15. Re: The Fletcher fumble. From the article. The Pats actually have the gall to use the phrase "a miscarriage of justice" in an officiating call? In a BILLS GAME? Wow, that's brass.
  16. .......we....just....have....to....execute....better.... Who's with me on kidnapping and brainwashing the KC offensive line? I know the Bills have been improving, and have had their moments-but watching a good line like last night was like watchinga well oiled machine. Watching the Bills sometimes is like seeing a hand grenade go off in a school of fish.
  17. Swill? Why would you slap swill so hard? Yuck.
  18. I'm not making excuses for anybody. I just enjoy good football, and KC's line had a heck of a game against a darn good D. Green saved a few drives as well-and looked great doing it- but all in all the KC O-line owned that game.
  19. Then why did we draft him in the 1st round? The day will come. It was actually a pleasure to watch them play. That's a good defense they whoopaszed on last night. And another note. When you have an offensive line that can control the game the other team doesn't get on the field. It took a fleaflicker and a punt return to keep the Ravens in the game at all.
  20. Yeah, even Madden still has his moments. He knew he was Miked and was trying to self promote pretty hard. Probably knew he was getting beat on a lot of plays and wanted to make an excuse in front of the MNF audience as to why, never thinking he'd get called on it. I loved those overhead shots of their line working. Baltimore can be a pretty hostile place (after all R.Rich lives there ). And even when they did their false starts and other gaffes, they pulled together and got it done. Not hard to run for 130 yards with a good line-then Green was able to sit back and take them apart with play action. But had they not had a mobile QB, it could have gone the other way easy. A couple of those 14 play 8 minute drives KC put together was Green staying alive. Oh, and look what a mediocre defense can do when they get fired up. Nice 4th quarter blitzing. Sack? I remember those.
  21. I'd settle for their O-line. Wow. Is that what one really looks like? They aren't lying on their backs in disarray. Look at the TOP. Folks, this is what a football team with their backs to the wall looks like. They have a pretty lousy D, with injuries to boot, but they haven't really given anything up. Baltimore has the vaunted D that everyone seems to fear. They can't get KC off the field. And please. Don't ever mike Ray Lewis again.
  22. I thought we might get one of those nonsensical lighten it up threads going, like the Vick experience. Anyone got a good conspiracy theory for why the Bills are being the Bills? Nothing in normal human experience can be responsible for this trainwreck, something has to be going on. You think Travis is in on it?
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