awww. Come sing a song. I don't know about the rest of them (fans less than 20 years), but I thought we were washed up when Eddie Rutkowski was quarterbacking. We didn't do all that bad. Watched them before and since. Seen ups, seen downs. They are still the Bills. If it weren't for the crap they pull, we wouldn't love them. The true heart attack kids. They, over the last 30 some odd years-either pull it out and scare us? Or lose like crap and scare us. They're the Buffalo Bills. The one team in football you watch consistently for 30 years because you never know what's gonna happen. They could easilly be three and oh. Whatever. Every dog has their day. We had four in four years, it's history. Should have won the first one-never had a chance in the last three, and the first half of the fourth one wasn't bad.
It's Bills football. Run to OJ, run to OJ, run to OJ-punt.
What's changed? We'll be there again. Ying and Yang.