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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Yes, I did. It was actually a novella, wasn't it? "Betty Grable and the Shawshank Redemption".
  2. There's a bull out in the south 40 with a wistfull look... We? How long you been playing for the Cardinals? Didn't know they let sheep in the locker room.
  3. I said that once and everyone thought I was crazy. Now you and me are crazy. Actually, only you-because I was kidding. But I'm starting to think seriously about it. It's the only rational explanation for the Bills.
  4. I've been busy all day listening to banjo music and pouring over seed catalogues. Wha'd I miss? BF? You're a piece of work. You jumping all around on the yankees like you own the friggen Cardinals or something, assuming you're going to be in the series. Maybe-maybe not. You got guys like Gant and me who are Braves fans, but we don't post 25 threads per day about how "our" team has been there every year since Christ was a Corporal, but you managed to get your Braves shot in there too-more than one. I give Bobby Cox a lot of credit for management this year. took a team with very little to work with in comparison and he's in the playoffs as NLE. Ain't there some bull out there needing milking? Get you outdoors, at least. If you don't want to get piled on, give it a rest.
  5. I'm having a Deja Vu moment all over again.
  6. Haven't watched any of it, but sounds like they need the Professor. Guy can make a nuclear reactor out of six seashells and a coconut, but can't fix a three foot hole in a wooden boat.
  7. I always get a charge out of folks who act like they are on the team. Good post GANT. I never figured the Bravos would make it this far. Hell of a run, Bobby.
  8. Who's Poojer?
  9. Our pitching is in NY and Chicago.
  10. No. Watch it. Turn the sound up and get your best resolution. I think everyone with an "opinion" here and elsewhere needs to see this. This is why we do what we do. This is how they think. Cutting someones head off slowly with a dull knife is traditionally reserved for "traitors to Islam". Very rarely used. Become sort of commonplace, Hasn't it kids? YOU are a traitor to Islam because you aren't one of them. Could be you. Could be your daughter or son. That's what it's become. Watch it. Don't sit there and "make policy" if you don't have the stomach. Pisses me off. And what pisses me off more is half of YOU figure this is our fault. Go watch Survivor, or whatever is real important in you life.
  11. The youngsters don't even know what we're talking about. I don't think.
  12. By the way, you don't have to use the asterick. Just type stevestojan. Everyone knows what stevestojan means.
  13. Oh Man! Were you at Watkins Glenn? What a time we had. I hope it wasn't your dried apples I ate. that show brought a whole new meaning to the term "bartering".
  14. I’ll toss out one. It’s been a long day. The TD song. (IF I Only had a Brain-Wizard of OZ) Instead of quick the line is fatter, it really doesn’t matter It comes out all the same I could be an institution, with a football team that’s ruined If I only had a brain. I fooled Buffalo with Bledsoe, It worked then and I said so they bought it, pretty lame It went well for 16 quarters, fans are chomping at the borders Man we need to win a game Well I think they are unhappy, I might not make next draft day Oh, that’s right…I feel the pain I guess we really need to win one, how the hell do I produce one If I only had a brain. Hand it off to Travis Henry, he’s a stud so do they do tell me Where’s he going! What a shame The block was to the weak side and he tripped up on the strong side If he only had a brain Back on defense London Fletcher, a name we all remember Took the head off the Q-B Problem was the whistle blew then, and instead of fourth and two then Now they have a first and three. Well Ralph has given me some money, when we talk I call him Honey It all stays just the same I will keep on big name has beens and neglect offensive lineman ‘cause I really got a brain.
  15. I just wrote about six paragraphs, then pulled it. What's the point?
  16. Yeah, it's gotta be bad when they pull the board. Barbarians at the gates.
  17. Man, I wanted to do something with that-but figured I couldn't keep it going. Thanks for picking up my six. Excellent work.
  18. The short answer is, we are already doing that. The short answer is, we are already doing that. The short answer is, we are already doing that. And, if we weren't, there's nothing there that says how they are going to do anything. What is bothersome to me is that this comes from his campaign website, and potential voters consider this tripe a plan.
  19. Who's Poojer?
  20. If you really, actually, truly believe this, then the country is in much worse shape than I thought when it comes to people having informed opinions.
  21. What are ya gonna do?
  22. Ah...those were the days. Remember now pipsqueak, who Daddy Rabbit is... And didn't we just say !@#$ the Turkey Vultures anyway? Yeah, yeah I know. They were the original issue, but damn. Bunnies are easier to kill! You get rid of the bunnies-there is no food supply for the turkey vultures!
  23. Believe me. I have no friggen idea about what I'm talking about on anything. I'll shut up now.
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