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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Thank you. Quite succinct.
  2. Close your eyes. That will make it all better.
  3. ...The day, the music died.
  4. Welcome to the chess game.
  5. No stevestojan. Better than a dead sheep, though.
  6. And you also have an understanding and a maturity level beyond many who post here and elsewhere. In the simplest of terms, there are many who do not grasp the reality of what this is about. You can tell from their opinions. This brings it home. Many of them "understand" the photos our media sometimes shows of dead Iraqis, and it fuels public debate and division. I'm old enough to remember this from other times. I've puked up stuff ad nauseum on what this conflict is truly about. No one reads it. These tapes underscore the nature of our adversary. We've been inundated with our mistakes and transgressions, but sadly-our mainstream media choses to ignore the other side. Senator Kerry's campaign, bumbling as it may be has been using this overall bias to their benefit. I'm pretty sure you understand the ideology. I understand the strategy. And BTW, nice way to phrase "You're wrong, shut the F up!" See? We can disagree in civility!
  7. Just wait until the part about a lot of that money funding terrorists comes out.
  8. woooo wooooo WOOOOO woooo (weird science fiction music)
  9. We never would have received UN support. This isn't the place for discussing global strategies, the dynamics of asymetrical warfare, or the operational philosophies of Al Qaida. For one thing, it would be a minimum of 10 paragraphs just to lay out the situation. Without going into a detail, and for what it's worth, I had access to much of the same consolidated intelligence information that was used in the decision making. Based on what was thought to be known at the time as well as several other issues directly related to the Global War on Terror, the decision to invade was prudent. Hindsight is usually 20-20. The strategies involved in prosecuting the GWOT are sound. Some of the execution is flawed. When you go to Kerry's website, and look at his National Defense bullet points, it's sad to note that what he is proposing is already being done by the current administration. His execution philosophies though, i'm sorry to say-are just plain wrong. He knows that, and will never use them, but he'll say that stuff now to get elected.
  10. Seriously, the major problem here is that the average American has absolutely no clue as to what this war is all about. Kerry is taking advantage of that fact by playing to the masses. He HAS no plan, and what he has suggested as one will have half the world speaking arabic by 2015. Bush's camp can't articulate the situation because it can't be done in soundbites, and many of the successful aspects can't be talked about anyway.
  11. National Defense is my primary issue as well. Senator Kerry would be a disaster of great proportions. What I fear, as with most things, Kerryites will never go past the soundbites, and the Bush administration for a variety of reasons doesn't market themselves right. They need to be explaining the dynamics of things, and just why Kerry's soundbites are the wrong approach. Anything past this needs to go to the PPP.
  12. !@#$ You.
  13. Nahnee Nahnee boo boo, your all filled with big doo doo... Go !@#$ a sheep and go away.
  14. When I can't post here anymore. Enjoy.
  15. Guest? I'm sure that was a passionate fan post.
  16. I'm drinking Gin. Bring it on. Who cares?
  17. At least you think it's worth it. I'm about out of gas again.My songs/jngles are old here, I'm sure...though I do want you to picture Archie and Edith. That makes the song. I have to go kill a cricket now...
  18. Hey, Ed wants to eliminate half the world's population now! You gotta kind of like a fella like that.
  19. The nerves of the Yankees fans? Man, as outclassed as you are already, and I could give a stevestojan about the Yankees you actually claim a victory? The flock must be wet tonight. You been telling stories again, ain't you?
  20. Baa Baa Blacksheep have you any wool... No can't do it, BF's full...
  21. for you, it's more like: Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes. Spiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikes....
  22. I've been a Braves fan for a while. I could honestly care about an AL team till it matters. That's why I can't get the "get the Yankees" coming out of a St. Louis fan. That's like the Bills fans getting freaked when Green Bay looks good. Most people past the age of 10 get a grip. Isn't there a Yankees fan board? WTF is Bum Fugg Indiana posting this never ending drivel here anyway? Is this the last place in etherland that anyone will talk to him? The sheep's in the meadow-the cow's in the corn.
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