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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Oh, Jesus H. Crist. Gimme a little break here, Mickey.
  2. I think it in reality was more fear of "negotiation". Producing flu vaccine is a complicated and not very profitable process, compared to other pharmaceutical venues. The only way to make a profit is serious bulk. There are only two companies who do it for us, commercially. GW made the right answer, but so be it. He is not protecting America. Feel better?
  3. You are gonna buy her last words were "Integrity, integrity, integrity"? Right. What a shameless whore. And I'm not even a Bushyite. Sells his dead mother down the river for political gain. Vote for Kerry. You desrve it.
  4. You the purple one? you post on "Craigslist" right?
  5. Nice try, Dave. "Socialism" isn't an issue here. We were doing a lot better security-wise when the evil Soviet Empire had a stake. This is not a war against Islam, but it is a war against a well funded fundamental sect smart enough to use the ideological rhetoric in a play for regional domination. What is really dangerous is that the ideology comes before the strategy. I'd be happier if they were just power crazy nut cases like the rest of us. They are smart enough to understand global economics and the dynamics and interplay of global politics. They are very, very good strategists to a point. They screwed up on 9/11-they succeeded in a decisive brilliant sneak attack, but are now struggling with the war. They never expected the response they got-they expected a few airstrikes, a bunch of feel good TV soundbites and a dozen or so cruise missiles. Now they are not sure of the response they will get. I've mentioned many times before that the only deterrent to Al Qaida is fear of failure. There is nothing militarily to hold at risk with them, other than that. Well, we have them there. They are uncertain. Going back to the days of "ask the UN" and "building coalitions" plays right into their hands. It becomes predictable, and restores their advantage. They, for the most part are not predictable. Right now, neither are we. I'd hate to see that change for the sake of a vote so that somebody can be a something, rather than somebody wanting to do something.
  6. No, for the simple reason everyone lies on the surface at least. The only reason folks like Germany are making an above the radar overture is either that a "deal" has already been struck, or the perception is there that a "deal" can be made. When it's politically expedient for a world leader, who is worried about his own voting base, to support America, he will. I agree wholeheartedly with you on the borders. That's a hard one. We have a lot of border, and things get very political there. Talk to "white" and "black" Californians on the issue. The DoD can support efforts there, within the Posse Comitatus act still under Title 10 authority, but there is a serious lobby against it. Welcome to America. My point was, Tracey-that the German "announcement" is just so much political trash. I've tried to give a very brief overview, a bad synopsis, of the overall situation as it stands. I'm very close to this. I have also stated in the past that Mickey Mouse could be president, for all I care. Mine is not political rhetoric. I deal with it. Daily. Kerry is not the way to go on this particular issue. You want to vote for him based on economy, health care or stem cells? Please do so. Please don't vote for him based on defense. He's the wrong answer.
  7. Sick people. And we want to call ourselves morally superior. It really just boils down to who wins. If you win...you're superior. If you lose...your screwed. The object is to win.
  8. Friggen target practice. Take THAT! Kitty. Meet my little friend! They've been eating Cheetos and drinking too much beer. Complacency kills...
  9. I'm actually grateful that Melody is keeping him off the streets. She's smarter than him. The world is a safer place for it.
  10. I take it you haven't seen the cartoon published by the Jewish Democrats of Cheney being beheaded?
  11. So, whatever happened to Buftex? Folks want to debate issues? No, they don't. Most folks do drive bys with no thought nor purpose.
  12. And people call you a whacko. . This crap has been going on since someone first thought of voting.
  13. Scandal in Vegas. A company contracted to gather voter registrations by the Republican committee is accused of throwing out Democratic registration forms. Welcome to the party, boys and girls.
  14. Once again, thank you for the polite "FU"! No, there's no reason not to take them off the books. As I said, you have to understand the deep south. You have some folks making a statement. Yes, definitely racial overtones but it's not that simple. This goes back to the 1850's. There's a heck of a lot of pride down there, more so than anyone in NYS is used to. This thread could get ugly real fast-because the race issue is so inflamatory. Everyone with a "voiced opinion" is of your take. Anyone with an honest dissent, whether racially motivated or not is a pariah. Some people don't like the idea of mixing. Take the point of a 1st grade parent who sends their kid to school, and has someone bussed in who pees on the floor of the classroom because they weren't raised to do different. Yeah, you find things like that in Montgomery. It happens. How about driving down the road and having a couple youths step off the sidewalk in front of you on purpose, so you have to hit your brakes to avoid hitting them? It grates after awhile. I'm not saying it's right-I'm saying that's the way it is.
  15. I am not a drone. I am a sleazy, slimy contractor-thank you very much.
  16. Only Nixon could go to China.
  17. Where do opinions stop and rants begin? You're initial post was flavored with "Take THAT Bushyites!". Nothing in so far as pros-cons-right-wrongs... That's how these things get started. It's in the presentation. As far a a sense of humor, we all have one one way or another-but these are serious subjects requiring serious thought. Many people take it that way. When there is honest discussion about what the global war on terror is about and who is best in position to address it, nah-nee nah-nee boo boo doesn't help explain anything, whether it comes from you, me RiO, Tenny or whoever.
  18. I'd rather a sorority girl. So, how many folks he going to beat up over spelling at this point? 6? 16? Whatever. You guys shouldn't pick on defenseless baby seals so hard. You'll get a nasty reputation and people won't like you.
  19. OK, in the spirit of the thread... I was in Savannah, Georgia this past weekend. Armstrong University. I don't think the aforementioned Alma Mater can hold a candle. Both quality and quantity. Big nursing program. Southern Belles.
  20. ...smashing my balls flat with a tire iron.
  21. 'Cause that's how things are in Alabama? In practical terms-are these laws being enforced? I spent a lot of time living in the south. They are making kind of a statement. For 30 years everything has been about how mean whitey is, and all sorts of new laws and programs are floating around, some of them ridiculous-to lean over backwards for minorities. Some folks see this as a usurping of their rights.
  22. Just curious. Did you take me up on reading the other thread? I'm not going to post the same thing in two different places when I can reference, or does discourse on a subject interfere with ranting?
  23. Nope, I need the one with the crayon marks. I'm a stupid nerd.
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