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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Uh huh, and drug dealers "offer" drugs.
  2. And you can't get a password for a non-pronounceable symbol formerly know as Jay?
  3. Can't you !@#$ing read... Oh sorry, HB Jay!
  4. So we can use it to get you to a gallop?
  5. Buffalo 19 (Bills get a safety) Miami 13
  6. Never get complacent. This is a family that eats it's young.
  7. Saddle up.
  8. Try a couple weeks in Afghanistan. In some places it's considered sport.
  9. You lookin' to get picked on Rodeo girl?
  10. Maybe's he's peeled a couple on folks he don't like very much.
  11. That's Bubba, for short.
  12. Unless the weather is cold, then he'll be the one stuck to the bumper.
  13. Is this some oblique slam at waitstaff? Who spend many tireless hours on their feet everyday making sure people like you get extra icecream on their pie? How elitist.
  14. Just stop the nearest short bus.
  15. I predict I'll be inebriated by 2:30.
  16. Whoever the hell JFP is needs detention. Paco makes Tacos. Almost nobody can spell. I'm a know it all ****. Secretaries probably CAN spell and some look good in dirty pictures. R.Rich is either too much of a sissy not to or has the excellent common sense not to fill Shaw's roster spot. Aussie is from Texas. VA Bills is not. WTF cares about bobby Shaw? Did I miss anything?
  17. Ought to scare Drew.
  18. That I'd like to see, but he keeps whining like a little girl that he's too old and out of shape.
  19. What happens to the roster spot? It will be filled by....
  20. You never sent me the paypal info.
  21. As do we all. I heard that if you have a store card, or a credit card they can still call you (their "affiliates").
  22. You have no idea as to how vile that is. If you think it's right, you know no idea of love, nor devotion. Figures. Vote for Kerry. Whoowhaaa.
  23. Couple that with "the flu". It takes a while to even determine what "the flu" will be that year. An attempt by your government to help. Well, sometimes things don't work to your liking. Blame the President. You would give Clinton a bye, cause he would have smiled and said "Garsh".
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