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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. He DID say they were stringy. Guess he didn't know about boil and fry, like squirrel. Hey Harriett, you seen Bubba around lately?
  2. We started with 40's here. About the temp of an igloo sauna. We should take a roadtrip to Iceland.
  3. Saw your mouse thing. We're too much alike. (Had a mouse caught by the tail in a trap once...) Scary... However, I don't dress up like igloo drapes and frequent gay bars... Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  4. I was thinking line, dumbass. How about tackle eligible at the goal line? Then again, no one would be expecting it...
  5. No... We're not taking the bait...
  6. Nice one! He can retire with a couple more of those, or at least treat himself to a catnap. I went into the hood today with my pellet gun. Kitties really aren't much of a challenge. About the best they can do is run under a car and stare at you......... for about 5 seconds... "Mommy? Have you seen Garfield?"
  7. Probably shouldn't have warned ya. Figured it would get deleted if I didn't.
  8. I heard AD just slaps 'em on some bread with a little mayo.
  9. We'll be snacking on kitty wings. You for hot or mild? We get them at the dead kitty grocery store. Fryers, $1.79/lb. Dead Kitty Butcher Shop (Graphic?)
  10. Who do you think is buying? Me and Kelly aren't too proud to sponge.
  11. Give it a chance. It is, after all, Buffalo. How about ice fog?
  12. You watch them every Sunday...
  13. What's the first thing you put on? "I want the worm"? BTW, do bunny recipes work on cats?
  14. Shots kicking in?
  15. Kelly and Hariett sitting in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G! first comes...
  16. That's what I get for answering a phone call. Just sneak on in there, huh?
  17. Some of the best. Oh, I forgot the dead cat on the barbie link. We past PG-13 yet?
  18. We will, Bud, we will.
  19. In the igloo, it's all the same. Demented twilight. Can't really pick on him for being a Homo (not that there's anything WRONG with that..) since the accuser is gone... You wanna turn him into PETA? He eats cats.
  20. Got that carpal tunnel, eh?
  21. It's Friday with no plan and it's crappy weather. Might as well drink cheap at home. BTW, where did the Homo go? Must be driving to "the bar" after work.
  22. Yeah! Well, Harriet's older than me! (Lame, but the best I could come up with)
  23. We're fighting Israelis in Alaska? stevestojan, I thought me and the polar bear had a deal?????? AD's a homo-the damn bear was supposed to get pictures! This is getting complicated. My head hurts.
  24. Yeah! Well Let me tell you about the time...I forgot.
  25. Who's Alaska Darin? Thank you very much for !@#$ing correcting us, aszhole.
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