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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Thailog had him too. Why do you think he spins around so much?
  2. Probably why you haven't heard out of NJ Sue yet. Chopper made it in. Probably playing Wagner like Apocalypse Now.
  3. How about the Jills then? They blink.
  4. How about the Jills or Billy Buffalo. That can't possibly be controversial.
  5. You still talking politics? It's Saturday. Time to think about Laurie Dhus legs and lips, Goats, and cute Monkeys. What have we become?
  6. For at least an extra week. !@#$ a bunch of monkies.
  7. Well, given a choice, I'll take two legs over four. I'm after all, not from Ohio River Indiana. I understand it makes them more stable, but the moo that high pitched is absolutely scary. Saw it on a Lifetime documentary once.
  8. OK, torment me. See if I care.
  9. Byron's Lobster House. Great food, good drinks and two brothers run it. A couple of really funny Greek guys. The skinny one who runs the kitchen is a huge Bills fan. Call them and see if they still have DTV, haven't been there in a while. the swarthy one runs the floor. Look like a couple of gun runners. Family affair. Both the good looking daughters work the tables. Last time I was there, we were sitting around near closing time lamenting the Bills fortunes and the owner went back to the cellar and brought me out a bottle of a nicely aged expensive Greek white wine. It was my Birthday. Good, good people. Very down to earth, and since it's a restaraunt, no stupid crap. (Bar area is separate, you can let your hair down a little more there, eat at the bar).
  10. Hey, I'm being serious here. Don't turn your back on her. Especially if she's wearing THAT cologne. She got really pissed when it didn't sell.
  11. Buster rides a Limo. Sometimes the Jet Ranger helicopter. Buster's pretty cool. Him and Sylvia are like J-Lo and (?, pick one). Always something going on. Sylvia only hangs around when it suits her. It's OK, us Jedis have bigger things to worry about. I really get tired of her whining about Thailog, though. Just tune her out. If he shows up, she'll be there saying "B word".
  12. My luck I'd aim for the all female planet looking for a way to regenerate their race and crashland on Ewok Land, or Planet of the Apes. Use a razor, for Christs sake. Well, I don't know...the one monkey in the last one was pretty hot...
  13. I was thinking Lee Evans going by him in and leaving him in a cloud of dust. Deion giving up a one-on-one 45 yard TD to a rookie. Sweet. Two would be better. "If you can run a 4.4 I'll run a 4.3" Make him eat those words. That said, I know that I'm not the only one who has seen Deion get away with pretty blatent D-holding this season. It's all about the TV. NFL=Soap Opera? Watching Moulds flat lay him out would be fun too. If the Bills have anything left at all, this should be a pretty physical game. I'm hoping for a "who is a better LB" contest. Spikes, or Lewis. Should be fun to watch. BTW, Buster has your address. He said he's Cooooooooooooming by.
  14. That's pretty cold. Reason to stick to novocaine, though.
  15. I think on several levels he'd be good at it. Consumate politician. It could work. Being an American, and ex-president-he couldn't really stray too far. He'd risk-irrelevancy. The nightmare? Bill as SG, Hill in the White House. I might have to switch up from Costa Rica to a different planet yet to be named.
  16. I had to have one of those gum scraping things done once. IV sedation. I highly recommend. Highly. I vaguely remember having a very animated conversation with everyone around when we were done-no one payed the slightest bit of attention to me. Sort of like here. Anyway, I was a happy cowboy, and my healing process went faster since I wasn't so tense for the surgery (I have a typical three points of contact in the dentists chair- two elbows and a tailbone).
  17. They probably have a better chance of getting a decent election in the Congo, than we do here. That abortion that served as the last election openned Pandora's box. It goes downhill from there. Until someone fields the second coming of Reagan or FDR, it's going to be a mess. I'd have to see a 20% margin or better to personally be convinced it was valid. Last time, out of 200 million some odd people the vote was decided on 500 and what? Jurrasic Park, here I come. Costa Rica looks better every day.
  18. Just don't get a swelled head or you be placed on the "Abuse Him" list at PPP. Come to think of it, aren't you already on it?
  19. This sort of came full circle again. When, oh when do the Bills get an offensive line? If Baltimore doesn't need to Blitz, it's going to be a long, long afternoon.
  20. Anyone besides me think Laurie Dhu has some really interesting lips?
  21. It would be interesting, to say the least. I don't see it happening though. Just a gut, but even though there might be support from third world, I don't see the second tier powers supporting that much American influence. UN is still considered to be their balance in some ways to our power domination-at least until the EU solidifies itself. Caveat being, China might play.
  22. And who ever said the young punks can't think. Good idea.
  23. That anything like CNTRL-ALT-DELETE? I'm ready to hit the bottle. It noon yet?
  24. Well, who's thread do we want to ruin now? Off to the Millenium Falcon...
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