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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Sue, very simply (as I'm one of the bigger azsholes here), it's going to happen. If you want to ask the questions, you'll probably get something to help-but you're also going to get ragged-especially after last time, as you showed a hair trigger. For some folks that's blood in the water. We not only eat our own young, but others young as well. Just grow another quarter inch of hide and ask away. You have to understand that some folks firmly believe in doing their own homework, as many believe that the value of learning how to research things is actually more valuable than the information researched. When the CEO comes to you for a short fuzed analysis, you probably aren't going to get much help from TBD. In their own savage way, some of them are trying to give you another point.
  2. What's really funny, is he could pull it off and Kerry would look like a dork trying. Not a political comment, but that's just the way it is. Now NADER trying it...that would be something to see.
  3. You SEEN some of those PG13's lately? Make you blush. Some of the G's are getting pretty rough as well. See the new Disney "A Mouse in Amsterdam?" Whew! Mickey at the wall. And Tinkerbell on one wing...well, don't want to spoil it.
  4. I give it an 88. It has a good beat, and I can dance to it.
  5. My washing machine.
  6. Not today, hon. I make the south end of a north moving goat look good this morning. Go Bills. Cheer me up. KD, Eryn, Mark and Lord knows who else have all been sick this week. How they got those germs to turn into electrons is quite a feat.
  7. You get your Uday bio and "How to succeed with" books mixed up again?
  8. DISCLAIMER: This thread is purely satirical in nature and is due mostly to Thailogs perverted tendencies. We just choose to humor him so he stays away from the ashtrays. I do not have LD tied up, chloroformed and being guarded by a goat. The goat, in fact, is in New Jersey. I believe that the lovely and talented Ms. Dhue, whom we all respect as a jounalist (cough...I have the flu...) is somewhere in the vicinity of New York. I, on the other hand am in the Metroplitan DC area, doing laundry. Paco is an idiot, and will basically do anything you tell him if he thinks it will get attention, and Cable is just another pathetic look at me post monger. Now, back to our regularly scheduled idiocy.
  9. Watching LD so I can watch the game. Anyone want to find a new thread to ruin?
  10. I miss the 20th Century. Things were so much more simple then.
  11. Yeah, me too. Pretty cool. I bet we could get laid. What do you think?
  12. No stevestojan. Do they have editors there? Yeah, they do-don't they?
  13. Girls got some nails too.
  14. This is bordering on incredible. I posted a little op-ed piece from a guy running focus groups in Iraq that said nothing more than "some Iraqis think things are getting better". By the time the thread was half way going it was a Republican hack saying why the war was a success. Said nothing of the kind. Now, we're back to polls. Just in general, this has been a continuing saga of the Kerryites going after anything that remotely says something is not as bad as you want it to be, like they were sharks on a wounded whale. I almost have a mental image of attack dogs leaping up every time they hear something not denigrating the present administration. It's a week before the election, and most people still don't have much of a clear idea of what Kerry plans to do as President, other than plan. they've justified his miserable defense record from the get go with nothing more to use than-"You're wrong". They point to every single mis-spoke remark by Bush with both hands and scream stupid-yet patently turn their back on Kerry's eloquently quoted reversals. When it's pointed out that some veterans find him dishonorable, for their reasons they are told their reasons are invalid. Kerry hero? Good. Kerry portrait in the Hanoi war museum? Well, that's good too. Wow.
  15. Better than "Dancing Queen"...oh...wait a minute...
  16. (OT) What's your favorite daytime cookie?
  17. Yeah, but nobodys looking at you. Go oil one of your sprockets.
  18. I'd run, but I have too many skeletons in the closet. You guys would have a field day. Both sides, since my platform would sound like it came from both sides. I would make a good President, though. Hate to have to run against my buddy KRC, but what are you going to do.
  19. Fest? He's going to have live folk music and lots of arts and crafts? Cool.
  20. I've heard. So does KRC. So does anyone with a pulse.
  21. I think Rich is having a busy weekend. He has to babysit today, you know.
  22. Actually, I do like my coffee hot, strong and black. And no matter how hard you try to disuade or distract me, I'm still going to come up with a workable Laurie Dhu plan.
  23. We've got someone on the "inside" smearing supporters with Ben Gay. Hope they got the right locker room.
  24. You remember the old Eddie Murphy Bear and Rabbit joke?
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