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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Yeah, he's a lunatic sometimes. You don't like what he says. But he has also flown a Loach (old OH, before the sensor domes on top) in combat, I think he has a right to his opinion. Sorry Rich. I'm tired of this crap.
  2. As an aside. I learned to fly in a Piper Tripacer, PA-22-150. An old airplane. I painted a big Snoopy on the side (Red Baron, and all that) Her name was Snoopy Two. (Snoopy one got Rosened, since I was flying it, lots of reasons why we had two). You can be the official Beagle any time. Snoopy has always been a personal hero of mine. He's one of the few who gets it.
  3. What StarWars avatars? You didn't see any StarWars avatars....never happened. Feel the force.
  4. You haven't been keeping up with CBS? July is not only old news, but irrelevant. Who's on Survivor tonight?
  5. Sorry Aussie. I don't mean to minimize your concerns. Some of us have been there, and we joke. I was a career soldier (screw you jarhead). I've seen the best, and the worst. He doesn't need this to be a better man, but he will be a better man for it. A lot of it is crap, and six months from now you will be getting letters to that effect. He'll hate it. But, he'll love it too. There is probably no closer bond, than that of soldiers or Marines who have had to do. It will sink in. And the lessons he learns here will serve him the rest of his life. You may not agree with "the war". And, he won't know until he has the reality check. He'll learn. And so maybe might you. Through him. It's different when you are there.
  6. Too much curry? Gulf act two was easier to get to, in a way. Because we didn't have to screw with taking Kuwait. What was screwed up though, is as soon as you crossed the border on MSR whatever it was, one had to make a sharp left hand turn. the Iraqi kids would jump in the back of the truck and just start pitching things out. You know a convoy. Funny as stevestojan. Gulf one we as a whole didn't know any better. We actually believed shooting camels was bad, for about a week. A lot of camels met Allah the first day.
  7. You just now figure that out? I haven't lived there in 30 years, and I swore I'd never go back.
  8. WHAT? You want me to read? oooooooooooooooo, Too hard! What's on must watch TV?
  9. I forgot my smiley.
  10. Welcome to the 21st Century, my friend (and I know you are). It's just the way things are now. No one ever stops to think for ten seconds before they do anything. Everything is reaction. No thought, no strategy and no pre emptions. It's all about what's on the news tonight. What will the masses listen to this week?
  11. At least you admit it. Kudos to that. Young punk.
  12. Smells bad too. Still, good prices on gold. You off any camels?
  13. So, it's OK to play a call to prayer in Michigan, but it's not OK to put up a Nativity at Christmas in Nebraska. The people who wrote our Constitution never meant for what has happened. The world at the time, did not tolerate seperation of church and state. Most nations were one and the same. What they wrote was tolerance. Oh, has that been abused, warped, bastardized and changed. This nation was founded on the old Judeo-Christian ethic. And now, we're not allowed to mention it because some aethist in California might be offended. Once again, mark my words-we will regret this. I'm still convinced, personally, that the Dem-Libs are still pining for the Clinton days when everything was "so what, blow jobs from interns are good-what does that have to do with running a country?" everyone do whatever the hell they want for the short term instant gratification. This country has lost all sense of personal responsibility through that, and folks miss it. Who doesn't like the idea of "do whatever you want?" It's attractive.
  14. She's too old. I've been in and out of the middle east since the early 80's. Lots of other neat places too. Sure is an interesting place. Great prices on gold. Just gotta love the armchair quarterbacks, though. We got plenty of them. Kinda screwed up staying in the business, when I thought I was done I end up on occasion going back.
  15. Probably not.
  16. With a slightly sweet, porkish kind of taste. Like I said, it's in the sauce.
  17. Is this a bad time for the gratuitous kitty's in the butcher shop photo? Or are we still PG-13 (which is where most of America needs to be anyway...) Hey, they taste kind of like squirrell. The sauce makes the dish.
  18. I met you neighbor today. Nice picture.
  19. SUW? I'm going to the wine store for some Vodka.
  20. sorry, got mixed up. Thought this was the toy thread. My bad. Sorry.
  21. Is that what you say in a pinch? I'll have to pass that on to Kelly.
  22. Better be glad you don't have DC Toms cats. They run up your phone bill and have sloppy parties. Never use coasters.
  23. so, you chase the cat around with a scooper? No wonders they are nutted up.
  24. We are witnessing a never ending trainwreck. Maybe 1BD should watch some network news to at least try to learn how to spin. Then again, you can't. It's like the Captain of the titanic saying, "Hey, it's just some ice!"
  25. More time for hunting shows and football channels.
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