What a wonderful world.
Believe me, it will get more interesting as time goes on. Of course, in defference to Debbie I don't give soundbites to the UN where I can be quoted on a website saying nothing, so it's just my ignorant stupid wanna be someone look at me opinion. We must automatically believe whatever the UN says, with their French chief inspector, (who BTW has consulted with the Kerry campaign, but that's another matter) because By God, they are the UN! Khoffi is da man!
Any of you folks ever been to Iraq? You can't move a hundred trucks in and out of a place like that without someone noticing, when your guys are using the same friggen highway constantly. It's not like here. How frigging stupid do you think the "troops" you support are?
MAN. I'm sorry, but this stevestojan really pisses me off. How did we get so stupid?
I don't know that the Russian connection is right. I firmly believe the stuff was already gone (that, in the context also that it doesn't really matter much, there are explosives and ammo every 25 feet in Iraq-think about what it was before we came in. This is a ploy by your hero, Kerryites-if it works I'm sure your TV stations will make everything right. Bush Bad).
This whole thing is stupid beyond belief, but it might give Kerry some votes.
Stupid people. I'm sorry, but stupid people. This isn't a Tom Clancey novel. Vote for gay marriage. Rah Team. High fives all around. Just don't vote for him on defense, please. I'm imploring you. Vote for Kerry on anything else, but not that.