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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Semper Fi. And from my youth, Garey Owen.
  2. I absolutely miss the 20th century. It's not football, it's everything. We used to be a good, responsible people. What happened?
  3. They have six teats. Sorry, that was too easy.
  4. Sorry about my spelling of analogy (just trying to pre-empt Darin and Tom). No, you are wrong. The middle east is the key to a global community. Without it, there won't be one. The bad guys are nuts, but not stupid. They realize this. In spite of whatever mistakes were made, and there have been several. There have also been many successes, but you will not hear of them from our media. The condition of what the world will be like 10 years from now is in the balance. That's also what is important. You don't like the process. Sure, everyone wants everything right now. That is our way. We are the ultimate immediate gratification people. We suck, because of it. This election is proof positive. This is probably the most important Presidential election in 50 years. 45-55 percent of our population doesn't like it. Well, start over. You obviously don't understand what is at stake, and how serious it is. That's OK. whatever happens TV will tell you it's OK. You think the economy is bad now? I'm waiting for the Kerry explanation, should he get elected, as to why we have a new cold war with nuclear weapons and oil is at 80 dollars a barrell.
  5. What a wonderful world. Believe me, it will get more interesting as time goes on. Of course, in defference to Debbie I don't give soundbites to the UN where I can be quoted on a website saying nothing, so it's just my ignorant stupid wanna be someone look at me opinion. We must automatically believe whatever the UN says, with their French chief inspector, (who BTW has consulted with the Kerry campaign, but that's another matter) because By God, they are the UN! Khoffi is da man! Any of you folks ever been to Iraq? You can't move a hundred trucks in and out of a place like that without someone noticing, when your guys are using the same friggen highway constantly. It's not like here. How frigging stupid do you think the "troops" you support are? MAN. I'm sorry, but this stevestojan really pisses me off. How did we get so stupid? I don't know that the Russian connection is right. I firmly believe the stuff was already gone (that, in the context also that it doesn't really matter much, there are explosives and ammo every 25 feet in Iraq-think about what it was before we came in. This is a ploy by your hero, Kerryites-if it works I'm sure your TV stations will make everything right. Bush Bad). This whole thing is stupid beyond belief, but it might give Kerry some votes. Stupid people. I'm sorry, but stupid people. This isn't a Tom Clancey novel. Vote for gay marriage. Rah Team. High fives all around. Just don't vote for him on defense, please. I'm imploring you. Vote for Kerry on anything else, but not that.
  6. What he said.
  7. You need to come around PPP more often.
  8. I don't know that anyone is promoting Travis. He's on his way out the door, what's wrong with saying something nice about the guy? I think he's as dumb as a bag of rocks, but at least he'd play for his paycheck. Willis has quite a few more games to play before I get a feel for where his heart and his head is. It's just a game anyway. Games are called games because the objective is to win. It's what you do to win that counts.
  9. There's probably a million boards similar to this one out there. You might as well wait a few weeks. At least enough time to allow all the lawsuits to get filed. It's not going to be pretty. There are so many issues out there, that it's gone past disgusting. I wish our vote made a difference, but it really doesn't. They are cast based on falsehoods and misrepresentations. TV will tell us what to do. I think we should have a national election for communications executives. Some folks try to run the country, you don't hear much about them. The "media" are the ones who run us. We've lost the desire to think. It's sad. Hope the boy does well.
  10. We were in the field in Germany one time and played a little sand lot football game during some down time. One of my guys got a good lick in. I literally had to have my driver tie my boots in the AM, since I couldn't bend that far. I couldn't imagine playing pro football in that condition.
  11. Agent probably told him not to whine looking towards his next team. Seriously. That said, anyone who has ever had a cracked or bruised rib knows what he must have went through last year. He might be as dumb as a turnip, but he's got game.
  12. Big subject among the local deadskin fans.
  13. Yeah, and we killed and ate happy bunny too.
  14. I was going to say I have decided to enter the priesthood, but I can only imagine how unmerciful that would become.
  15. This is going to get ugly fast.
  16. It popped back up because it's been said the Spetznaz moved the 380 tons of explosives. We'll just have to see where that one goes.
  17. Your avatar is turned around again. You should seriously get with administration and try to find out who's !@#$ing with you so hard.
  18. I love the ananolgy. The most critical piece of terrain on the board is the middle east, isn't it?
  19. BRAVES FANS! I resemble that remark. Sorry I missed it. We could have discussed dynastys, and all the times the Braves kept the Cards from going anywhere. Never make the gravy until the chicken comes out of the oven. Surest way to curse your own good time.
  20. Feel the love.
  21. Wow. This sure is fun to watch.
  22. Because we need the territory.
  23. Actually, I'm just trying to kiss up to get the TV card. Just kidding, I don't much watch anything anyway, it would be a waste.
  24. kitty. Vet won.
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