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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. And all of the happy little American hot pockets are being played like a fiddle. What an embarrassment. You got to take time to at least try to understand the big game.
  2. Run a google on France India UN Security Council. We are making an ally out of Pakistan. We also have a good relationship with India. Look at the lengths France will go to in order to undercut us. And Kerry wants to be big buddies.
  3. How come no one is paying any attention to the fact that this whole explosives brouhaha began with the Iraqi minister shooting a letter off to the French UN inspector? About a week before the election? Here is a little factor you might not be aware of. The US removed 1.77 metric tons of Enriched Uranium from the Tuwaitha facility in June. The Iraqi ministry didn't want them to do that, but the shipment was carried out before the interim Iraqi authority was granted power-so they had no say. Make any dif to any of you?
  4. Realistically, how many people do you think it would take to secure 15-20,000 ammunition dumps. Not counting the stuff squirrelled away before the invasion? There is no such animal as a perfect war.
  5. In my worthless opinion. Yes. People should google more and opine less. What sense does it make to "create" explosives requiring strict manufacturing controls and facilities when you have thousands of pounds of the stuff just lying around ready to blow with a simple blasting cap?
  6. I suppose anyone forced to eat a few pounds of it might get pretty sick. Anyone catch that we're talking about white powder? It's an accelerator used to make usable explosives. Taking the C-4 out of the artillery shells, or using the artillery shells themselves is a much more efficient means of killing people then trying to get a barrel of white powder to detonate, rather than burn. If you want to blame Bush, you should blame him and his stupid, worthless military for not securing the millions of artillery rounds located at 20,000 sites within fifteen minutes of crossing the border.
  7. Your typical IED is a 155 howitzer HE round. In several that were found made of compound, the compound was recovered from HE artillery rounds. I'm just a make it all up wanna be look at me poster, true, but I don't believe that there have been any IEDs located containing pure RDX or HMX. I guess I could ask someone that works in the IED Defeat section, but they have no credibility as they are not a major news organization.
  8. I never said closeups.
  9. If everyone wants this madness to end, where are the moderate sunnis, shias and whoever else wants to play? Hand over the bad guys, stop the killings and everyone can get back to normal. I'd rather see 100,000 Americans in Iraq helping to build stuff than 100,000 combat troops.
  10. Blow stuff up lesson number 22A. The vast majority of IEDs used to blow up troops are fashioned from conventional artillery rounds. Much, much easier to handle and detonate than exotic blasting ingredients. Next in line is plastique compounds and regular old TNT. Literally thousands of tons of it, not just from Iraq but from all over the world. You have a plan for rounding up every bow and arrow on earth? Let me know what it is.
  11. I'm not stereotyping. Where is the vast majority of the violence taking place and who makes up the vast majority of the Baath party? You have your Shia nutcases causing trouble as well, but most of the real trouble is centered in predominantly Sunni areas. The territory comment was a Risk game reference. What is, or should be politically desired is a democratic Iraq that is considered to be a strong US ally within the region. That goes for both sides.
  12. Oil for food money goes a long way, doesn't it?
  13. If they and their Jihaddist buddies would stop shooting, this would long ago have been a non-issue. They want the Americans gone, right? My ass. This isn't about Iraq at this point, except up in Sunni land, where it's about Sunnis. I bet the relatives don't care much for Shiites involved in an election, do they?
  14. Thank you. You saved me the time. And, once again BTW, who's the one who started this explosives stuff a week before the election? The UN.
  15. Stuff that goes boom It occurred to me that many people might not even know what is being talked about. In essence, they're ingredients, requiring further manufacturing to be effective. I'm somewhat interested to see where this Russian story goes, as the claim is they made the stuff and wanted it gone before their complicity in Sadaams operations could be discovered. I'm not sure, but I don't think that the Iraqis had a manufacturing base to produce the raw ingredients on their own
  16. I was thinking the Jills. They always play about the same. Consistency.
  17. The guy I talked to was on an official site survey in early May. He tells me that the RDX and HMX weren't there in anything like those amounts. There were thousands of tons of other crap, because it's an explosives factory. They even found a small amount of Sarin. So, if he is correct-and giving all the Bush and his Army people are all stupid crowd the benefit of the doubt, all 380 tons of material would have to have been removed in less than a 30 day window. Pretty strong accomplishment to pull that off under everyone's noses.
  18. For what it's worth, there's virtually nothing about it in "the usual places". You can draw your own conclusions as to what that means, because I don't know. It just doesn't seem to be getting much discussion.
  19. We don't have anywhere near as many as we used to. We can only destroy about half the world now.
  20. Oh please shut up.
  21. Samantha... purr.
  22. Thanks for dropping in. I thought this was the official end to the stupid baseball posts on a football board fan site. Isn't whipping BF enough?
  23. Tasted good.
  24. Too late. I was going to talk dirty, but I'm no longer in the mood. Isn't that the typical female excuse? Must have learned it from somewhere.
  25. You missed me....
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