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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. What's the point of calling another candidate? Duh.
  2. Thank God they are running today. What did you think of Drews first pass?
  3. 1-39. You gotta love it. Every time I think they can't think up a new way...
  4. There actually were some excellent Defense initiatives begun under Clinton, in terms of policy. He was the first President to truly recognize the WMD proliferation threat and his administration initiated some good programs to address it. The organization I work for was formed under his watch. Also, the drawdown of the active military began under Bush 1. We were geared to fight massive tank battles against the Soviet Union. The world changed. Clinto hurt us the worst in readiness and intelligence. Two very key areas. The Clinton era military placed too much reliance in technology, when it's still the guy flying the jet or carrying the rifle that implements whatever actions are required at the time. He also bears a lot of the burden for why folks like Al Qaida think they can push us around. The withdrawl from Somalia and the conduct of the war in the Balkans sent a very clear message. Reagan shares blame there as well, pulling out of Lebanon. Our current crop of bad guys are not going to respect anyone that doesn't have a lot of resolve. Well, time for the weekly flogging. Go Bills!
  5. Unless something very, very drastic happens to the good in the National Security arena, I don't think Hillary has a chance in hell. I don't think the country, as a whole, would elect the first woman president during a time of war. The woman president gets elected when social issues are most paramount. Then again, I forgot where this conversation is taking place.
  6. There I must draw the line. I hate cats. Useless, unless you have a barn with mice.
  7. With the PC, do not offend, government programs will save us and I don't want to know any facts I don't agree with direction this country is going, I don't honestly see how this won't happen. Bush will win on Tuesday, but I have no hopes for 2008. Just a thought.
  8. I've turned off my ringer.
  9. My very gender association challenged next door neighbor and I were discussing that very thing. He's surprised I didn't put out a Bush-Cheney poster. (There are at least 10 Kerry-Edwards banners on my block). I would have, but don't feel like having my car keyed. People get that stupid. It makes for some interesting sidewalk conversations though. I love watching their eyes roll back into their head and listening to the stammering begin. "Wha-wha-what-WHAT? How can you vote for BUSH! He ___(insert soundbite). Kerry has a plan to fix that!" America. What a place to call home, huh?
  10. That's "Gender Association Challenged" to you big fella. Still, getting back to the brouhaha that started this whole thing, I would highly recommend to the libs that they move here. It's like a lib Mecca. There's a couple places for rent just a few doors down. I'm surrounded by them. A few more aren't going to make much difference.
  11. I guess this would be a bad time to mention a buddy that calls me his favorite cracker honkie mofo. Those who actually know me know I don't have anything against anyone based on all this PC criteria crap. They also know I'm not very PC. Anyone I don't like I dislike on an individual level because of their personal actions in regards to me, or to someone else. As a class and a whole, I make an exception for DC area drivers. I dislike most of them when they are behind the wheel. Dislike strongly, sometimes. I really don't care one iota about it. But just the same, I don't personally believe in offending someone for no reason. My comment was not meant that way.
  12. And I honestly appologize to whoever might be offended. No offense was meant. They know I'm voting for Bush, and that I don't support a lot of their agenda. And they don't care. Ditto for me as to theirs. Old Towne is a very ecclectic and eccentric place with all kinds of personalities and ideas, but everyone seems to get along pretty well. You are correct though, that was an error in judgement in this forum, and for that I appologize. I can call them that to their face at the bar, and they have some pretty good names for me as well. It's all in laughter. Just a slip.
  13. Not a homophobe at all. There's a few I have beers with. They refer to themselves as fags, laughingly. Would you prefer I used the term homosexual? Point is, this is Alexandria, and the Gay community is going about 12-1 Kerry. And I'm not involved in intelligence, I'm involved in operations. Big difference.
  14. NATO Commander? You should talk with some folks who have served with him. I'd much rather see Tommy Franks in some appointed position.
  15. Slate? Alexandria is a rough place to be a Republican. Especially down on my end. Lots of fags and "young professionals". Some of the "young professionals" make for nice eye candy, but don't let them speak. Positively frightening. Make Debbie look like a neocon warmonger. I actually had a couple walk up to the car with some liberal assed petition at a stop light on Washington Ave yesterday. Some pledge to vote the democrat ticket. What the heck is the point of that? Trendi Chicks would be an apt description. (No offense, Stephanie, where ever you are-it's a ref to their mindset). It's "hip" to vote for Kerry. And they don't have a clue as to why. As for Moran, you should see some of the stuff I've found stuck in my door. Too rough to use as toilet paper. I'd would rather have voted absentee in Savannah, but registered in VA when I got my liscence changed. I'd predict this precinct will go at least 6-1 in favor of Kerry.
  16. Oh, go piss up a rope. Everyone knows it's about 380 tons of explosives. Base your next Supreme Court Justice on that! Cowboy.
  17. We are about 30 people, either way. I hope we talk to folks beyond this board.
  18. Probably not.
  19. We'll pretty well know for sure about Jan 05. I have a bad feeling that this one is going to make the last one look simple. Pandoras box got opened in 2000. Unless there is a 20% margin or better, I would expect every election from now on to go to the courts. They're pre-staging lawyers out there, for Chrissakes. Motions in hand. I bet a whole lot of people are rolling over in their graves. Look what we've become. Stupid and divisive. Neither candidate can get any truth out, because we have become so accustomed to the spinning and the soundbite. Everything has to be "right now". The campaign has been forced into a set of reactions, not a promotion of ideals. Screw a bunch of learning and understanding the issues. Let's see what the crisis is today? Whoever wins, we only get not only what we deserve, but what we asked for. And that's pretty sad. There should be a groundswell of support from everyone against our media. Reporting researched facts doesn't sell airtime, as it is boring. I, for one would love to see the media-if there is any interest in fairness and right left in this country, take a few of the issues and actually use their for stevestojan TV newsmagazines to present an unbiased assessment of the problem, and each candidates solution to the problem. Our voting problem is that unless you have personal knowledge or experience with something, who's to say what the !@#$ is really going on? Let alone, what the guys are going to do about it? Local elections for district commissioner have a lot more relevant information than the national in this regard. Look at this place. Someone is always going to feed into the first thing spouted about anything. That's because we've learned it from our sources.
  20. Thinking out of the box a little, Mick? There's hope for you yet.
  21. Damn, Paco forgot his smiley! That said, I'm not sure Moore isn't anxiously awaiting the next attack. More bucks. Whore. Sick !@#$ing whore.
  22. You are officially beyond help. Debbie, I love ya girl, you and I share a bond very few here understand, I separate that from this stuff, but your blinders on what's going on and where we are going are really mind boggling. I'm not going to change your mind about any of it, but get past the individual situations and try to look at the big picture. You jump on every single soundbite of the Kerry campaign, and when he gets left in the dust, you jump on the next. If you think Kerry has a better concept, post that. Not a constant "Bush Bad".
  23. You're good for at least a B plus. Bring a couple of Victoria Secrets models and we'll talk an A. A$sholes.
  24. I'm glad you brought that up. Planning is now totally transformed from concentrating on states and forces to concentrating on threats and capabilities. It's gone from rigid and inflexible to dynamic and adaptive. Probably the most progress made in that arena in the last 50 years has been made in the last 3. Rummy is driving us nuts, but he's right.
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