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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Well, this has certainly been interesting. Now everyone run along and play nice like you are now. I'm going to have a beer, and go to bed. (friggen swabbies...sheesh!)
  2. Oh, feel the love now. I liked you two better when you were fighting. At least it's been proven that Bigfoot exists, if AD doesn't have his skin in the igloo for a rug yet.
  3. I don't consider it proof at all. I just said it wouldn't surprise me. And that I don't care.
  4. Which of course he's going to do, as did Clinton and his Ganja. (Didn't inhale was one of the funniest lines I'd heard in a while). I think we have a few more elections to go before that becomes a non-issue. Didn't Gore admit to smoking pot? Dim memory of that coming up. At the time, I think it was thought a good way to defuse any potential controversy.
  5. I don't doubt it. I also put this in the Who Gives a stevestojan category. I had someone tell me that a friend of his sold Clinton a bag way back when. That kind of stuff doesn't matter to me, as long as they aren't doing it now.
  6. FWIW, As I pointed out before, the Bills have made me pretty numb to excitement. I saw some really great football stuff out of them today, don't have any complaints. But this team over the last few years has really sucked the school girl giddiness out of me. Let's put it this way. I wasn't anywhere even close to being as pumped as I was when the Bills blew out NE in the season opener. It doesn't have anything to do with them beating a dog at home. AZ has the top rated redzone defense in the NFL, so I wouldn't call them total dogs (although they definitely contributed to the meltdown sagas today). It has more to do with watching some great performances game after game after game waiting for the train wreck to happen.
  7. Not a very smart move. Just going to piss off a lot of Republicans and a lot of Democrats snort coke.
  8. Was this supposed to have a link? Or should we Kreskin out whatever you are talking about?
  9. Adds a little more significance to the next two Bills games, doesn't it? NE's secondary got pretty bruised today. Shame Buffalo has no way to take advantage of that. Tequila wings on the final regular season game? Double batch?
  10. Those underwear have a good week left in them, huh?
  11. I haven't lived here long enough to get a good feel. But I have lived here long enough to know Moran is an idiot. And he'll win too.
  12. There's one now!
  13. I just know a couple of posters who don't hold Warner in too high regard. Didn't know if they were lurking or not.
  14. Talk about running the ball. Surprising thing? No holding penalties. Wow.
  15. Oh Oh. You said Warner...I hear footsteps...
  16. I'm sorry that the TV didn't pick that up. Must be too NFL PC.
  17. Well, I bet that was a pretty bizarre conversation. "Was that a two under double QB spy?" "I think it was poor media representation skewing the facts of the situation"
  18. I missed that, heard it but didn't see it. It's not Buffalo. They can't be too blatant. $5.00 says you get two questionable anti-Pitt calls in the second half at critical times. And 4 non-calls on the Pats.
  19. My point exactly. Only drank three beers too. What has become of us?
  20. Well, having the flag out of your pocket before the snap does sort of give it away.
  21. Ahhh. Phantom holding call with 9 seconds on the clock takes away a Pitt field goal... ...it begins... Next up, 2nd half NE officiating.
  22. That's what I mean. Especially with folks like your crew. Can you imagine talking politics during a Kelly/Thomas/Reed game?
  23. Good game for Buffalo, saw a lot of fun stuff. But I used to would be a hootin' and hollerin' with a drubbing like that. Basically told myself they won, cool, put in a load of laundry and flipped to the Patsies game. Have they drug me down that far? If they can do the same thing to the Jets and NE, I think the excitement will return. Anyone else feel like, ho hum they won?
  24. Don't get too excited, 21 points at last check, but Walt still has a lot of game to call.
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