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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Did I hear someone say bunnies? Bunnies? BUNNIES? ROAD TRIP!
  2. As I've screamed from the rooftops, if you want to vote for Kerry, please don't do it based on defense. But, what's done is done. People who have shown repeatedly that they have no understanding whatsoever will vote Kerry because "He'll bring our boys home from Iraq", or something similar. I value mine too. I earned them. Funny how, when I know there's probably people here that have earned a purple heart, and more, I don't recall seeing anyone posting about it. That's all we heard for quite a while during this campaign from the hero himself. True heros don't shout it from the rooftops. I'm not enamored with GWB either. Even speaking in terms of defense, I have seen a lot that has made me wince. That said, his administration has learned, and things actually are a lot better. For crying out loud, this is the first administration in history that has had this much to learn and adapt to on the fly, and you want it to be perfect? Sure you do, we all do, but the reality is it isn't. Kerry is the one who has played to your fears, and told you what you want to hear. Now, if he gets elected, he'll continue to tell you what you want to hear-and you'll be happy. What you want to hear, and what is reality very often conflict. Whatever happens, I'll always respect the hell out of George W. Bush for not telling you what you want to hear. If he loses this election, that's why.
  3. And you probably don't have any idea how true that comment is.
  4. Why not put the voting machines at the bar? You know, like they do with the video poker? I like it. No one seems to know what they're voting over anyway, can you imagine 6 Scotch into it "I dareyou to vote for ______" Boy, would THAT put a crimp in the polls.
  5. What do you think?
  6. I also thought I made it pretty clear that there were moderates and extremeists, but folks hear what they want to hear. I'm very aware of our history. Teddy Roosevelt was won of the biggest butchers in our history, but we don't remember him that way. It's not germane to the present problem. Doesn't matter. We are going to have kill a lot of people by the time this is over. We can't NOT do it because of things done at another time, nor do we even care. The object of the game is to win. The "Religion of Peace, BTW, is their words, not mine.
  7. At 120K per year, you should have a phone you can either turn the ringer off, or unplug.
  8. Are we that bad off? Granted, they get paid a lot of money for playing a game, but most end up doing something else by age 35. Then again, screw 'em. I'll never make NFL minimum in a season. Let alone get a contract that sets me up for life at 25. Dedication to the game? Yeah, right. Sure.
  9. Yes, Ed counts. Everyone counts. It's their responsibility on the issues I question. From what I've seen here, on this particular subject, we as a whole exibit very little reponsibility to the greatest undertaking of our personal time. Once again, whatever. What's done is done. I don't personally care if I wake up tomorrow. People for some reason don't believe that.
  10. Hi, Bill. They missed ya.
  11. I'm way out of my lane here, because I truly don't know. Does anyone count for 2.5 months summer vacation?
  12. As was posted to me, you are talking to a wall. Want about 200 more that haven't been published? One-zies and two-zies don't make the mainstream media, unless we did it. My lord! Men were made to wear girls underwear! Heathens, us all! Cut off a few heads. That's Ok, we'll all be brothers in love come Wed.
  13. Of course. That and I said fag.
  14. And how is any of that germane to the situation at hand? Radical Fundamental Islam, through however many declared fatwahs at this point have the announced intention of forming a pan-Islamic Caliphalite. Primary goal one, unseat what they deem the secular/hedonist governments of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, while softening up the rest of the muslim dominated states for eventual succession. A strategic goal is to remove American/western thinking/moderate influence from primarily the middle east, but also from all moderate Islamic states. That is a large part of the present issue and who killed who when doesn't apply to the present situation. The situations and problems are here, regardless of the history. They need to be dealt with. I posted a subscript post to this one earlier today. Some people on the Muslim side are seeing the light. This isn't just a US against UBL fight. Fundamental Islam is fighting amongst themselves for control. UBL is holed up in a cave, and Zarqawi is running wild making claim. that is what we see on a daily basis. The middle east sees a lot more everyday from a lot of players. We have a war to win. Doesn't matter who did what when. Christians killed Christians for centuries. By the millions. Christians seem to get over it. (Until they do it again) Muslims have killed Muslims for centuries, but seem to clearly remember only the Crusades in terms of history. South Africa has little to nothing to do with this. (Can't say the same for the Horn)
  15. Man, if that's true it sure is going to make a lot of people's jobs easier.
  16. I'm sure Law would have been instrumental in stopping those 8 minute all running play drives.
  17. Elections other than President. I'm pretty sure some Republicans must be able to win something up there. Not that you have to have a Republican, but you get the point. Gives a little more impetus and importance. to NYC becoming it's own state, doesn't it? Rezone the districts. Works for congress.
  18. How about "Kobe Cat". Wouldn't that process improve texture and flavor? Hell, I wouldn't mind being a Kobe beef...right up to the kill and eat part.
  19. Any chance of an errant cruise missile test? If there is any, any, any hope at all for the Bills to steal a WC slot, the division needs to even out. Hence Miami. I'll go vomit now.
  20. If you use too much garlic, it tends to overpower. You want to enhance the taste of the kitty without hiding it. What about a food processor?
  21. Can you add fresh plumb tomatos?
  22. If not the most bizzare collection of folks to ever coexist on a message board, we have to be in the top five. This is like watching someone hold pre-school classes in the predator cages at the National Zoo, with a smattering of escaped mental patients having lunch with the Michigan Militia. Hilarious. I'm loving it. Drive on.
  23. Symbolic, but a step in the right direction in terms of attitude. Re done link
  24. I think back then one still had people who wanted to do something. Not just be something.
  25. Yep. Be sure to bring that up when I run for office. (Like I'd ever do anything that incredibly stupid. You have to wonder about the people that actually WANT the job.)
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