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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. So, when Kerry saw your resume he promised you a job? When this came up before, I asked what you did. I suggested that if the market was bad where you were, go to a market where it wasn't bad. Northern VA, DC and Southern Maryland are screaming for people. Would probably pay a lot more too. Too many people want things to be EXACTLY the way they want them, or everything is a problem. One sometimes has to face problems and find their own solutions, not wait for Daddy Government to hand them one.
  2. Or risk 10 yards on the kickoff for excessive celebrating.
  3. We got to track his azz down, first.
  4. Beat me to it, aszhole.
  5. I know a lot of democrats, and I'm certain there are thousands I don't know, who will go to work this morning and toil hard to make America a better place. You have all seen my posts, what I do, and what I think. I work with a couple. We have some animated conversations, believe me-but they are also excellent, really good at what they do, and they aren't going to stop doing because Kerry lost. IMO, just my view, it's the people who don't feel that they have a stake past what THEY want that are the problem, on both sides.
  6. I think that 1,100 Chris, not 11,000. And are you suggesting that we should not have a Department of Homeland Security? I feel a lot more comfortable about the Supreme Court now. I had some real concerns that to back up the "Social Issues" platform (?), one or two WAY left of center were going to be nominated. I think we have a better chance of getting someone who will interpret the law, and the Constitution. I for one, would like to see this nation drift back to the side of the river that doesn't turn their nose at prayer, a pledge of allegiance; stomp on the core beliefs of the majority of its people in favor of a vocal few, etc..
  7. If Moorman doesn't go there is no justice.
  8. Because a few more Americans apparantly understand a lot more about the world than you do. Instead of memorizing sports statistics, maybe take some time to read up on things like the political dynamics of the middle east and do some research on what really goes on in the UN. He also hasn't pandered to every single group he's spoken to and hasn't promised everything to everybody. Some folks can apparantly see through that.
  9. Other way around. Custers second in Command, Major Reno was pinned down in some woods along the Little Big Horn. When it was suggested by Captain Benteen to maybe try to link up with Custer, Reno basically said "!@#$ him, we got our own problems and he's the one who got us into this mess".
  10. First time I ever used PIP for anything other than sports.
  11. White House................4 more years. House.........................Republican Majority Senate........................Republican Majority That Grouper Sammich is going to taste real good. I feel all better now. Our chances of cleaning up the terrorism war business just went up 50% over the alternative.
  12. Boys may !@#$ boys, but that's not natural behavior or they couldn't promulgate the species. When they can naturally figure out a way to make babys, I'll relook gay marriage. No, don't even mention adoption.
  13. Why I'm particular to Southern gals. They get it.
  14. I'm all for that. I don't care. I care about very little. But maybe it's the semantics. I don't want it called "Marrige" Figure out however you want to do it, legally and benefit wise (which should be the point, but it's not). But it is not "Marriage" It's the camels nose under the tent, and that's also why you vote Kerry. Everyone should have a right to do whatever they want to do, no matter how much it hurts us together.
  15. Big picture, from both sides. What bothers me about how we do things is that the "big picture" is never considered. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Most things are very interrelated, but most folks don't see that. It's all about what any group wants right now, and contained specifically within their argument. We, as a populace rush to water. This election might well be the epitome of this example. Ride your "feelings" as they are today, don't think past tomorrow.
  16. I'm not gonna love again, but I agree. 8 out of 10 in the black with a low cut sweater. Makes you think, anyway. Libs must be loving this. "Guns! You stupid violent people! Think of the children!" We were fishing one night on the property, one of those catfishing nights. Damn water moccasin in the pond. My Father in Law scooped him out with the john boat paddle to the bank, because he kept eating the bait. Being we were in the country, I took two shots to cap his asZ. Missed. Darlene took my CZ-75 and blew his head off in one shot. You know what I'm talking about.
  17. Says me. This is an opinion board, there is no requirement for me to post a link. That's the way I see it, that's the way I view it, and that's, for me, the way it is. I don't care where people put their dicks. I really don't. I also understand what a slippery slope is. Unless you are sexually oriented gender association challenged, why do you have a dog in the fight, anyway?
  18. BTW, is your wife out of town again? Remember the hottie I was telling you about a couple weeks back? Planning commitee? I had reason to view her resume and under personal she put "firing her Glock". She wears a big rock too. Your style. Our kind of woman.
  19. Because marriage is the union for life of a man and a woman. Next question? And that's not "homophobic" either, UCONN (pre-emptive). Just because I don't agree with something doesn't mean I'm afraid of it. Phobic means fear, but you know that. That is more of a liberal tendency. I fear very, very, very little.
  20. Yeah, and you've been cowering in the igloo for 3 weeks trying to think of one. I'm ex-cav. In doubt? Attack. We all know Dorothy's paid off, so you don't have to vote period.
  21. Bloody Mary's tonight, boss. I need the veggies. If they only knew.
  22. He's not from Alaska, he only lives in Alaska. You are an aszhole He didn't make it out of the igloo to vote period because Dorothy and the kids are still at the door, and he won't face them straight up. All talk.
  23. No you don't. Really nice people always have their hidden mean streak.
  24. T-Bone can vote in NY? VOTER FRAUD!
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