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Everything posted by _BiB_
So Much for the Luck of the Redskins...
_BiB_ replied to Alaska Darin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I like it because I love it. And Ralph is NOT a great dog's name. Dogs identify with and respond better to names with two distinct syllables. You should know that, since you have 8 driving you to work every morning. -
At least you're willing to show up for your beating.
You should have a better understanding of some of our current "WMD" issues than most anyone here. I have a hard time believing you think Kerry would have provided a better solution, as we have a real big problem on our hands. were you aware that he planned on cutting a couple billion from Bio-shield?
Well.......I guess my take on this is....
_BiB_ replied to BF_in_Indiana's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Most folks don't even know what Al Qaida is. -
You in research, or industry?
Social Security reform this term?
_BiB_ replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Thanks for your insightful !@#$ing answer. -
BTW, you any relation to Eddie Coli? He owes me money.
They have, and they've lost. And who's Poojer?
I appreciate you youngun's who got out there, from either camp. What if there were candidates who had tuition issues on their platforms? My concern is that 9 out of 10 young voters wouldn't even know. I have sort of a pen pal who's an 18 year old high school senior living in Ohio. Something I learned from corresponding with her, is that very little effort is being made to educate the youth as to the issues. BF is right (God forgive me for saying that) they don't perceive that very many issues are important to them. Even though most issues actually are. Might be a lesson learned for the next election process to both parties. I personally think that Kerry would have won had they turned out in force, as we were led to believe. I was troubled by Aussies post. They lost interest because it took too long. That goes way beyond voting. If it's not fast and easy, don't do it. I think a lot of young people, and older ones too, embrace that philosophy. This country needs a lot of fixing, and whether it be Bush, Kerry or Mickey Mouse I dream of a day where we all get at least mentally involved in keeping the ethics and the traditions of what allowed us to get this far forefront. Pass them on to our youth. There are things more important than the plotline of Lost.
Back in the good old days in WNY he could.
I'd be tempted to think this might be one of either of our usual suspects in disguise, having fun.
Social Security reform this term?
_BiB_ replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Investment is way out of my lane here so I'm talking out of school. Isn't the return on Government bonds higher than what SS is currently earning? And, I thought the concept was to allow taxpayers to divert a portion of the SS tax deduction to a private account that they were responsible for, similar to a 401K? Everyone has borrowed from the SS fund. This isn't an original Bush idea. I don't know if it's even really happening. As I posted though, there is no answer that I'm aware of unless SS receives massive doses of additional capital. Besides taxes, how does the revenue get generated? -
I challenge that, and also your capability of having the slightest idea of what you are talking about. I wasn't "frightened" into voting for Bush and probably have forgotten more about those particular issues than you ever knew. I don't appreciate being considered barely able to operate at a functional level simply because i did not vote for Kerry. I didn't vote for Kerry because I do operate at a functional level. I can make equally as good an argument for those who voted Democrat yesterday as a confirmation of who can think and who can not, but since neither is the truth why should I?
Absolutely. I wish there were more like him.
Thank You.
Social Security reform this term?
_BiB_ replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is one that has no good answer. Everyone knows the problem is that the Baby Boomers are getting old. Right now, there are less people young in the work force proportionately to contribute vs the amount receiving. Privatization of at least a portion of the funding would yield a higher return to the individual-extending the life of the program for the same benefit result, but would also strip part of the revenues required to pay out the current entitlements. Something is going to have happen, as without massive doses of capital, SS will die a slow and painful death. Probably about the time I need it. -
So Much for the Luck of the Redskins...
_BiB_ replied to Alaska Darin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Have you watched any Redskins games? we complain about Bledsoe, DC is about ready to run Brunell out of town on a rail. -
Well.......I guess my take on this is....
_BiB_ replied to BF_in_Indiana's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Exactly. Isn't that what I just said? -
I'd be here. sick to my stomach, but i'd be here.
Well.......I guess my take on this is....
_BiB_ replied to BF_in_Indiana's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
OK, I've been trying to avoid going this route because it always creates a problem. Iraq is a campaign in a larger war. That's why it's called an operation. Iraq would have been taken down one way or the other unless SH and friends stepped down, as it is part of the larger problem. It was invaded when it was as there was ample credible evidence that they possessed a significant WMD stockpile and were poised to employ them. They announced themselves as an enemy of the United States. There was particular concern about the biologicals program. I have personally reviewed the intelligence information that took us there. Anyone looking at what we looked at would have agreed. Senator Kerry did. Sadaam was a secularist in philosophy, but at the same time directly supported virtually every single terrorist organization out there. Corruption and mayhem is his version of foreign policy. He had shell companies located all over the world to launder and transfer funds to support terrorist activities. Many located in Europe. We received no support from France or Germany as both of them are complicit, not in the terror aspect directly (although many of the discoverd pre-cursor materials used to make various chemical agents have been found with French labeling) but in the corruption for profit aspects. This is a long term effort, going to take a few years. There are already very tangible results. Has everyone forgotten Libya? Believe me, in spite of the rhetoric Iran will play nice. Once again, this can not be reduced to soundbites. Each of these things (along with many other factors) can not be taken individually, as they are part of a larger picture. Taken separately, they look really crappy. Collectively they become a coherent plan. We are at war. People are going to die. Some have died needlessly, but not needlessly because of the policy. People die for dumb reasons sometimes during a war, as dumb things happen. -
Agreed. Edwards, though... Not a time to preach division.
Well.......I guess my take on this is....
_BiB_ replied to BF_in_Indiana's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Sigh... BF, to a large degree "pulling out" is what has gotten us into this situation in the first place. Our enemy is an ideology who's primary goal is to establish a Fundamentalist Pan-Islamic Caliphate through out the middle east, with the intention of expanding it globally. To do this, American influence must be removed from the middle east, as an interim goal is to topple the Saudi Royal family and convert Saudi Arabia to a Taliban-like theocracy. the americans are not going to allow that for strategic reasons. We were attacked on 9/11 because we have consistently shown a propensity for running for cover. The attack was planned under the Clinton administration and actually would have been executed much earlier save for logistical and operational issues within the execution cells. AQ never expected the response it got. They expected a half dozen cruise missiles lobbed basically into no where. -
Well.......I guess my take on this is....
_BiB_ replied to BF_in_Indiana's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Absolutely amazing. -
A major problem I have with this mentality, that reaches over to so-called adults as well, is that there are a hell of other names, spaces and issues on that ballot other than the President.
I know. I brought flowers.