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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Am I missing something here? What the heck do you think business anything is all about? If you don't have any interest in financials and such, like history and english, why the hell are you going for a BM degree? Don't tell me your doing it for your job, please, don't. Why not go into something you know something about, go for you masters and try to become marketable in something your interested in?
  2. Thanks, but I think these homework questions are ridiculous. You left yourself wide, wide open on this one. I tried to explain why the thought process involved in getting the information is just as, if not more important than the information itself. Then you come up with this. you're asking for it, and I don't think you are doing yourself any favors. The fact that so many sites came up should tell you something. Pick any of them, they all do the same thing. Whenever I have to puddle jump, I check the current exchange rates. Know how? Google.
  3. Beer. When it's my turn I want a Belvedere martini, very dry, with one olive dumped on my head. I like the olives stuffed with garlic.
  4. Do you sometimes get hot flashes with these? Wow.
  5. Beef bourgignonne is one of my favorites. Messy as hell to make, though. Smokes up the kitchen pretty bad. Olivier lives in the Basque now. Next time I puddle jump we were going to try to hook up for some regional cuisine. Our politics differ, but we both like good food and wine. Good food brings people together. !@#$ McDonalds.
  6. That's the first thing I had to eat in Paris. Would love to try yours.
  7. It's a mess we brought on ourselves. No one wanted to admit we were involved in an actual counter insurgency operation until it was too late. That said, what's done is done. Things just can't go on the way they are. I'd be all for the Iraqi National Guard if they could be trusted. At this point in time, they can't. I'm hoping that once Fallujah gets cleaned out, we go away and let them police it. It's a step. No one wants it to be this way, but Coaltion forces now realize much better just what it is they are fighting. Itmay be hard, next to impossible, but it's going back to hearts and minds along with bullets and bombs. But nothing is going to get accomplished unless a good deal of the bad guys get taken down.
  8. Cassoulet would be excellent. You have the little cast iron roasters? Olivier was going to get me some, but we never got around to it.
  9. It's not Fallujah, it's what's within it. I liken it to Afghanistan, South. Lot's of "Bad Guys" holed up there. They can give up and join in the rebuilding of Iraq, or they can die. Baath loyalists still working for Sadaam and the POS Zarqaui. I would dearly love to see that resolved diplomatically. But it's gotten to the point where it's not a good idea to let them slip quietly into the night to set up housekeeping somewhere else. It's not paranoia, it's understanding that everyone is doing things in their own self interest. Chirac loves to see an undermined, weakened America, as it gives him impetus through the UN to consolidate his power base in hopes of being king of the EU, which is the only viable counterpunch to the US in terms of global influence.
  10. That's really pretty funny. Having a Caddyshack flash.
  11. Appreciate that Chris. Please help spread the word. We all need to be together on this. I hear people speak of their children's future. That's why brave young men and women are dying as we speak. It's not an unnecessary war, and we haven't taken our eye off the ball. You think I make this stevestojan up as I go along? The world is at a critical crossroads. We either deal with it, or put our heads in the sand and let our children deal with it.
  12. Another good read
  13. A reference. AQ and the Caliphate As Darin likes to say, facts suck. Don't they though. These are some bad people.
  14. It is their word for their vision, borrowed, which can be also called the "Pan-Islamic State". The goal of this entire fiasco is to unseat the Saudi Royal family, topple the moderate regimes and form a fundamental islamic state throughout the entire middle east with Jerusalem as it's capital.
  15. This is why Iraq is key. And Khoffi doesn't want us blowing up poor old Fallujah. That happy little coalition of pirates want this mess to go on as long as possible, because it allows them that much more time to undermine anything we and our allies try to do. Every day we bleed is another day for them, and for the uprising of protest within our own nations. Ice talks about the economy. Ice, if you are out there this IS about the economy. If this doesn't work out right, there won't even be one in ten years.
  16. If allowed to form their Caliphate, they can just TAKE other peoples resources. Plus, under the strictist version of Taliban-like Islam, they don't need much anyway. It's perfectly acceptable to them to have everyone living like it was 400 years ago. They have a very real problem, though. Other than oil, they don't have anything else to bring to the table. The oil is what will fuel the fight and give them hold over Europe and Asia for the next 25 years, at least. The entire economy of the world is based on oil. Russia is going to have to figure into this somewhere, as they have the largest untapped reserves in the world, next to Saudi Arabia. Maybe this thread will help a few to begin to understand why "Nation Building" is, at this point in time a needed tactic. I think that there are people within our government who "get it", and aren't thinking of the world in terms of right now, they are looking at it in terms of 20 years from now. People actually do plan that far ahead. I've seen transformational studies for the DOD that talk in terms of the year 2020. I think the next four years are going to be very interesting, to say the least.
  17. I wonder which one of them does the siren? I wouldn't be too quick to discount entering the southern border, but the northern border is a much bigger problem. But, we are talking a potential enemy within, here. And we aren't talking suicide bombers. The cell that did the mission in Spain threw several new wrinkles into how AQ conducts operations. They have a national database of sex offenders, maybe there should be a database on domestic radicals, not just organizations. Maybe there is one, I don't know. But here we go into ACLU land. Our very freedoms hurt our protection to an incredible degree. I think it's almost a miracle (and some damn fine work by persons unknown) that we haven't been hit again yet.
  18. ...and in other news today, an unnamed source revealed...
  19. Thats actually another urban legend, and is also straying from the point. The US never suported UBL, per se. UBL was never even a "freedom fighter" in Afghanistan. He was actually more of a coordinator and financier, with Dad's bucks. His goals were at cross purposes to the US, and he was largely ignored by the CIA as a nuisance. The US supported the Afghans as a whole, because it was a by proxy way to fight the Soviets in an attempt to keep Afghanistan from falling into the Soviet block. To save time here, we didn't support Sadaam either. Much to contrary belief.
  20. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. King Crab. Bring on the lemmon and butter.
  21. I had potato onion with my pork loin last night. And galupkies rule. Ever use red cabbage? Makes them a little crispier. Maybe we should set up a pierogi exchange? Our politics may differ, we may fight, argue and call each other names, but no one should be deprived of pierogi.
  22. You need to be a filter. Your damn acronym is too long to type, let alone your board handle.
  23. Excuse me. I have to check my pork gravy tonight. I'm eating a pork loin in Yassers honor. Die hard, MF. Man, don't you just love all of this enlightement? I'm sure glad ICE is around now to set us all straight.
  24. That's only because you're an ****. New dynamics, apparantly.
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