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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. I was following that earlier. France was marshalling their forces to attack four of the five total Ivory Coast helicopters. They decided to spare one. I'm actually serious, here.
  2. Way cool. Good job. Not OT to me.
  3. Gus is da MAN! Keep SEATAC safe, Thirdborn.
  4. Your post is a good read. as our friend Darin says, reality and facts suck. My problem here, is the stevestojan s that permeate our society will immediately jump (once they can form a pack) and try to wear us down with "politics". I gag. It's really all about this useless war hurting gay marriage and stem cell research, didn't you know? Lots of people are going to die, and it's a fugging reality show to them.
  5. ICE will tell you why your wrong. He's still at the mailbox. Waiting. Waste of oxygen. BTW ICE, do yourself a favor and don't come around here anymore, unless you really love abuse. You're our problem, you've never known a solution.
  6. DC Tom is a jerk, and a very, very bad person. Jerk. you bad ole jerk you. Such a jerk. Jerk.
  7. But by the time CBS, ABC and CNN are done, it won't look that way. Look out for our resident experts. BF and Ice will tell us the deal. FOX had a retired Air Force general today as an expert on street fighting. News is pretty lame. Commed up is good. But some times too much individual info can get the TOC out of whack. When your working the jump, you just sometimes have to shut everyone up and take charge. I'll shut up on this one now. Sue wore me out.
  8. What's with all this 12 year old stevestojan. you guys actually ever drink scotch?. How about a 30 year aged Speyside? Ambrosia. But special occasion. Expensive. They call for a good portofino. If you're gonna play. play. If in doubt, try to pick up a box of Padrone anniversaries. But, yes, I really like the Glennmorangie port wood finish. Oban is fine too. Good Cognac rules as well. I'm glad you have enough sense to sniff Hennesy over some of the others. There are some single vineyards producing a good Cognac that aren't really popular here. Mostly, I think, because they haven't had any marketing. That's OK, as long as I know where to find them. Olivier comes in handy.
  9. Wow, never thought of that. Great idea. This guy knows it down to which guns were pulled together to reconstitute batteries. Wonderful idea. It could also help him promote his work, I think. He's an SAIC contractor by trade, but has spent countless hours in old registrars in old courthouses. He's spent days reading and researching local documents at places like Manassass and Fredricksburg. This boy has done his homework. He's also one of those that if you sharpshoot, will look down at his shoes for a moment, smile and politely tell you that you might be right. That good. A true historian. Not like some people who have taken history.
  10. I'm a firm believer that a drink should taste like a drink. Example being an aged Single Malt straight up, with a side glass of ice and a further of water. A good Macanudo rounds it out. I'm sipping Eagle Rare 101 proof Kentucky sour mash this evening, thank you very much. And sipping is the way to go. Get happy, not stupid. Quality, not quantity. You don't want to get so loaded that you blink and get a Miller Light dumped on your head.
  11. You obliquely bring up a point. A lot of so called college material isn't taught well, and some of the questions asked are way to subject to interpretation, which sort of leaves one hanging if your interpretation doesn't agree. Darlene had a Korean poly sci prof who couldn't hardly speak English. Only B she ever got. I also agree that the underlying IMF basis and principles are invalid this day and age. Look at Brazil, for crying out loud. Can we go back to hilarious stupidity now?
  12. Thanks for that visual. I'm switching from beer to bourbon now.
  13. Where's Ralphie when you need him?
  14. I thought the hot flashes might be menopause.
  15. I heard a really rude chicken thigh story one time... Beware of Colonel Sanders.
  16. Hard to do when you're doing the 1964 duck and cover drill for practice. BTW, everyone. Right click, properties. But I know...this is past car wreck. We're into airline disasters now.
  17. I thought they already were? Damn, I need to TIVO "One Life to Live" more often.
  18. I eat the same way, since Darlene passed, I don't cook much anymore. We did a lot of cooking together, just for fun and to spend time with each other. Now it's just feed the machine to keep it running. Swanson works fine.
  19. I didn't mean to give the wrong impression. This is going to be a violent, though methodical assault, from what I understand. They will move in, and if there is a significant resistance from a particular spot, that spot will cease to exist. My concern is that these bad guys are getting pretty smart, and understand that it's over with-as you mention with Iwo Jima. they are going to take one for the team, so I expect there is going to be a multi-layered defense set up simply to kill as many Americans as possible as a goal, rather than any kind of stronghold type of defense. Ergo, rather than die pointlessly, as the "martyrs" will, I think it's likely that a lot of urban renewal will take place, block by block. They have the advantage of knowledge of the terrain. We have the advantage of firepower.
  20. Naw, I'll just get Brian to give me a few. He's really a smart, smart man. Knows this stuff off the top of his head. We spent an hour talking about Antietam one time, and 55 minutes of that was me listening. He's got it down to a level that it sounds like he was there. That's the kind of people I get to work around every day. Makes it worthwhile to go to work.
  21. Why are you dragging T-Bone into this? He already has a couple threads going.
  22. I was going to go back and change it.
  23. Hey Poo, you missed a heck of a lazy Saturday.
  24. I think I'll start following these inane threads around and try to do the little musical backdrop like they did with the old car chase movies and Dukes of Hazard and stuff. Sort of a running commentary. Whoo hoo Beau, off to the General Lee! Either that or I'll hold up somewhere with Daisey.
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