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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Got to agree. Ed, great Avatar. You summed it up on so many levels. We understand. Good work, Bud.
  2. I have. I've, and I'm sure many of us have thought about writing a book. It takes a lot more dedication than I would have thought. A lot of work. Especially, when you are talking real history. Not like these "I had a job in the__administration, here's why I'm right and they're stupid". I'm sorry if I sound impressed, I've seen the work he's put into this. It's not ghost written after he lost his job to meet the flame of the time for money and a shot on MSNBC.
  3. I got your six, sweetheart. You ever try any of them there upstates out on a Nasty Pot? . Probably not. You can't get shrimp and crab. Good sausage, though.
  4. Hope you weren't talking about me. I'm not running, I'm chasing.
  5. LOL. Tell that to all the Yankees, Red Sox, Cardinals, Patriots and whoever else posters that reside hereabouts. But mention to someone that they can get an easy answer to a question by hitting Google-and one must be banned for not being part of the Bill's family. Let alone suggest that 45 Cardinals posts a day sort of detract from the Buffalo Bills theme. Scott, NG (you Old Polock, you), I should be banned from this board. Sorry for ruining things. My bad. Didn't mean to. Long live T-Bone's contributions.
  6. Brian, in his characteristic modest way suggests we would be better served by one of the resident Rangers at the battlefields for a tour, as his (minutia,my words) detail expertise is in the subject matter of the book. He did give an extremely wide smile (an "Aw Garsh" type) when I told him of your interest. He actually blushed, I think. You made a scholar, and a decorated Viet Nam war Company Commander and a good man happy. Be proud. That's usually reserved for people nothing like him. At least around here. In this day and age. I don't know that he planned on selling 10 books. It's a labor of love for the history. I was glad to pass your interest on. Brian appreciates it. And so do I.
  7. You guys have obviously never visited Raven's country. Ask R. Rich what I mean. You need a translator for Dundalk.
  8. It's either an immature otter, or one from New Jersey. I'm not sure.
  9. A "knee"? If it's bent that far in half no one is sitting on anything. Except the surgeon on his deposit.
  10. Yeah, you're right. Let's replace it with one about how Gray should be fired.
  11. She can sit on my other knee. I get cold easy.
  12. There. I fixed it. Prick. Happy now?
  13. Eat stevestojan, pinko.
  14. I'll sit with Cindy when she'll sit on my lap and keep me warm.
  15. I do, when I'm talking to Tom. and I have a few more days before they shut all my home stevestojan down. I must call you names and hurt your feelings. Because you are an ****. Jerk. Bad old jerky jerk. Jerk. BTW, you have a fugging rooster or something? You post from DC at 7 AM and live where there are small dinosaurs left over from the Jurrasic. Of course, you are probably home by 5. Get up in the AM to do PT not wore off yet?
  16. If things stay like they are, i agree-from what little I've been following. Pitt looks good. I made the same remark about Pitt-Philly yesterday. Keep in mind though, the Bills SB "1" we beat the Giants.
  17. Maybe, Darin-Tom, but I got plethora right, at least.
  18. I'm thrilled to know that you consider me one of the people who never contribute anything to this board. You only consider what you agree with to be a contribution. When you wallowed your way to the "other side", I and a couple of others tried to point out where you were factually wrong on something. You started into how we were stupid party hacks who obviously didn't know what we were talking about, and that Bush was a moron. We weren't even talking about Bush. We were discussing a defense issue involving WMD. You've had a bug up your a$$ ever since and we called you on it. Proud, damn proud to be on your ignore. Along with the other three. All three of those guys are sharp as tacks, and have put out a lot of excellent material that countless people perusing this board have learned from. Contrary to what many think about PPP (yes, it gets rough at times) that board is often a veritable plethora of good facts, opinion and argument, from both sides. When someone like like you wants to dive in, jump in virtually every thread on the page, and throw shitballs at anyone not saying vote for Kerry (irregardless of what the subject is) you are going to get your a$$ virtually beaten. even BF will tell you that although some sometimes think his points are three points below moronic, he's also had decent interchanges where his pov was happily accepted as long as he didn't go over the top and start into the same crap you pulled. stevestojan, who we rag unmercifully at every given opportunity has been regarded the same "respect". Oftentimes, both parties come away with a better understanding of the subject at hand. Ice, on the other hand, is hopeless. So, why don't you kick your dog, Squeeze a couple of tomatoes pretending they are someones balls, and throw your pillow at your teddy bear. No one cares.
  19. Recruiting Keep in mind, I refer to the radicals.
  20. You'd hate Baltimore.
  21. Look at the names. And not one of those people fired on you like they did when you popped over to the PPP and jumped in every single thread screaming Bush is an idiot, useless dumba$$, etc etc etc, and anyone who didn't think so was a stupid moron idiot too. Whether they were about the election or not. We tossed your a$$ out, and you've had issues ever since. I'm glad to be on your ignore.
  22. This thread is like a personal invite to the Special Olympics. Not sure if it's as a participant, or a spectator.
  23. First one since 1978. What a Dierdork.
  24. You volunteering?
  25. I hog dress. I always carry a sholelace so I don't have to mess with it, as when I get to hunt I usually am alone. I use a Buck 110, cut around the anus, pull the anal structure out, then tie it off. Then I go from there all the way up to the chest to open, Then, I go inside as far up into the chest/neck as I can get, cut the windpipe and esophagus, and try to scoop everything from above the lungs out in one scoop. Less weight to carry out.
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