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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. And I was talking low country. Let their imaginations run wild. wouldn't know a nasty pot if it fell on them. But they'd eat one. I do my shrimp head on, though (buy them off the boat in thunderbolt). Scares away the foreigners and leaves more 12-16 count for me.
  2. Hey Harriett! We've been deleted! Cool. Oysters are on me.
  3. PM Darin.
  4. Fickle B*tch.
  5. stevestojan, you guys do better with that stuff than we do. I vote we put distributors in charge of OPSEC.
  6. My my. Bitter bitter. Let's hope that they kick doors down as sensitively as possible. Seriously, the ROE is hampering them. The guys not "pulling a Bush" would have enjoyed more flexibility. I hate politics when it comes to war. If it weren't for politics, this would be a done deal (Iraq, period) and we would have moved on. Trying to keep everyone happy, which never happens has led to more deaths than anything else. We're trying, but we haven't forgotten Viet Nam. Your Icon, Bill Clinton actually put out to the DOD as policy, that no Americans would get killed in Bosnia. Period. everyone was listening to Fleetwood Mac, remember? No, I won't connect a link. There probably isn't one.
  7. Way cool, Keg. Welcome to the twentieth century?
  8. Could be either way. Still don't like it.
  9. .......in your dreams.
  10. Good work all. If we could all see three years down the road we'd either all be millionaires or suicides. The dynamics of everything change constantly. One can't draft from a constant state, as free agency (and perhaps ganja?) give you an ever evolving shift in priority, not only at position but in the raw capabilities brought to that position. Very complicated affair. Anyone miss the wishbone and student body right? Ain't the same game anymore.
  11. My worthless, admittedly, worthless opinion. I don't have a dog in the fight. I was raised Catholic, and a lot of (well, some) stuck. I'm also a realist who knows this is out there and there has to be some common ground someday. Is there an "accepted" point in time, where most everyone agrees a baby can survive outside the womb? Whatever the earliest preemie is on record that survived to grow. There's the cutoff. Yes, I know, could be a new record.
  12. Well, at least it isn't Redford.
  13. You didn't see me. I was never here. I'm going to go listen to one of my Streisand albums now.
  14. Who'd they get to play me?
  15. Hey. I'M Obi-Wan!
  16. I have a bad feeling that it would be a lot messier if the core group were there. Urban warfare techniques by the entrenched haven't changed much since Stalingrad. The "easier" (try kicking down the door for a perspective on easy) it is, the more suspicious I am.
  17. I already nailed her. She wasn't so hot.
  18. A homeless guy at the 7/11. Then I pass it to Darin.
  19. You forgot one obligatory song.
  20. I post these for a reason. Number two was the Clerics trying to say it was wrong for people to be Barbarians. A group of Muslim Clerics to say "This is wrong". Number three was to know your enemy. Look how easy it is, and how do you fight that?
  21. OK both you stevestojan heads. I tried to take the high road here, but you're right. Happy dance. The hot pockets have already forgotten. And it's been a week. Talk about convictions. "Sound Bite" Who has substance. Not Kerry.
  22. How many teams have players for punters. Often overlooked, very overlooked as a matter of fact. But when they hand out the game balls, it's generally to the stars. How many games this year has Mooreman kept the Bills in? Haven't heard his name mentioned on the great turn-around.
  23. Perusing, things seem relatively mellow now. Let's keep things amongst ourselves and talk about things, like we used to. I miss that.
  24. That guy is a player. If he isn't in Hawaii this year, there is no justice. I already know there is no justice. He should go on merit.
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