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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. BTW, din din Sunday? Or is that past your bedtime? I told Melody it's my turn to cook.
  2. Quick today, aren't we? RIP (Rest in Pork) Mr. Arafat.
  3. This reminds me very little of the time my guru sent me into artful Dodge City to clean up the Kharma.
  4. If it weren't for all of those on the left who consider him the Messiah, it would be.
  5. You met her, huh? Seriously, German girls. Make you seriously consider pedophelia. 13 going on 23.
  6. 1/24th scale. They had two tracks. You could rent if you didn't have your own car. About 1970?
  7. Damn them Romulans.
  8. I'd like to send a whiskey 87, but that's not the right answer. Carter might not be a bad choice. Now is not the time to further allienate the Palestinian people. Need to make some kind of positive gesture.
  9. Ed, I don't care what anyone says. You must live an interesting life. Reminds me of a friend of mine. The only black republican I personally know in DC. Belongs to the NRA, former nuclear weapons tech, etc., and has a very liberal girlfriend. Some funny stories.
  10. Did you send ice skates with Yassar?
  11. You might not want to know. When I lived in Germany there was still a good deal of anti-semitism.
  12. Heard it was pretty tough at Gallipolli.
  13. Aren't you supposed to be strapping a vest full of chuck roast on and heading for the PETA rally?
  14. Excuse me while I go vomit.
  15. Nice post. My appreciation to you as one of those currently wearing the suit. Being one of the "been there done that" crowd, my hopes and prayers are with those young men who at this very moment are crouched behind some burned out car in some unknown alley taking fire. It's not an easy life, but I really think I'm a better person for having lived it. FWIW.
  16. The Iraqi forces are taking down the Mosques. No stone left unturned. I'm afraid of the fire ant thing though. You kick an anthill, and they simply move 10 feet away and build another ant hill. I'd really like a piece of Zarqawi. Libs were screaming about OBL, but Zarqawi is the bigger threat right now.
  17. I just love it when a good plan comes together.
  18. Somebody better keep an eye on Ed.
  19. US Army. 1974-1992.
  20. We've got a new one in testing now. Makes MOAB look like an M-80.
  21. Party pooper.
  22. You are officially hopeless.
  23. Why did the Japanese in 1945 consider it an honor to dive a zero into an aircraft carrier? How many do you think would be willing to do that now? Times and attitudes can be changed. It just doesn't happen quickly.
  24. Among other reasons, a lot of them are sort of lying low for now because they don't like getting their heads cut off. We need to root out and kill the real enemy. And I mean kill, because there is no other way.
  25. I have no reason, nor cause to suggest to you how you should feel. My view is more pragmatic. In order to be effective at my work, It's not good for me to be emotional about it. It is good to understand motivations and the effect of cultural differences. Rest assured, there are plenty of arabs who think the same way you do about us. That's just the way it is. And should you think me some type of appologist, re-read the line about killing them.
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