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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Just when I'm convinced that things can't get much more stupid around here, I get surprised.
  2. I got bored and quit after I was distracted by a shiny object.
  3. One of those "takes one to know one", huh?
  4. OMFG! Hope you are all better. Oh, almost forgot. Who's Poojer?
  5. I honestly was never that big of a fan, though I have Harvest. Did think he really rounded out C,S & N though. Another good listen. Teach. your children well...
  6. We all have to get together some day. "Bills Fan-Jam in Lahaina."
  7. Pick a vegetable 1 through 10.
  8. Read your post. Nuke them all? Kill all Muslims? As UBL asked permission. Hence my "get a grip". I can be much more rude than that. If you have a point to make, make it in the clear so dumb people like me can understand what's serious and what isn't supposed to be. As for an opinion to your subject, I don't put much stock into it. I can probably search around until I find a Catholic priest who condones me having a harem of 16 year old cheerleaders. That doesn't give me permissions, in my view. If I were a devout Catholic, it might allow me to feel better about myself while I kept them. Bin Laden announced straight up several years ago that he was pursuing WMD and had no qualms about using them. He's single handidly created one of the largest job growth markets in this country because of it. He's already taken seriously.
  9. You just killed the thread, jerky jerk.
  10. Maybe take a stand and just tell them that's wrong.
  11. Wanna talk the issues, privately? You want to discuss, learn, or argue? I'm up.
  12. Shame you have me on ignore. You are an idiot. Pure and simple. Wanna talk to me?
  13. Watch out where those huskies go... Line for Smurf.
  14. I've heard my girl Diana sing a couple I could get behind.
  15. Yes, it's a good read. But keep it in context. Folks that are "in the weeds" with any situation tend to default to their focus. Not their fault, they aren't looking at what is outside their box. Some are pretty good at their box, and I recommend the read. Did that make any sense?
  16. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, but get a grip.
  17. Time to crank out Frank?
  18. Hey, it's been 30 years. Give an old guy a break. Early onset, you know. Paco. Fugck You. And I say that in the not so nicest way.
  19. I'm a poor young country boy...
  20. Nah, you wouldn't want to hang out. I'm an !@#$. I get around.
  21. Come on, make it hard. That's an Alex 100 dollar.
  22. I've always enjoyed Guilford. Place to get bad stuff out of your head, and just go fishin'. Long time ago, there was a bar called the dial tone just up the road. Pretty advanced for 1970 whatever. The bar seats, and all the tables had a globe over them with a number, and a phone. You like the girl at number 45, ring her. Funny as hell. I'm sure things are much more advanced now, but back then, it was fun.
  23. stevestojan, and you were a youngster then...
  24. Whenever it's a rainy day. I take my troubles up in my room. I chase all the clouds away. (I've deliberately skewered the words slightly to prevent Google) Well I know that your gonna cry, tears are falling from your eyes...
  25. ELP Emerson Lake and Palmer. Not that there's anything really wrong with ELO. And Cable, I was NOT the guy selling oz's from under my cowboy hat at that concert.
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