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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. There are several variations, but the basic recipe is layered sherry soaked sponge cake, vanilla custard, fresh fruit, preserves, nuts and whipped cream. Set up and chilled for a good 24 hours or so to let the favors blend. Very rich.
  2. Hmmm, remind you of any professional football teams we know?
  3. Shame you never met Darlene. Would blow that theory to hell.
  4. Carolina Trifle.
  5. I have noticed that there aren't any complaints from the only guy working at Victoria's Secret.
  6. I guess we'll know when we get "Horrible Human Being" Redux.
  7. Word of caution. If you are not talking "Brown and Bag", but are talking the brown paper variety, be aware that there are now many additives to the paper put in through the kraft process. These chemicals can volatilize and get into the meat. Public Service Announcement A-146-7
  8. Damn! Darlene and I used to run the smoker in the dead of January. We used to do a standing rib roast for New Years, fire roasted on an outdoor cooker. That's what sweaters and jackets are for (and, bourbon).
  9. This year I'll remove the plastic from the desert, make slits over the entre and microwave on high for 7-9 minutes. If I were to cook, I prefer smoking. Wash, pat dry, season the inside with salt and pepper, loosely stuff with quartered onion and whole garlic. Make up a paste of sage, rosemary, thyme and parsley (appologies to Simon and Garfunkle) and butter. Work some of the paste between the breast skin and the meat, same for the thigh area. Sear the backbone over moderate-hot coals, wrap breast in cheesecloth liberally basted with butter-olive oil mix. Dry smoke over medium heat using a mix of oak and cherry, basting about every thirty minutes with the butter/olive oil. Use a meat thermometer to know when it's done. Pull it atabout 160, it will pick up another 10 degrees as it sets up. Traditionally, always liked to serve with a nice venison roast. All the traditional trimmings (cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes, vegetable, biscuits, homemade whole cranberry-pecan relish) with Carolina Trifle for desert. Yum.
  10. Good point. The only woman I directly work with is a happily married Navy LT. Commander helicopter pilot. Nancy doesn't seem to have any "issues". Now, as to how Ed can address that...I'm not touching that one.
  11. The above statement doesn't seem to reflect any opinion about religious ideology. It's inflamatory crap slamming a large portion of the country you present yourself to be a citizen of. Also, for the large part most of this region embraces a fairly conservative social and political viewpoint that is not neccessarily religiously based. I've lived down that way several years and can name many people who haven't set foot inside a church in 40 years that voted Republican.
  12. Trophy? Man I wish I had her qualifications. Condi has a lot more on the ball than people give her credit for-though I'm glad she's at State and not Defense.
  13. Dispatches was a very good book. I read it about 20 years ago. Didn't know it was still around.
  14. As compared to green people? Or lilac? Jeesh.
  15. My personal jury is still out. I don't like the final 10 race dash on several levels, but at the same time too many championships have been decided well before the season was over. Drivers weren't driving to win races, they were driving for the championship. On the other hand, this cup was decided by eight points. Adds more drama to the end of the season. I might like to see a redistribution of points, putting more emphasis on finishing up front while still honoring consistency. It's like any other sport. Most fans don't want to see the "champion" trying to stay out of trouble maintaining a nice, safe 10-15 position. They want to see racing to win. It was different before NASCAR went mainstream, where the fans uniformly understood the sport. Lots of newbies out there, and NASCAR has to keep them happy.
  16. I don't know enough of your situation, but a guess would be that if this gal has been there a long time, your boss has her number. If your boss decides to side with her, knowing she's a cranky B word, your talking to her in pre-emption will probably do little good. Document your interactions. Seems as though you aren't talking about gossip as much as you're talking about backstabbing.
  17. Welcome to reality. Like I said, be professional and don't get dragged down into the mud. You can be friendly, personable and at the same time give them nothing to hold you on. You start playing their game (and this holds true for men and women) and you end up where you can be compromised. You want to hear old school? Try working for the Pentagon.
  18. Ignore it, be pleasant but not personal, do not engage, do your work, and go home. If you show weakness you're dead.
  19. I think the "gangsta rap" is garbage, commercially manipulated and doesn't even remotely resemble music. And, I have heard some advocating killing whitey, played at 8000 watts at a traffic stop in the car next to me. Try again.
  20. I just read this thread for the first time. Has anyone stopped to think that this kid knew there was a TV camera there from (gasp) CBS? If he didn't feel this was a completely justifiable action I doubt he would have capped the guy. I probably wouldn't have left five alive on the first go around. Just take Petrino for what he is. It's not worth the heartburn. People like him will never know, never understand and are likely to never try to learn. There's a lot of other people who work real hard to make sure that the Petrinos of this world can continue to think and opine this way. That's the nature of this country at this point in time. They want to live in some surreal ideology land, fine. I live in reality. I'm sure Mr. Petrino would consider me quite the war criminal if he knew my day to day. Fortunately, he doesn't, nor will he ever, count.
  21. Don't it? I probably didn't need to take the test.
  22. When is the last time we played in Seattle?
  23. Are we overlooking KG?
  24. So much the better. Only thing I have against Stewart.
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