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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. The same kid in the park is called first base.
  2. Do you have some kind of a problem? I think about "black" people the same way I think about anyone else. Those that act like jerks and idiots get thought of and treated as such. Those that don't, don't. Same for caucasions, hispanics, arabs, orientals, etc. etc. You that peeved because I think rap music sucks? What do you want to hear? I've been through a hell of a lot in my 48 years, have a hell of a lot to deal with now, and frankly don't have the time or energy to waste on dumb stevestojan like that.
  3. Snoopy understands all.
  4. If we didn't make our own spice, we'd usually use the dry mix and spoon it in. You don't have to be too heavy handed to get good flavor. Even with the mix we'd add some crushed juniper berries and garlic. It also doesn't hurt to add a bottle of dark beer to the boil water.
  5. And once again, the vast majority want to get their paycheck and be left alone. The tiny minority that is happily seeking their 72 virgins are going to be pre-disposed to that no matter what happens. About the best we can hope to do is decapitate the tactical and idelological leadership. The remaining speed bumps will then be forced to work pretty well individually, and while they can cause great harm somewhere warm and sandy, they are much less of a threat here.
  6. Hey, Vlad! How's it hangin'?
  7. Mary still have a job? I would have figured her for a sacrificial lamb. Rather is too old anyway. I wouldn't mind getting half of whatever his retirement package is. He's not going to be hurting any.
  8. One should steam the shrimp, not boil, so they don't get soggy. I like to steam them head on, so they keep their moisture. Use good ingredients and be very careful of your timing. Silver queen corn, vidalia onion, bite size new red potatoes. Boil the crabs until they just turn red.
  9. I don't know how it got it's name, but it's an industry standard way to make brown paper. I did some environmental work for Union Camp in Savannah, had an engineer showing me how the stuff gets made.
  10. Unwashed savages. All of you.
  11. Problem being you might well now have perps who plan on being dead before they are caught.
  12. I don't consider myself a "tough, most stand-up guy". And, I don't consider it stevestojan. There is a world beyond this board. I live in an area inhabited with a lot of overpriveledged little snots that would step over an old woman to beat her onto a metro car that will also sit and talk the injustice of the country for hours.
  13. True, and how many others sit with a twinkie in front of their 52" HD TV posting drivel on an internet board about "rights" when their entire contribution to the process is watching a snippet of CNN during a "Lost" commercial break?
  14. Don't forget the couple of vidalias.
  15. Friggen Cretin. Here... Cranberry Relish: 1/4 tsp fresh ground nutmeg 3/8 cup orange juice 3/8 cup pineapple juice 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 tsp fresh grated cinnamon 1/8 tsp fresh ground cloves 12 oz fresh cranberries 1/4 cup golden raisins 1/2 cup chopped pecans 1/8 tsp ground ginger In a saucepan, combine juice, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Cook over a medium heat, stirring, until sugar dissolves. Add cranberries and raisins, bring to a boil. Reduce heat, simmer 3-4 minutes or until cranberries pop. Remove from heat, stir in nuts and ginger. Chill overnight.
  16. You probably buy yours based on the shape of the dent.
  17. What? You must be down the hall from me somewhere. I work in the building that old, fat GS women are sent to die. It's like the elephant burial ground. Go to the HQ building and it's like visiting a models convention. (But they have less parking, so take what you can get)
  18. Well, that sent an involuntary shudder.
  19. No, but you still have a good point. Everyone could chip in and do their share in the kitchen, or bring it with them (dressing is better after it sets up and gets reheated anyway, homemade gravy can go into a freezer bag).
  20. Low country boil definitely rocks. One of my all time favorite meals. My wife used to make it for me on my birthday every year, June 7th- when the Shrimp Boats would be coming in with the 10 counts, and the blue crab is plentiful.
  21. So? Sell it. I stand by what I said. I've seen enough postings here alone to make that statement true. Yawn? If you're tired, take a nap.
  22. Man. Choptalk has been around forever.
  23. What's she going to do? Stand over the oven and stare at it for three hours?
  24. Propane is sacriledge. You ever pit cook a pig?
  25. I've got a few I'll toss in.
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