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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. You and I would probably enjoy dinner together.
  2. Mostly in my heart.
  3. Ain't it. You have time to check the recipe?
  4. As an experiment, I took a plastic cup, filled it with water and tossed it into my own face. I immediately ran out and beat up the homeless guy that hangs out at the 7/11 around the corner. Might be something to this after all. stevestojan. Millions of dollars a year to play basketball... They need a swift kick in the ass and a job digging ditches in the off season to try to teach some friggen values. The Fans are idiots, and deserve prosecution, but DAMN! I seriously have to shake my head at anyone defending them. Hey boys and girls, we might be fans but SPORTS ON TV ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT! DON'T ELEVATE THESE PEOPLE TO SOME GOD-LIKE STATUS BECAUSE YOU LIKE TO SAY "GO PACERS!" Or any other team for that matter. Many of the same people will villify a young Marine who's just spent days in a viscious combat zone dodging rounds from all directions because he capped a wounded guy. But spoiled, over paid, out of control basketball players can run up into the stands and start throwing haymakers because someone threw a beer and said nasty things-and that's OK. I worry about this country. I really do.
  5. We've already been there. He's reading up on the Gay rights agenda now for the next onslaught. I can go from Racist to Homophobe. (sigh) Life was so much simpler when I was just a neocon baby killer.
  6. Hey, it worked.
  7. Is this thing still here?
  8. Excuse us all while we Google so we can say "Yes".
  9. The original intent of the thread was based on a "what if". I, for one am not calling for Bledsoe as QB, or Losman for that matter. I was wondering on what folks might think in terms of what the Bill's braintrust was thinking.... Oh, hell with it...M-I-C.....K-E-Y.....M-O-U-S-E! Beach party bonzo anyone? Surf's up! (and so is Frankie)
  10. Point, I meant that in the broadest of terms. Insert palm tree, trained chimp, can of cranberry sauce...doesn't matter. Then again, I'm wondering why Annette Funicello popped into my head to start with.
  11. Pretty rubber tire go round maybe go through snow too?
  12. Damn, I just now checked out this thread as I really have no dog in the hunt when it comes to the NBA, but he's doing it over here too? Wow.
  13. Hey, I like and respect Condi Rice. How can I do that if I'm a biggotted racist? I'm all confused now.
  14. It's that damn fat boy's slow pitch league at work.
  15. Mommy Mommy I don't like Grandma! Shut up and keep eating.
  16. Well, I'll take that to mean you are somewhat grateful to have adults looking out for your welfare, so you can embrace your obviously well thought out perceptions of your fellow man not to mention your open minded ideology.
  17. Well, maybe some of us are not "kids".
  18. No, I haven't "cooled down". I didn't do anything to start with. You are the idiot who jumped up calling me a racist because I think rap music sucks. And, in my original post I made specific mention of an overtly anti-white racist piece to draw a comparrison. Now, I'm somehow "stupid" because I: 1. Said I didn't really want to be bothered with this going this way, because the entire line is crap. 2. Said I don't like anyone who acts an a$$. 3. Also don't see what ANY of this has to do with North, South, Republican, Democrat, Liberal or Conservative. I'm the ass? Let's see a show of hands of who's being an ass here, boys and girls! Oh, that's right-anyone who doesn't agree with you and your liddle buddy Goo are doing the right hand spin.
  19. Just playing with how easy you apparantly are. Truth of the matter is that chances are good I have a lot less issue with this than you do. I'm not inspecting posts to see if I can jump up and throw out the race card just to make noise. I simply pointed out it goes for a minority on both sides. You want to justify the kill whitey rap song to me?
  20. Hey VT, Saddam was giving 25 Gs each to families of Palestinian suicide bombers. I was wondering if you think that was OK? 130933[/snapback] Paid for by (drum roll) UN OIL FOR FOOD!
  21. You too, bud.
  22. Might have been one of the three bottles of wild turkey it took to get the pig cooked.
  23. Well buckwheat, like it or not there is a hateful racist black youth community out there too. Fortunately for all, both sides seem to be in the minority and outside the mainstream. You saw what you wanted to see in my post, which apparantly, was a way to make something out of nothing. You must have missed the part about the stereo blasting "kill whitey". Actually, if I recall the words were more like "off the white man-cap his ass". Now run off and protest somewhere. Better yet, report me to the mods for my overt racism. You have some issues.
  24. I think the poster is showing some clear and innovative thinking.
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