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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Note to self. Chris is now good for four beers.
  2. While I was in Korea. Dedicated to a popular young lady in Yong ju Gol. It was called "Soon Yee, Don't Sell Your Ass in Town". We had to do something besides shoot stuff.
  3. I rewrote that, BTW. "You've painted both your breasts, rolled and curled your pubic hair..." Probably shouldn't go any further here.
  4. My mother bought broadway musical albums and my father liked Slim Whitman and Eddie Arnold. Yeah, one can get sick of their parent's music alright.
  5. No, she probably enjoys watching homeless people get beat up.
  6. Time and pain will take care of that.
  7. Hey Campy. Anyone you guys know?
  8. Germ Boy does have his moments.
  9. Probably can't dance.
  10. I like it. What did she do to him?
  11. I have a couple. Good choice. When I get some time to dig it up, I'll post it to Fezmid's cookbook.
  12. Sleeping with little yellow fuzzy things with peckers? That's just sick, Ed. Sick.
  13. Keep in mind, viewers, that BJH spent a good deal of time on the ground there and isn't pulling his view out of his arse.
  14. He has his point, though. You have a knack for jumping in with stuff that has no bearing whatsoever on what is being discussed. You also know I have issue with that, and you know why. Tom has no influence on what I say or when I say it, and I don't care for the implication. I can pi$$ people off by saying pretty well exactly what I think in my own right. Both these exchanges should have been through PM, BTW. JMO.
  15. You can always go start up a shallow totally mindless television post.
  16. Can I answer that for him?
  17. This has all the earmarks of shaping up to be a lame one. Everyone save it for one of the good ones.
  18. Gotta love leftovers.
  19. That's how rumors get started.
  20. Guess it's time for new batts in the light saber.
  21. And just where have YOU been, young man?
  22. "Beautiful" By Gordon Lightfoot. Personal reasons.
  23. Somewhere behind us.
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