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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. All COCOMS have something called a "Security Cooperation" Plan. Probably one of the most important plans in each arsenal, as one has to CONSTANTLY shape the environment one is operating in. Relief efforts fall into the realm of Consequence Management. Every Combatant Command has a Consequence Management annex to every plan they own. It's known under JOPES as Annex T. Disaster relief is part of consequence management. Inside the US, consequence management is the realm of FEMA. Overseas, it's the realm of the State Department. It's called "Lead Federal Agency". They are a coordinator and integrator. In real terms, State, as the lead FCM agency, is requesting immediate support from the DoD to help mitigate where they can, essentially direct to both CENTCOM and PACOM. The DoD is then taking the lead in getting the initial relief effort set up. This initially, comes out of Defense dollars. Follow on will come out of State. It will far surpass $15 million. Budgetary reimbursements/ re-allocation of contingency funds will come later. That's why I hate "the News"
  2. There weren't any capable aircraft wheels up in intercept range given where 93 came down. Period.
  3. No kidding. I could maybe get that drunk, but I don't think so. I mentioned before, earlier in the thread, that many southerner's have a lot of justifiable pride in their heritage. I'm not saying at ALL that this was the bimbo's motivation, probably far from it- but non-issues like this going the wrong way 1st ammendment wise can have a trickle down effect. The stars and bars don't automatically mean slavery connotations, unless, apparantly, you are from the north. Most of my people not living in the United States died in WW2 at the hands of the Nazis (not the German military). They had the great misfortune of being farmers in an area that Hitler desired in 1939. Who wasn't killed outright, got sent to camps so that German farmers could use the land. They were Catholic, not Jewish. There was more to the "Holocaust" than the Jews, but that's another thread. I could also give a sh-- less about a swastica. I'm not "offended". This stuff could well be a non issue if folks let it die. But, we have to keep all of it alive because of stupid people so lost in political correctness that they fail to see they are contributing to the problem, not helping to solve it. Is "Big Picture" a lost concept in our society? Sure seems to be. A nation ruled by vignettes. Sucks.
  4. I'll probably end up down there during at least one playoff game. Should the Bills persevere, where can I meet up with some Bills fans to live my twighlight zone moment? I'll come anonymously. Just think it could be more fun than watching from the hotel room.
  5. Wait until the e. coli kicks in.
  6. Agreed. I'd rather see just how good the Bills stack up in the playoffs once they are in the playoffs. Wouldn't break my heart if Pitt just went ahead and forfeited. I'm more concerned about injury and wear and tear. What good is it going to do Buffalo to have to play their guts out Sunday to win, but they lose three or four people?
  7. I went by the Texans board today, good fans. I, personally, thought the Bengals would be a block. When you have everthing going, your team plays some darn good football. Glad we won. We need to lose these Patsy Trolls. Gutter slime.
  8. It's been fun, lets just take it as it comes. I once again tip my hat to TD, Mike, and his staff. You more or less have the same players you've had. Pretty much, They came together as a team. If they lose next week, it will be more crushing to them (I hope) than any of us. What a run. My kuddos to the guys who got it out of them, especially after GW and KG. (slugs) This turnaround is nothing short of fantastic. I hope that either Denver or NYJs help them out by losing, but they have a lot of reason to play hard too. It's been a long time since I've seen the wagons circled this tight.
  9. Hope it was warm, stinky sh--. San Fran was listed at 63,000 too. 63,000? Gotta love season tickets. It's the end of the season for them, I can understand it. The Bills didn't even TRY to score more points, but did. Couldn't help it. I lived in Savannah, several years. Huge fan base, because the Falcons usually sucked. Jax did respectable, and still are. But there are a LOT of fair weather Jax fans in S. Georgia and N. Florida. They tend more to college allegiances, who could blame them.
  10. Where do we line up? They have one of those number thingys? (Oh, human sacrifice? That could be painful...you can cut in, it's cool)
  11. This calls for a virgin sacrifice. BF?
  12. Is everyone really sure we can't play San Francisco again? Isn't there a nuclear strike scenario or something? Sure, I'd love to see Buffalo beat New England in the AFC Champ. But, I want to see a Bills win in the SB before I die. I could also be dead next March. This is an AFC year, NFC has nothing to show. There's no way to get a NE - Buffalo playoff game in Buffalo. I'd rather not see the Bills in an AFC Championship game in Foxboro unless Oliver Stone is the Ref. No one has had much to say about Zebra factor in a while, the Bills have gotten some breaks-and some hits, but breaks lately because they are doing so well. Benefit of the doubt- But the Pats wouldn't be where they were over the last 4 years if it weren't for the Zebra factor. They are a good, very good team, but in Foxboro they get to cheat a lot more. Wanna talk about dirty players who get away with a lot? Look to the Pats.
  13. Owens was 43% of the Philly offense. I've watched their number two receiver play like number two every time I've watched them. Has arms like Tyranosaurus Rex. They are going to hurt for a vertical passing game. Still, could be the stongest team. I don't know why, but just a gut (maybe having lived in Georgia all those years plus Peerless Price) that Atlanta won't make it. Green Bay is definitely weak on D, but who is a playoff team in the NFC that is that strong on O? Whoever goes from the AFC, I got a pretty good feeling that they are going to cream the other side. Not going to be a close game, unless the AFC plays too close to the vest. Though, you never know.
  14. I gotta go there too. TH is too good a back (even with his faults) to put on the street for a fourth round pick. What about a trade scenario? Just about everyone is better off in tight ends than the Bills. That, I could see. I hate to say it, but if the team is going to lose Travis next year, does Miami have anything we want? They are seriously hurting for a running game. Of course, having an non-offensive line wouldn't hurt them there, either.
  15. If the Bills were to somehow, someway get there...who's the competition? NFC for one reason or another is in disarray. A couple weeks ago I would have considered Philly a lock, until the TO thingy. I'm thinking the Pack steps up for the playoffs and win the NFC. Love to see Carolina and Buffalo play, because both teams overcame so much, but I'm guessing Green Bay. Seattle? Rams? Har har har.
  16. I'd rather see them play San Francisco again, but that's not an option.
  17. Thursday night season opener? Bills are probably due a road opener anyway.
  18. I was laughing too hard to quit watching. Just listening to Maguire ("No! no! don't...awwww) was entertainment.
  19. He has homefield through the playoffs. I don't see him risking that. Not to wish ill on anyone, but it wouldn't break my heart for the Bus to come down with the flu on Saturday. I'm more concerned about Bills injuries at this point.
  20. He's only going to play whoever is 100% healthy next Sunday. Whether that can be believed or not. The Bills could be looking at a lot of substitutions.
  21. They're still funny.
  22. tonight. What a travesty of a football game, and they're not afraid to say it. Suzie got some good shots as well.
  23. I understand the subleties.
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