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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. I was just going to add that the season isn't over yet. Especially if they win Sunday. The Bills aren't going to the playoffs, but this will be the first time in a few years that there is actually something to build on.
  2. Meanwhile, in some bad place a long way from home a Marine just died in the name of their right to be so correct.
  3. The place I rented here in Alexandria has a dimmer in just about every room. Definitely well worth it, IMO. Kinda screws up the ceiling fan I put in the bedroom, but I'm no electrician either.
  4. Doesn't that hurt your lower back?
  5. Aszhole. Who ditched who? Are we supposed to blindly drive around Arlington searching for your azz? I figured that you probably figured out that we'd drink your expense account. S'OK, you'll be back.
  6. oh oh.......
  7. Might be for those water saving showers where you light a couple candles. Or, could be to prevent too hot a light from setting off a methane explosion.
  8. Too many picky eaters.
  9. That was my point on parts. I'm assuming that John wants to stay as original as possible. I remember trying to canvas Buffalo for hubcaps and such back in the early 70's. Welcome to rust-world. The internet is a definite boon. Although the flip side is a lot of the good southern cars are now up north.
  10. SIC is filling beer cups as we speak.
  11. Number one being finding parts.
  12. I'm an old mustang driver from way back. If you like, PM me some more details (the VIN would be a help), mileage, etc and I'll discuss. $6,500 could be right, or maybe a little high.
  13. Well, hope it's either held in heaven or at least the cemetary so i can come too.
  14. Wow. I actually wasn't aiming at you at all. I just happened to have my DTV bill in front of me while I was typing that (writing out my weekly bills) and used that as an example. I have no idea if you send XMAS cards. Many don't. You actually DO have quite an exagerated sense of self, don't you? What I WAS doing is responding to your point about it having no effect. I think it does if you are a small business owner that does a lot of mailing. Sure, everything goes up-but everything that goes up has an impact, because very often small business enterprises have to run a very tight P&L to be competitive, and can't easily pass those increases off to their customers. When they do that, they run a risk of being outbid by the larger companies that are better structured and positioned to absorb those kinds of increases. Try being an environmental remediation company doing about 2.5 million a year competing against guys like CH2M Hill.
  15. I don't know, as I'm not in business any longer. I have gone through increases when I was. We weren't exempted for squat. I was dealing with contaminated soil. On one job, I might have to send packages of manifests and scale tickets weighing upwards of five pounds to four different entities. That crap adds up.
  16. If I am a small business owner, who does a lot of mailings (I have operated two businesses, BTW-both in environmental construction with tons of AP/AR, reports, stacks of manifests to accompany invoices, etc.) the impact of those four cents adds up over the course of a year after thousands of mailings. It effects my bottom line. Not everyone is impacted solely through their DTV bill and XMAS card list.
  17. I guess I'll jump in too (why not?). Without looking it up, it seems like we went several years without or between postal increases. I have a sheet of Elvis stamps somewhere about 10 years old that are .28 cents. At what point do you begin to get concerned? $1.00 per stamp? This seems to be moving exponentially. E-Commerce, FEDEX and others are changing the dynamics of this. On top of that, the postal service IS mismanaged. They need to be studying some lean techniques and figuring out ways to join into the information exchange changes taking place. That said, do not discount the effects of the Anthrax problem. Decontamination of facilities and the resulting bio-detection systems now being installed throughout the system aren't cheap. And the USPS is not going to make loud of it for public relations reasons (which could decrease their market share further).
  18. So, it hasn't always been Detroit and Dallas, then. The last Bills game on TG I remember watching was a loss to Detroit.
  19. How do you find the time to be a member of both the Cardinals AND the Pacer's organizations?
  20. Thanks.
  21. Well, let's hope for a couple more movies, then. And, BTW-wasn't correcting-was just adding.
  22. Out of curiosity, I'm all for traditions, but where is it set in stone that Thanksgiving games are always Detroit and Dallas? Is there something formal, or is it just an understood thing within scheduling?
  23. Oh, that's right. Goad him on.
  24. I was thinking that when we got the third period update last night, but I just can't help myself sometimes. Is there any period over the year where there are NO team sports?
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