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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Strychnine or cyanide?
  2. A bologna/cheese sandwich and a can of chicken noodle soup. Maybe some chips to go with it.
  3. Enjoy your day, Snoop.
  4. This should get some national press instead of that POS basketball "star". Kudos, Mr. Dunn.
  5. Difference between those who recieved the sum of their education on campus, and those who did some learning wearing Kevlar (though I do go back to the steel pot days). You either get it, or you don't. With few exceptions, those who think like Petrino are simply clueless. If it weren't for the fact that they'd last about 30 seconds, I'd love to find a way to put them in those soldier's and marine's shoes for a few days. Then I might have some respect for their opinions on how it is all so wrong.
  6. Since I am doing absolutely nothing for Thanksgiving, nothing. Should be a nice smooth day of doing housework and laundry.
  7. Great. I'll be in Tampa.
  8. Yeah. Love the Wilson Bridge thing. I live about a half mile from the pile drivers.
  9. How can you be sure? I'm still trying to get past the misery of the Cardinals period. The damn basketball thing is beat to death. Everyone knows, about three times over, what everyone thinks-mostly and including you. I'm saying it gets OLD!
  10. This from the guy who just HAD to drag the Artest thread back out.
  11. He accessorizes so well...
  12. I always thought the painting the toenails thing was a little odd, but he does look good in sandals.
  13. "Cablelady make food. I eat food. Good. Food good". Sorry, Brandon-that just struck me as funny. Most people would say "dinner", or something like that.
  14. Now there's a thought. Dinner with the Teletubbies would be different.
  15. Keg's on a roll tonight folks...look out! (Depends-you crack me up... )
  16. They serve Happy Bunny stew.
  17. When I get down to Richmond again we'll hit Byron's Lobster House. The chef is a Greek guy that is also a major Bills fan.
  18. No, but you can probably buy one there. They put one into the Southside Mall in Savannah. Very popular, especially in a place where a lot of people hunt and fish. I'm glad for Buffalo to get it. I'm guessing it will pull a lot of Canada traffic as well.
  19. Lots to be said for caffeine. Oh, Who's Poojer? (I'm slipping)
  20. I'm disqualified since I started the thread.
  21. You working horrible hours black Friday?
  22. I've been off all week.
  23. I use what wires are there. If I want the fan, I just turn off the light. Works for me! Of course, when I'm really bored I can play "feather the props" with my dimmer control.
  24. It is when you label it "Machine Parts".
  25. You forgot to post "I hate Bledsoe" in John's car thread and the favorite song thing.
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