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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. You left out public hangings. Could help revitalize the Buffalo Downtown area too. Kill two birds with one stone (parden the pun). I'm still partial to the firing squad, though. Another thought, if some people are squeamish (pussies) is to force them to read every single post Ice has ever written, and bore them to death.
  2. Why are you giving Darin the fun part? It was MY idea.
  3. You don't like my summary executions idea? I was going to let you be in charge of blindfolds.
  4. Actually, he was Bi. It was the fashion of the time. Everyone was doing it. Where do you think the term "Greek Style" came from? And, as an aside, what's with all this Alexander fascination suddenly (TV documentaries, two movies, etc)? Is it the three thousandth anniversary of the conquest of Persia or something?
  5. Donald Trump? I was all for Annette Funicello. Bledsoe is the here and now. Losman is the draft pick rookie. Just a hunch, but he might be a better one long term if he's played when he's ready and earns the job. Ice squauks about "Leader" all the time (he might even have followed a few, maybe). In my experience, I've never seen a leader who was just handed something turn out to be a true leader. There will always be a stigma. I'd like to see what JP can do too, but I'm cursed with patience. Those with any success over the long haul, earned it. In my not so humble but also KzooMike opinion...later. If Buffalo finds themselves in a laugher (San Fran), put JP in then for game practice. I'm all for that. But even though I know it's been the crap since the erly 90's, rushing things will give the Bills more time towards a Bowl rather than less. Rushing things could also be a matter of one or two games.
  6. Bob James. Touchdown.
  7. I have more faith in the defense than any other aspect of the team. That said, third and 5+ frightens me. I'd much rather see third and two, or one.
  8. As has been mentioned, it's what you are into. A lot of the things you mention can be done on any of the Islands. Seafood grilling on the beach? We used to stop at a roadside "market" and buy fresh ahi, shrimp and lobster tails on the way to Makua(Western Shore, Oahu) for a day of swimming, grilling (some EXCELLENT beef too, BTW, some huge cattle ranches, grill over some Keave wood) and good company ( a lot of locals set up semi-permanent family camps on the beach). After we lived there for a while, we sort of lost our "Howlie" connotations. It's all about Pau Hana (end of the work day), and off to something to do. I still think that in honeymoon terms, Maui is the place to go. If you want to do some hiking, anywhere along the far end of Hana road or Io park is great. And no sunrise in the world beats the one from the summit of Haleakala. Can be quite romantic (nothing like nookie in the morning). And for going out for dinner and drinks, Lahaina is fun. Mahalo, and Aloha. 'course, if it were up to me, I'd go for a week in Hong Kong. My favorite city in the world next to Savannah, Georgia. Different reasons for both.
  9. I haven't lived there since 1975 (Lancaster). I'm sorry to see so many posts that show how Buffalo has been steadily going downhill. It's never been a cosmopolitan tourist spot on it's best day, but there has always been something going on to keep it upright. If the politicians are the problem, I sure hope some folks made their voices heard on election day. It's like anywhere else. Someone has to make Buffalo an attractive place to set up business. Being in New York State doesn't help. It's bad to hear that the locals are screwing you as well.
  10. I really don't care. I don't see the receivers being a huge factor Sunday. If he plays, fine. If not, fine. If he's there, put him outside once or twice just to screw with people and place Moulds in the slot. I think Evans gets a big play. What I'm hoping to see is a few tosses to WM out of the backfield on a release, if Drew can stay upright. MM comes from Pittsburgh, maybe try a bunched set and toss to Willis out of the backfield on the opposite side. Drew might survive the 2.8 seconds for it to set up, and should be an easy throw, if he for once looks it off. Don't need a lot of offense, but something unpredictable BESIDES those stupid reverse or fake reverse screen pass monstrosities will go some way towards keeping Seattle out of the blitz, which will make Buffalo a "road" kill if they get the feeling they can do it every down. Reed could be handy as a quick slant hot read from the slot himself, should a run blitz be stacked up towards Willis. Hopefully, the Bills can have success with a 60%-40% run to pass ratio. If not? See ya. Maybe. there's always the posibility of a surprise. Who knows? Sure glad the special teams are hot. Buffalo needs a short field on the road. REALLY needs it. I still say, Buffalo 27-Seattle 20 (with 7 coming from a Bledsoe interception, but he makes up for it on a big play to Evans).
  11. Hmmmmm.........
  12. Hopefully, this is the long lost Stephanie, and you'll post a picture once you find one. I'll buy the martinis if you do.
  13. Better watch it, or Ahr & Ahr & Associates will come after you.
  14. I remember many a day when I couldn't turn my back. We'd be out, I'd leave the barstool to hit the john and by the time I got back there was usually someone engaged in conversation. She never knew a stranger, though. Even though their original agenda was pretty easy to figure out, after 5 minutes they were talking to her like she was their sister. We all often ended up having some good conversation. People liked her.
  15. I tend to avoid films where the guys all wear dresses anyway.
  16. Thanks for placing that image in my mind. So much for this thread. A guy I used to work with had a C. Bell screensaver. I can see the attraction.
  17. Unfortunately, 9/11 changed everything. That was a dynamic never considered when the original policy statements were issued during the campaign. It's not like the guy lied. Once the true nature and aspirations of the new enemy were fully realized, a strategy was embarked on to combat them. The media and many of our politicians have made this out to be a war against Al Qaida, retribution for the attacks of 9/11. The popular view is that AQ hates our way of life (true, but not their main purpose). This is not the reality of the situation. I can go on with the diatribe, but I've already done it about three dozen times and chances are you've read it. If there wasn't a 9/11, we wouldn't be here. And this is not a case of nation building just to do it, it's part of an overarching strategy to combat terrorism, and to defeat the goals of those who want to establish a pan-islamic fundamental muslim state within the entirety of the middle east and western asia. People might not like it, but they should understand what it's really about.
  18. Besides my wife? (always will be #1) #2 would have to be Joey Heatherton in her prime.
  19. I rarely use the (OT) anymore because it's gotten to the point where most of my posts are. Usually the title gives it away. When the Bills do something new, exciting and different (like have a winning season?) the OT's will cut down. I'm sure around draft time the football stuff will pick up. Let's see, football posts... Ice has 2,745 posts as to how Bledsoe sucks. The remainder of the board has 11,463 posts telling Ice to shut up. Did I miss any? If you want more football posts, start some. I don't have a lot to laugh about for the most part, day to day. One thing I'm certain of is that I can come over here at any given time and find something to laugh at. There's always some funny stevestojan here (some pretty crude, but funny).
  20. I kinda wondered about that one myself. One- ?, Two-from what I've heard that's not Martha's strong suit.
  21. Very good post. You just don't get these people off the street. To give a post-training perspective, the organization I work for spends a lot of time in the former Soviet Union (we are responsible for treaty monitoring and verification, as well as assisting the FSU in dismantling their cold war nuclear stockpile). Our military interpreters average 10-12 years before even being considered for an assignment. They are required to not only demonstrate native fluency in Russian, but are required to have what amounts to college major level understanding of the culture and philosophy of the people. Some of these folks (all enlisted, mostly E-6 some E7) hold Masters degrees in Russian Studies, International Politics, Policy, etc) I can't imagine that the intelligence agencies are (or should be) much less demanding. As a matter of fact, some of them have previously served tours with the DIA. A great many of our military people have done so as there is a huge requirement for understanding the intelligence business in order to be able to work on the combating WMD issues. And, to the best of my knowledge, we don't have a single one who speaks arabic.
  22. Honestly, it sounds like one of those '60's Private Eye dramas.
  23. THAT makes sense. The only problem is the Bills CFL road uniforms. Going to make it a close game.
  24. Whos Ahr & Ahr & Associates?
  25. We were living on the south shore (Oahu), Ewa Beach. Literally right in the water, the Pacific was my back yard. Got real lucky. The storm shifted down the channel, and tthe western side of the Island, not more than about 20 miles from us got tore up pretty bad. The worst we got was the tin roof on a storage shed get peeled off. There's a reef about a mile out that broke up a lot of the heavy stuff before it got inshore. It's a good thing that there isn't much in the way of tide there, no storm surge to be had. The Islands are too small to let much pile up. Interestingly, I had people calling me from inland to come up and stay with them during the storm. They were at a higher elevation than all of us on the beach, and actually got much worse wind damage. The wind speeds in a Hurricane are much higher a few hundred feet up than they are at sea level.
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