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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Come on now, Mike Williams might have a wardrobe mishap.
  2. Good point. Seattle isn't getting much 12th man support. Make it a Drew home game. Got another half to go. If I must B word, it could be 23 to zero right now. Don't like that series of defensive penalties, and the picks were way down deep. Should have been at least three each time. Call me Ice.
  3. Looks like someone has finally figured out this clock business as well. TD with 6 seconds to go. Nice.
  4. Just an observation. Seattle would have a better chance if they used their DB's for WR's. Those guys can't catch a cold.
  5. Another 7 points would have been nice. Oh well.
  6. hopefully the last three come back. Travis looks like he's hurting.
  7. Guess they're scared of Clements. Hope he comes back.
  8. 41 points and 4 TD's in the third quarter. Yeah, it's against the Browns, but still prety impressive.
  9. Yeah, it would give me a chance to try out those antique bowel hooks I just got off E-Bay, too.
  10. Well, that explains that. Must be a misprint in my guide. Has it listed for 1:00.
  11. I've tried both channels, one says sign off and the other says upcoming. anyone run into this? WTF wants to watch the redskins?
  12. I thought it was simply to piss off Ice.
  13. You have WAY too much time on your hands. I usually mold my own using common kitchen utensils, unless I borrow from DC Tom's collection.
  14. Same shape as my aluminum foil hat. The world is just full of coincidences.
  15. The Pan-Losmanic Caliphate. A clear and present danger. We should probably invade Kenmore.
  16. Jerky Jerk. This Bud's for you (splash).
  17. And to top it ALL off. A lawyer.
  18. stevestojan. thought you namd him for me! So much for the baby gift.
  19. Reminds me of a Jesus joke. The crowd was preparing to stone Mary Magdelen when Jesus comes along. Interposing himself between the crowd and the accused harlot, he shames the mob with "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" Out of the crowd comes a little old woman with a 20 pound rock, nails the crap out of poor Mary and splits her head wide open. Jesus just shakes his head and says, "You know Ma, sometimes you really piss me off".
  20. Remember when we had this pegged as the Tequila Wings game? My, how times have changed. I'm sticking with Bills-27 Seahawks 20 (7 points coming off a Bledsoe interception, but he redeems himself with a long strike to Evans).
  21. Great middle name, by the way.
  22. Braveheart was very good. I thought whoever played his wife was one of the prettiest women I'd seen on the screen in a while, too. Gladiator was tolerable, barely. All in all, I don't go to movies any more as the majority seem to suck.
  23. And, we could invite everyone we like to the pinata party!
  24. I tend to shy away from movies where all the guys are wearing dresses anyway. That movie had clunker written all over it just from the trailer.
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