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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. If I ever tried to find out, the brothers would probably do their thing. Ever been to Afghanistan? Those folks absolutely love their knives. I could tell you stories...
  2. He didn't use the You'll have a tough time with that one at trial.
  3. No, I don't. What's your point?
  4. "Halsey acted stupidly"
  5. I figured that was where Ramius got Ramius, but if I said so I would have been told I was just acting like Darin. You really need to read the book. Much more interesting than the movie. Though SC was good in it. "Personally, I give us one chance in three". Better than what the Bills are facing.
  6. I asked her. She was talking to her brother stacking cartons of Marlboros. Actually, pretty cute, too.
  7. Is that why you look like Bigfoot? Speaking of DC. I stopped in the 7/11 this morning on the way to work. Guy ahead of me speaking Arabic. Girl behind me speaking Russian. Gal behind the counter speaking Pashtu. Gotta love America. Land of the free, home of apparantly everybody.
  8. He's just a jerky jerk.
  9. I don't think that the money or the politics are going to let it go to an outside the playoffs team this year. Just a hunch. Probably 80% of football watchers (not fans) don't really know what they are looking at, anyway-so Big Ben will get it based on hype. No one is going to pay attention to the fact that those wins are coming through defense and six miles of running per game. Unless he totally takes a dive.
  10. Uh...I don't think you want to shake that...
  11. I've always had a soft spot for cholera. Rift Valley might be a little extreme, huh?
  12. Let alone PETA.
  13. Mornin' Sweetie. You see your cat this morning?
  14. My attitude makes things pretty easy. I don't care if they play the cast of SouthPark in the backfield with the Wiggles on the offensive line, as long as they score one more point than the other team at the end of 60 minutes. Drew-JP JP-Drew Drew-JP JP-Drew Sounds like Letterman at the Oscars.
  15. I akin it to being on death row and waiting for the Supreme Court to review my final appeal- But yes, there is a chance. No one seemed to like my thermonuclear solution, so maybe I could get with Johnny Coli and whip up something for the Jets, Ravens, Broncos and Jags gatorade buckets. Hard to block with explosive diarhea, although the fly patterns would probably be spectacular.
  16. Not that there's anything WRONG with that...
  17. Cool! Though I didn't need another reason, it still helps. ROAD TRIP!
  18. You're an Bears fan from Nova Scotia? What do I win?
  19. I was on the list... Didn't you start off in the S-Class boats?
  21. But then what do I do with all of those parapalegic monkeys I've got?
  22. I think it's a pretty nice downtown. The only thing I don't like is the straight up and down, but not a heck of a lot one can do about that.
  23. It's a proven scientific fact. Well, me and DC Tom proved it, anyway. I wish I could reference the thread, but it's about three servers back.
  24. Oh, I thought you found out about the time I printed up all those Pro Bowl tickets.
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