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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. I thought all your strays were rounded up and attached to sleds? Shouldn't you be concentrating on Big Brownies and Polar Bears?
  2. The dollar value of support to this will grow, exponentially as time passes. The government doesn't just open their wallet and hand out the rent money. The American people who actually keep up would have a cow if we just pledged a bunch of cash with no accountability over where it comes from. It is a Chinese fire drill to rearrange obligated funds. Without going through the Google and Email drill, I'm guessing that initial support comes from contingency funds set aside, possibly through State foreign development resources, and the bean counters will work out the details of rest. Somewhere, out there, are one or more DoD execution orders that have fund realignment-reimbursement wording worked into them. They are most likely being directed to draw on operational funding as far as managing accounts for right now, while maintaining a separate accounting for what is actually spent in this effort. Somewhere along the way, funds will get transferred from account "A" to account "B".
  3. As I alluded to earlier, some of this is probably being done based on pre-existing security cooperation agreements, whether done through DoD or through State. The money sorts itself out later. I would suspect PACOM is VERY heavily engaged. What is the impact of backing out of an agreement, over the long term? DoD support to Consequence Management efforts does not entail long term solutions, in terms of policy. Even for a disaster within the United States, DoD support is meant to fill holes and some niched, specialized efforts until the proper resources can be brought from elsewhere. And Deb, can always count on you, can't I? (Shakes head)
  4. If it were up to me, we wouldn't have any stray anything running around.
  5. Noooooooo-not again! There better not be another telephone pole in here somewhere. I'm still getting shots from the last bite.
  6. Is there anyplace in the world that doesn't have a sizeable arab-muslim community? These guys get around.
  7. Well, they DO wear football helmets...
  8. Brazilian solidarity? Just wouldn't have expected this from Brazil.
  9. That depends on what they catch me doing.
  10. Man, I hate that thought (on-sides). If it doesn't work, why give Pittsburgh field position? They watch film too. Buffalo has the best coverage in the damn NFL. Put them back around the 15-20 and make them work for it.
  11. Lining up facing which direction?
  12. Just imagine what could be accomplished with nuclear power.
  13. He bought it from Thurman?
  14. Why is it I could see some folks here mixed up in this? Power Drinking
  15. Free kick for a field goal from 1st down. I don't think anyone has done that since the 40's. Or, since no one trusts Lindell, a drop kick from Moorman.
  16. I'd rather see them play Big Ben. Maddux is not a bad QB, by any means. There's no recent film, and a lot of those "second stringers" just might be playing their guts out for a variety of reasons-contracts, get noticed for next year, etc. Bettis is the one that gives me the most concern. Hard to control a game once the Bus gets into a rythm. Thankfully, he's dinged too. Not to be Negative Nancy, but Buffalo still has to win on Sunday for all of these other wishes, plans and scenarios to play out. Pitt isn't forfeiting the game.
  17. Over 80,000 now.
  18. Just stay drunk 24-7.
  19. You haven't spent much time living in Georgia, have you?
  20. It's a major award!
  21. I'm not a crayon person. If I can't play with it, it doesn't exist.
  22. Takeo wants you. He told me.
  23. Whatever. I know how things work, which is immaterial to this place.
  24. Your welcome. We do do things besides suck baby blood. There are soldiers, marines, and airman that are helping the best they can, as we speak. I might be biased, but very few know how to give, and to help, like the American military.
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