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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. I thought I had a date for dinner?
  2. Good stuff. "Let's be managers" and everyone else aside, I think we might have some kids who are players. And have an idea of what Buffalo football is about. I think Mike M. gets it too. I see good things happening, and we have to trust them. Sorry Ice, You're not in charge.
  3. That one, I figured out. Hope you guys get down to the rail and squirrel away one of WM's touchdown balls for all our posterity.
  4. I'm not concerned about any of them, except for the fact that someone is going to make me pay for them, which takes money away from more important issues, or runs the deficit up some more.
  5. And unless we can get Rico and stevestojan seperated at the hip, this will continue.
  6. Waste of money. That's parents, and a supportive local infrastructure. And, sorry, the kids themselves. Kids want to be so damn sophisticated and worldly at 13. They should hold themselves to it. In this day and age, if a kid old enough to procreate doesn't understand that putting tab A into slot B can result in baby C, there's a real problem. It's not that they don't know, it's that they don't care. An entire society based on immediate gratification. That's why there are a LOT of problems, and also a lack of quality in most anything.
  7. Well, in other threads little comments like "You should get out more" are a normal part of the banter and the repertoire. I guess when it suits you, it's fine-when it doesn't-it doesn't. Since you on occasion show up on the PPP side, I figured you might have already perused it. Fair enough. I'll take partial blame as well. I should have said "perused more" instead of "get out more". And no, that's not my life story. My life story is pretty bizzare, and would take way too long to explain on a message board. Doubt you could fit yours into a post either. As far as the posters on PPP trying to show who's brain is bigger...have you actually read some of the posts? One has to wonder if there is a brain involved at all.
  8. Thank you very much for that. I very much mean that too. I'm retired Army and fully understand, 'cause I've been there what things like this are about. And, being Army does not preclude me from adding-Semper Fi, guys.
  9. Interesting take. You ask me "seriously" and I gave you an answer. Not good enough. By my senior year of HS, I had a full time job (had enough credits to get early work release out of school each day, don't know if they do that any more), played in local bands that actually made money (also good for meeting a lot of people and partying quite hardy), and spent what time I had left learning to fly. I simply found the majority of the HS crowd to be pretty boring. I didn't have much interest in most of them or their activities. The "HS" friends I cared about as friends had already graduated, or went to other schools. Not a lot of incentive for me to play what I considered all the kiddie games. Joined the Army to get the get the GI Bill for school, found I liked what I was doing, and stayed. You seem to have some problem with me with that because...well...I don't know why? I had no desire or reason to be one of the "cool kids on campus". My goal was to get away from it as soon as possible. If you loved your High School experience, fine. Plenty did and do. I had nothing against the place, never had any problems while I was there-pretty well got along with everyone, just wasn't what I wanted.
  10. Most of my friends by then were older, and from areas other than the HS. The things I was involved in had little to do with that particular world. I went to school there, as I had to. When it was over with I went on to other things.
  11. Whatever that means. I was actually pretty popular in HS, just a non-conformist.
  12. I already put him on PPP. You should get out more.
  13. My life and priorities are radically different from what they were then, though I never cared for that sort of thing to start with. I organized the anti-prom when my senior class had the real one. We had more fun. I really don't care what happened to them or what they are doing. Seriously.
  14. I'm going to go wash my socks now.
  15. Her last major performance seems to have played well in New York....
  16. I've heard. At least I wash the socks.
  17. I have socks older than that.
  18. Cool. I can have them with my broiled kitten.
  19. Never been. Don't want to. Won't go. My 30th is this year. Why would I want to see any of those people? I don't want to see the ones I HAVE to.
  20. Bad? Who's bad? (pass the hot sauce, kitty's gettin' cold...)
  21. I've always thought Holly Hunter was consistently very good in anything she did. The problem with American movies in this day and age is that none of them require acting.
  22. I avoid eating blue animals.
  23. S.T.U.P.I.D
  24. Too bad you don't know stevestojan about football.
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