Sometimes those directly involved fudge the truth, which impairs the official investigation. No one wants to intentionally look like an idiot. It's possible that because of the celebrity involved, all parties wanted it to be something that it wasn't, especially those doing the shooting. As I recall, it wasn't very long after the Tillman incident before the fratricide elements came out. I was involved in a friendly fire incident once, involving allied soldiers. I was involved in another incident involving civilians who DEFINITELY were somewhere they shouldn't have been. As far as I know neither made any press anywhere, nor do I think they should have. Everyone involved was cleared of any wrongdoing, so what would have been the point? It was extremely unfortunate that it happened, that people were somewhere they shouldn't have been, but that kind of thing happens. Too often. Those Rangers in Afghanistan probably sh-- the proverbial brick when they realized they had killed Pat. I'm not saying it's right, it definitely isn't, but stretching the truth wouldn't surprise me. It looks better for them, and it looks better for Pat.