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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Backwards or forwards?
  2. If Drew doesn't hit 24/24 with 360 yards and 5 TD's, I think it should count as a loss, don't you? Let's be realistic here.
  3. Somewhere back there.
  4. Inferior opponent, ergo, it counts as a loss.
  5. Wow. Best I've been able to do is run over a Hooters girl and had to go to WALMART to have her removed from my tire. I thought I had it wrong.
  6. I thought it might be taken in Europe, where it's not unusual to see beer and most anything shipped on a flatbed. Check out a German roadcrew sometime. When they pull up to the worksite, the first thing off the truck is several cases of beer.
  8. We always called them flippies. Poor bastards. Never had a chance. Not a freakin chance.
  9. Works for me.
  10. Let's ration food. The North Korea diet plan.
  11. I just wear depends so I don't have to get up.
  12. Yeah, but I changed the voice pack in it.
  13. Wish I was good looking.
  14. Oh, sorry. Thought this was the Neagle thread. My bad.
  15. Anyone visiting Hawaii, please make a stop at the Arizona.
  16. Actually, they have a lot of experience blowing up their own equipment prior to retreating.
  17. Only because Eryn's not here.
  18. Thumper. Looks a little odd in the fishnets, but what the hey.
  19. Shhh. I'm working on the goat/gerbil part.
  20. No, pretty quiet around here today so I'm making an animated porno remake of Bambi.
  21. Bunch of jerky jerks.
  22. I'll take them over having Walt Coleman as a referee.
  23. I've deleted three different responses. They will never know, nor will they ever understand. They've never pulled a trigger.
  24. I love it. I've been known to drop to 45 on the Baltimore Belt, for that very reason. I generally speed, and if 80 isn't good enough for you, tough. I've actually had one go psychotic enough to hit the guard rail crossing three lanes to try to pass at 90 on the right. No, I didn't stop. Let 'em burn. Too bad.
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