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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. And you will find pretty well that that won't be a problem. People are people. You are more likely to find yourself in a beer drinking contest in Germany, than having a problem But outside of taking a backpack trip in February (weather), you have a lot of sense to know where and what. Some of these people here live in Nintendo Land.
  2. You seen the commercial? She's hot. I like her smile. You REALLY want me to audience your indiscretions?
  3. Azzholes. I was trying to make a point. Forgot where I was. My bad.
  4. If you are talking about the "O" commercials, I'd like her for a neighbor. Sometimes it's about the O.
  5. Yeah, and your kid looks like Clemenza. Which is really cool, BTW.
  6. I should have made my comments much more succinct.
  7. They do get soggy. OK, the Bills either win or they don't. Will we survive? Who knows? It's not my reason for being. It's fun to play. If this is your life, sorry.
  8. Well, you're rich and successful. I'm not. I'm a poor young country boy.
  9. You forgot plague, Never forget plague. Plague is bad stuff. Nasty. Will cost us the Super Bowl, because Bledsoe and Donahue just don't understand biological warfare. I'm NOT going to post my Serb under the counter Belgian made Valium and Xanax conections. Oops.
  10. I'm sorry to admit that I don't remember what I was doing.
  11. And she turns 18 when?
  12. Well, for five bucks and for the Bills... I'll spend five bucks on the Bills. I'm one of those who for some stupid reason doesn't consider a 20 point win a loss.
  13. Great. Now I want to meet your wife and your daughter. Without you around, of course.
  14. I really pay very little attention. I'm happy to have what I have for 36 bucks a month plus the 190 for Sunday Ticket. I don't use the movie channels and don't have HD, though. Don't watch TV enough. I'm sure that would make a big difference. An interception to me is an interception, whether it's HDTV or not.
  15. At another point in my life, I was involved in Army operational testing for new equipment. That's not a LAMP, that's a basis of understanding. This, once again, is complicated. Most all of the soft skinned vehicles in the inventory were bid on specifications made as much as 20 years ago, with an expected life cycle for the equipment. At the time these vehicles were brought on board, we were facing a very set piece conventional threat with conventional tactics in mind, facing primarily the Soviet Union and to a lesser extent, North Korea, who employs Soviet style doctrine and tactics. These vehicles were never intended at the time to have to endure much in the way of direct small weapons fire. For the type of lethal threat they faced, no amount of armor was going to protect them, as someone making it to the combat element trains had enough fire power to negate any individual vehicle protections. Supply convoy protection comes from convoy disciplines pre-learned and rehearsed and specific convoy orders given every mission. Enter the modern age of US televised warfare. DISCLAIMER! I'm not bashing Clinton, here, but trying to illustrate the change. Throughout the 90's, it was pretty much governmental policy that if military action were taken, there would be no US blood and gore. That is what we became accustomed to. For example, the flight profiles for the attack missions flown over Bosnia were actually tactically quite unsound, and resulted in a lot of collateral damages that could have been avoided had the Fox 15s and the like been allowed to do what they did best. With the two that DID get hit, the pilot of one was paraded as a hero through Larry King and Peter Jennings because he got shot down. The other one got hit in the engines and said "Oil pressure's gone, I'm a glider fellas" and since he didn't want attention drawn to himself he was forgotten. The sad truth is, right or wrong in ones beliefs as to the purpose-people die in a real war. This is a real war. If you are a combat commander, I'm talking the planning part, you execute your mission with the success of the mission foremost in your mind. You don't undertake missions that result in unacceptable losses. This isn't WW1 or even WW2 anymore. You also realize that you WILL have losses. The way the system works, it's up to the field leadership to mitigate those losses based on their level of skill and training. No one, when the cargo trucks and fuel tankers were designed and fielded, had any idea they should be 100 percent bulletproof. Nor, is there a reason for them to be. There is a tremedous amount of effort being directed towards making things safer for those soldiers, they just don't see it, and not every Tom, Dick and Harry has the industrial capacity to make everyone happy. One may have a 40 or 50 vehicle convoy, with security. A command detonated IED takes out one truck, if they have their march discipline right. Two, if they don't. 4 GI's died in Iraq today. 194, in the same convoy, didn't. Troops using field expedient armor has been around as long as their have been means to blow stuff up. A couple of layers of sandbags used to defeat AV mines. Troops have been doing that forever. It's the attitudes that have changed. I'm not talking theirs, I'm talking the overall mindset that drives it. It's not a video game.
  16. So, it's come to that.
  17. Not if he's the dork....
  18. I'll give him a 92. He has a good beat and I can dance to it.
  19. Agents. Sort of makes you wonder. I know nowhere anything about it, but how can someone negotiate something like that. I understand the immediate gratification thing, but damn. I guess they have their eyes on this drafts Lee Evans? Who doesn't think Peyton had something to do with this?
  20. Family tragedy is off limits. Unwritten, but understood rule. At least it should be. There's a lot of it on this board, and we get around it. Most of us give plenty of flack fodder without going there. Jennifer Lopez, huh? You still carry?
  21. Locals cost me about 4 bucks a month here in DC. There's about 15 Channels. Maybe six in english.
  22. Thanks. I went by the guide instead of surfed.
  23. Ditto. Best deal going, IMO-and Sunday Ticket too. EXCEPT.... That "enhanced" stuff. How do you get rid of it if you don't want it? All the scores from all the other games are a distraction, and takes a quarter of the available picture away. Anyone watching a Bills game probably could give a rats ass how New Orleans is doing.
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