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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. No kidding. (sigh). I was so looking forward.
  2. I wasn't bringing gay anything into this at all, in terms of the subject. There are certain areas of the US that are liberal to the point of embarrasment sometimes, and SF is one of them. I'm not knocking the place, the opposite can be said of most of the rest of the US. When it comes time for certain issues, like religion vs government, certain areas seem to offer up the majority of the cases.
  3. shhh. quiet. I'm loading the truck.
  4. I'd enjoy watching him die. But that's me.
  5. Ken's on a roll? Kimmilwick? I'm going down to the basement now to see what's just lying around. Should be something useful.
  6. There are specialty security companies that custom build armored vehicles for celebrities, politicians, etc. This sounds like what you are referring to. They are not AM General, who builds the HMMV. without the name of the company, it's hard to determine.
  7. I prefer smoking craters.
  8. Another cat?
  9. Some dead guy.
  10. Not for much longer.
  11. I'm frightened.
  12. Well, you wanted him down, didn't you?
  13. Play Misty for me.
  14. Where's Brigit Bardot when you need her?
  15. There are still relatively quiet challenges on recounts, with more than a few suits filed for fraud, from a lot of Kerry supporters. Especially in Ohio. Ken will have to wait his turn. It's low key, but several elections are being challenged, heavilly. Look at the Washington State governor's race. And, we want to teach the world democracy? If you don't like the results, sue. Hear of the Ukraine? Thank you algore. You're contribution to the world at large knows no bounds.Never considered the idea that as much as we are hated, we are also emulated.
  16. Thank you. You'll hear no argument from me. Savannah, Georgia is where I call home. I miss the South. I live in Virginia, it's closer, but it's not the South.
  17. I hear Mission Impossible music as we speak. Oh, for the good old days. Most no one here knows of what we speak.
  18. I said I was lazy, not stupid.
  19. The Land of the Agenda. That's a hard one. If this teacher were promoting gay rights, or protesting the governments intervention in a sovreign nation, in the SF locale, no one would have blinked an eye. Best I can come up with is ride it out for a week. It will be gone. Christianity has a huge part in the formation of this country, whether anyone likes it or not. It's only been over the last 30-40 years that anyone had an issue with it. Especially the last twenty. I would suspect that your children have already been exposed to a lot of ideology. This garners attention because it's not your geographic nor local geopolitical mainstream. Kids bounce well. A week of distraction won't hurt them much. Whatever YOU believe is what they will learn. Or, did I miss the point?
  20. ROAD TRIP! And this one is close for me for a change. All bunnies must die.
  21. You could always pirate a full up Adobe. Just PM TracyLee.
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