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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Too many gutters. And it plays hell on the ball return machines.
  2. I thought you were talking about Rich and Darin. No, I'm afraid of Melody. She's a force to be reckoned with.
  3. I just lob hand grenades. It's the only way I've figured out to pick up splits.
  4. Not really. I'll be the one with the video camera.
  5. Yeah. I might try their Beef on Weck today.
  6. No, I lied. I'll actually be with DC Tom and Melody.
  7. Hey, we still have the old Deathstar on blocks in the garage?
  8. I'll be with Darin and Rich.
  9. No, people are not naturally good. The "good" comes from ideas and ideals learned through a strong family and community base of teaching what is good, what is not so good. Once upon a time it worked to the benefit of all. Now, we are inundated with excess, technology and the cry for Civil liberty, which is euphanism for "it's OK to do whatever you want, screw everyone else". So, now the people are "good" when it serves their purpose to be that way, not because it's the way to be. Soapbox? There's thousands of examples of this going on every day. It's become normal behavior to be selfish and self centered. Most of these examples are small (try merging into DC Beltway Traffic at 4 PM), but collectively, they give a bad sign.
  10. The original precepts included some form of moral compass along with stressing tolerance. Separation of Church and State is a fabrication, legislated from the bench-not through the people. What was laid as groundwork was the concept that the United States would not have a state mandated or sponsored central religion. A great many of the original settlers to the US came to escape religious persecution elsewhere, and this was taken into account. The basic "laws" be it may generated from the founding of this nation are based heavily in the Judeo-Christian ethic. How many laws are spawned by something as simple as the 10 Commandments? This nation has lost it's moral compass. The emphasis in no longer on what's right for a society, it is now on what is right for the individual, basically on an individual basis. Virtually every vocal minority can now attack and succeed in tearing down institutions and ideals practiced for centuries in the name of "Civil Liberty"and "Progress". We now live in a land where as far as many people are concerned, technology and entertainment are God, and they worship little more than themselves. They appear to be in the minority, but they also get the airtime and the press. Eventually, more people will be indoctrinated that this is the way that things ought to be and we will will suffer for it. We're suffering for it already.
  11. We'll send out for kimchi. Goes well with ka gogi.
  13. You have to be able to get along with little green lizards.
  14. ROAD TRIP!
  15. I've always been partial to a Speyside.
  16. OK, I'll get somewhat crappy. You can't fight a war where no one gets killed. This whole "armor the cargo trucks" is bullshidt. It's never happened in the history of modern warfare and it is the present day version of the 1968 protests to make it an issue now. We are now the only country since steam power got figured out to have to armored flatbeds in order to keep ABC and the NY Times happy. "Support the troops". Yellow ribbons. Funny how no one is clammoring for ceramic armor on the contract hired vehicles (Volvos, Chevy's, whatever) that actually haul a lot of the material required for war. It's all about Mom. Every single sound decision made about anything can be ripped to pieces through the media with an agenda very easily because it can be spun. Because the truth of risk versus reward doesn't sound good. As a matter of fact, it sounds real bad, if not taken in context. But no one takes things in context. Anyone remember why we needed more firetrucks? Senator Kerry told us it was important. So did Hillary and Tom Daschel and JohnKerry.com. The cold truth of the matter is that more fire trucks mean nothing, other than more firetrucks. More money. More nothing, as far as making things wonderful go. I think we should once and for all, abolish Christmas. That will make us a better people.
  17. Think it through. The world and by extension our country is going to be a s.hittier place four years from now. TV will blame it all on the Bush administration. 97.376 percent of the population will believe whatever TV tells them. If Kerry weren't the Democratic equivalent of the '96 Bob Dole, he'd be getting sworn in January 20th. One thing I do have hope for (wishfull thinking, albeit), is that 2008 might produce a semi-viable third party candidate.
  18. I'm glad you didn't elaborate on your sediments.
  19. Hillary is going to get the Dem nomination in a cakewalk. The Clinton faction holds all the money, and no one can raise it like them. They're going to pull some rabbits out on the internet both learning from and also to offset Screamer Boy. As much as Kerry is ALREADY campaigning for 2008, it's not going to happen for him. That will be the result of the whole show. The only viable way the Republicans will have a chance against Hillary is to start promoting Condi Rice (except she probably doesn't want it) about 1 Feb 2006. That would go a long way to deflating the novelties. Also, in 2008 foreign policy will be an even bigger factor than it was in 2004.
  20. If he's ready to play, and they are going to play him, I'd rather see him work off some rust against Cleveland than against Cincy.
  21. No man titties.
  22. Yes, did you get the shots from Dexters first test flights? Phase 1 Op Test
  23. With lasers. Lots of lasers. And a flamethrower.
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