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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. But, as Islam and Saladin are aligned in history, Christianity and the roots of independance in the US are too. In this case, Christianity is "The" religion. The directional foundations of this country were not based on the teachings of Shintoism or Budhism.
  2. Somewhere, somehow we've gone from a collection of basic rights supposedly guaranteed to all (subject to another debate) to an attitude of "Whatever it is, if I want to do it, it's my right". Once again using a National Defense example, First Ammendment issues. Soldiers in combat situations have been compromised and even killed for the right of a reporter to air a story. Counter terror operations have had to be adjusted or changed because of information published in the media, just so that one network or paper could outscoop someone else. Our enemies, on occassion, have escaped our grasp because they were forwarned by the likes of FOX and CNN. A ridiculous amount of information on our critical infrastructure is available on the Web, in many cases directly against the wishes of those charged with protecting it, the people's "right to know" being valued over their security with disclosure mandated by law. I work with a lot of classified programs and materials. Often, they are classified because of being grouped together a certain way in one spot. Very often, the individual elements can be found open source using Google. Can I see a show of hands of those who don't think the bad guys are using this stuff? The organization I work with gets several hundred internet hits per month from IP's located in the Middle East, Africa, North Korea and who knows where else. Now we have an administration that at least semi-understands this problem, and it has been politicized and spun in the press as the removal of peoples rights. And that entire diatribe covers only one small sliver of one right. where is the line drawn between a right to publish-right to know, and posting too much simply because some people think they should have the right to own it-whether they even understand it or not?
  3. On so many levels.
  4. If you're going to have a doesn't matter game on ABC, might as well be a fun one. Next week should be quite the barnburner as well.
  5. The Myth of the SQL Error
  6. The sad thing is, no one would really be sacrificing their rights. The problem lies in the broad interpretations of what those rights are. As many of you know, I work in National Defense. I have more than a cursory knowledge of Homeland Defense issues. It continually baffles me how some fairly harmless, simple things get spun into the government trying to use security to steal everyones rights away. I'm sorry folks, but unless you are part of the Islamic Jihad, or an element supporting them, no one is going to waste the time tapping your phone or checking your library reading list. Besides, if your not doing anything wrong, don't have anything to hide, why would you even care?
  7. What if he finds out he likes it? We should farm out executions to the mujahideen. That might become quite the deterrent. Those guys understand inflicting pain.
  8. I never understood the fascination either. But (since it has been thrown in our face so many times) doesn't stop me from wanting to see him die, though. BTW, I thought the death sentence thing was kind of appropriate during the Christmas holiday time.
  9. Get on that, will you?
  10. OK, this, as usual drifted a bit. Why is it, one "should" not be allowed to discuss the influence of Christianity in the formation of this country. How can one discuss Al Qaida, without discussing the role of Islam? How can anyone discuss European history, without mention of the Catholic Church? And the list goes on. In spite of what has been legislated, one can not remove and separate the existence of religion from the existence of the state and still maintain an accurate historical perspective.
  11. And 24 0f those 17 were garbage time. It could have been -7 yards total offense. Man, wouldn't you love to see that stat against NE in the AFC championship game? One can dream.
  12. And you know that's not idle internet bluster on my part, either. How can someone do that? How? To the woman he married, was expected to cherish, love and protect? People can adapt to jail, many even grow fond of institutionalized living. After a few years, living in prison might not be a big deal to him.
  13. Good. I hope it sticks, doesn't get reversed. I wouldn't mind being given the opportunity to carry out the sentence myself. POS. Only I wouldn't want to use something as humane as a lethal injection.
  14. OK. Laugh at me. I've posted before where that was wrong, as for all the atrocities we committed. I'm also personally responsible for none of it. All the more reason to have absolutely no morals or scruples now. Two wrongs after all, will always make a right. We had slavery, we screwed the Indians. That gives me every right to be a dick now, in 2004.
  15. Cut them. Cut them all.
  16. I agree. This cost the Bills the SuperBowl win this year. Should have thrown him in week five.
  17. He looked a deer in the headlights when he took off. That better get better.
  18. Yes, no matter how he tried to be polite and get away from me I wasn't going to let him go until I had it established that he knew nothing of football, and his words to me that the Bills would get better were secret information only he and I would know. But only if he listened to me. Damn, gotta give Ice credit. It's hard to be this stupid.
  19. Cut them. Gone. History. The Bills will never win a Superbowl as long as Denver gets to get the oxygen advantage. That's good for six games per year. Cut them. I don't care what Rico thinks. He's Steve Whatever's lap dog anyway.
  20. I think this game tells a lot more about Denver.
  21. I agree with you. But I thought I had it covered pretty well. That Billy Buffalo guy...
  22. I forgot. You have to do that with a rookie QB that looks like a panic stricken rabbit when he has to throw a pass.
  23. No, sadly, we lost. the Bills are now 7-6. Not 13-0. Only 13-0 at this point, scoring 650 points in the season thus far, with no points scored against you makes you a true team in the NFL. If you can't understand that, you are not a fan. It's never about a season, or a run-it's all about what I can complain about regards to the last game. True sports teams do whatever I want them to do, at any given instant, because I'm the only true fan here. Everyone else is stupid. This turn around shows no coaching, no management and certainly no character because no one besides me knows anything about football. After all, I was the one who chased TD down in the parking lot and made an ass of myself. Cut him. Gone. Dead weight.
  24. I told Tom I thought it was a left roundhouse. Great when you can get away with it.
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