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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Make sure you keep enough moisture in there as well. Add a little HOT water every so often until you know they are right.
  2. A gal that works where I do (Bills fan from Rochester) told me a rumor of a place arounf Alexandria/Fairfax known for great/authentic wings. She didn't have the name and now we are on the quest. Does anyone know where this place is?
  3. Since you soaked them overnight, you'll be fine. Stay away from the salt until they tenderize-the salt tends to make them resist moisture. I never pre-cook my beans when I make baked beans, they come out fine.
  4. Chechan Conflict Info My one PPP comment. Remember things like this when you vote. This could someday be New York.
  5. I thought you were Sammy.
  6. We're just bozos on this bus, ain't we?
  7. Stalker? Gotta love it. Try to get your court date changed. Traffic cops schedule days to be in court. The chances are better that the officer won't make a changed date. Marginal, but better. Only thing I can add to the advice above.
  8. Man took the words from my mouth. It's never too early in life to see the Nation's Capitol. The youngun's might really enjoy the Smithsonian.
  9. And proud of it.
  10. What a bunch of asssholes.
  11. Only until you get done with the training phase. (Sorry for my part in this Rich, I'll send you another recipe as penance)
  12. Well, now that the minute by minute blow by blow is over for now, I wonder how the other 10 million in Florida are doing? Pretty sad state for Orlando. Twice in three weeks.
  13. Still better than being the virgin a-hole....
  14. Russia-Chechnya for Dummies Maybe easier to palate. Read especially the section on Governments involved.
  15. Chechan timeline The original root causes of the conflict are political, but being propogated by fundamental islamic "Believers". AQ and these Chechan paramilitary whatevers have been in bed for years. This IS Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism. The goal might be an "independant" Chechnya, but that would have a heavy fundamental/radical islamic base to it. What you will have is another refuge, another Afghanistan-which it pretty well is already. If you don't think AQ is alive and well and hiding in Chechnya, sorry, they are.
  16. and they taste like chicken.
  17. "To serve man" Hey, bunnies, aliens...no dif to us. We'll handle it.
  18. I agree. I've been through a couple. One they evacuated the city of Savannah for, we stayed glued to the weather channel. When it started to jog a little bit east, we decided to stay. Had the whole city about to myself. The horror stories came from those who evacuated. But if it decides to come in, better get quick.
  19. Interesting discussion. For a change. I so love it when folks do homework. But tom, that truly is a bad bait on the oil tech...
  20. I would definitely consider trading my next years number two for a third string back up QB if I were you. TE...no shot at Gonzales?
  21. Great, sweetheart. I'll send my cash up with G. Host, unless you want me to mail.
  22. I've used a 10 gauge goose gun before. It's just about too much for an adult shoulder, if you're a skinny little runt like me. Glad you got him out hunting. Too many people this day and age are SO against the idea of a gun, let alone using one that the skills are eroding.
  23. I prefer petting zoos.
  24. When I went to high school, it wasn't unusual to have a shotgun in the trunk of the car if it were pheasant or deer season. If it was a nice one, you'd often have a teacher out there taking a look and comparing notes. And, we never could get our homemade fireworks to light, let alone blow up.
  25. My pre-season guess is Seattle.
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