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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Edwards may not do well, unless he's been saving up. The veeps are the campaign attack gogs, and quite a few of the dems are complaining that Edwards isn't attacking.
  2. No, not that. Actually I think it more likely he places the bet anyway. Thinking that a team broke major rules of the sport during a Super Bowl run is great says a lot for the old value system.
  3. So what was the point of the post? Oh, I know...
  4. He also thought it a grand idea that Denver cheated on the salary cap, so you never know. He could do the bet anyway. His money.
  5. And the photo will be of him in tears hugging the control box to his chest.
  6. Not that I'd ever willingly agree with stevestojan, but have to here. I've found DTV to be more reliable than cable. Very rarely does it go out for any more than 5 or ten minutes in the worst of storms. And with a good install, those dishes are rock solid. The roof will go before the dish does. And it is also cheaper.
  7. I worked for a hazardous materials response company for awhile, in Honolulu. Someone threw some paint cans into a 30 foot dumpster of sewage cake. It couldn't be processed any further with the paint in it. They called us to get the paint remnants out. Dumped it on a huge sheet of 10 mil visquene and spent the better part of a day in 90 degree heat sealed inside a vinyl suit over tyvek, with sealed boots, gloves and mask literally hip deep in stevestojan scooping white paint. And yes, I was hungover-pretty commonplace in Hawaii.
  8. I remember watching Cheney-Lieberman thinking to myself "Why can't these guys be running?".
  9. That takes out most of the talking heads and paid for advertisements too. I could get behind this.
  10. Probably need DC Tom in on the conversation. For one thing, the beam is invisible, so I don't know if that affects diffusion any. I still find it incredible that something that powerful can fit onto an airplane. Even if it's a big one. We have all kinds of strange things out there you never hear about much. A lot of work being done in non-lethal technologies that's pretty amazing. Directed energy weapons and such.
  11. I'd have to ask. I was pretty well amazed that they could do it at all.
  12. Actually, a lot of the components worked quite well. I work with a guy who was on the team that had a laser inside of a 747 that actually targeted and shot down missiles in their boost phase, and took out re-entry vehicles zeroing in. And, if you understand the dynamics of a North Korea strategy, you'd know why those ABM's are there.
  13. Score? What's that? I'm sure I heard of it somewhere. Let's hope they run them all the way back for the touch.
  14. Probably more like a tossed raisin salad.
  15. That's a visual I could have done without.
  16. Man, you step away from the desk for five minutes and just look at the good stevestojan you miss. Why did he pick you Tom? I thought he had the hots for Darin.
  17. No, with the bone it's pasties.
  18. But that habit of his starting on the wrong end...
  19. The medals could have that Peter Pan thing from pixieland embossed on them, you know-to sort of commemorate him. And his website. That is T-bones site, isn't it?
  20. T-Bone bashing is now an international sport? Great Britain has joined the coalition. Perhaps it can be considered as a future olympic event.
  21. You forgot whiney.
  22. Move it to Paris?
  23. I was actually going to jump in at the closet post point, but figured that was WAY too easy. Could have been a trap.
  24. Is this the official whiny little attention-starved team-swapping whore thread? I heard it was around here somewhere.
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