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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Especially one born wearing a Kazoo helmet and pocket protector. And Paco...bite me.
  2. You have to be out of the country for 330 days, and only the first $86,000 is untaxed. Anything over that gets hit at the normal rates.
  3. Transmission range and as mentioned, power.
  4. It's been seriously thought about. There are a lot of technological problems.
  5. The nice fellow behind this is not an Iraqi. He's a Jordanian.
  6. Don't forget the Simpsons episode where Lisa was hadicapping games at 100% accuracy. I get a lot of mileage out of being a Bills fan jokes. Sort of like the Buffalo version of you might be a redneck.
  7. I've already volunteered to go back.
  8. Man, the things some a$$holes won't do for attention.
  9. I had a 480SL when I lived in Germany. Ran about 145, cruised at about 125. Off ramps were an adventure until you got used to it. After an hour or so at 120-130, 70 seemed like you were parked. Had to double check the speedometer to make sure you didn't do an off ramp Rosen. The first time you pass a police car doing 100 mph is a memorable experience. what's really odd, is because of the discipline there, and everyone following the rules-I felt safer at 130 there than I do at 75 on I-95.
  10. Right now he could probably get by with a little paper bag with two eyeholes cut into it.
  11. Congrats to you all. Sounds like a smart kid. I wouldn't have come out for that fiasco either.
  12. And you thought it would be Oakland. Wings start marinading on Friday. Cook starts marinading about noon on Saturday.
  13. The Zebras gave the Bills 48 yards of offense on a field goal drive. I hated to see such nice work by Clements get overturned, but it looked like the Ref situation was a wash. The Bills beat themselves with very little help from the refs or Oakland. No offense to speak of, and the D played hard-but gave up too many drive continuing plays-and BTW, how do you let someone get behind you on a third and the Pacific Ocean? Didn't that happen last week as I recall?
  14. And a really bustassed post strike powerpoint demonstration.
  15. Yup, that's exactly how I got the first of my 658 purple hearts. That ammonia sure stings when you get it in the eye.
  16. So, when you're signing your own autographs will it be on your a$$ cheeks then? That's going to look like some bizzaro game of Twister (right hand blue...a$$cheek green....Sharpie red....). Might need a mirror.
  17. I've always been a fan of the pre-boost phase interdiction option....
  18. We can't forget Gilbride either. stevestojan, stevestojan covers just so much terrirtory.
  19. And who could forget the telephone pole fiasco.
  20. As I was saying about character insights...
  21. It doesn't when you come first and don't care about the rest. Well, looks like Jeanne will miss Florida, you won't have to skip Pee Wees Playhouse.
  22. Odd, I would have guessed you were marrying the TV.
  23. Well, at least you seem to realize that you get dumped on for the sheer entertainment value of it. I'm definitely no fan of yours, anymore than you are a fan of mine. You post a lot of stevestojan that gives a whole lot of insight into where you're at. You offer the targets, there's going to be some !@#$ like me to take a shot at them. You think it's fine to compromise what little integrity a sport has, I don't. You're biggest concern going through two hurricanes is when does the TV comes back on. Mine might be how are the people I know and care about doing? Different ways of looking at things.
  24. Fan club? Probably wouldn't have wasted the time, but T-Bone's still shivering in a closet somewhere. Just some of the stevestojan you post is pretty amazing. A day by day blow by blow of stevestojan life. The hope is, that maybe you'll start to catch on.
  25. Good point. I just hope that everyone actually talks about something and respects Mickey's fatwah. NPR is supposed to be dedicating a bunch of time to an explaination of both sides positions and plans on issues.
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