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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. Not to mention the Braves.
  2. Hey, Lasbills. That picture of you before or after your morning coffee?
  3. Why? They playing at your barn?
  4. Man, you and me both. I still haven't forgiven Tommy Glavine. I just hope they don't fold in round one this year. There's been a lot of bad talk on Cox (they win in spite of him), but damn he keeps getting them there. Go Braves! I hope that they get a shot at the Yankees again.
  5. So, I guess stevestojan needs to take an icecube bath for T-Bone, who has probably filtered himself. Tune in next week when T-Bone says..."Bone me, I'm a bottom".
  6. He's probably thinking Fredo, so he can kiss him on the lips.
  7. I always wanted to be a firetruck. Either that or a tree.
  8. I sort of view T-Bone AS an ignore filter.
  9. Believe me, anything involving T-Bone would weird out most people.
  10. Question. (Hand in the air). Who gives a rat's ass what the UN thinks, anyway. Several millions were made by several members through kickbacks in the oil for food program. Paid by Sadaam, who pocketed several billion. Maybe we should "liberate" the UN. I guess LasBills is one of the many who feel that the US must have the UN's permission to go to the bathroom. Newsflash. The UN is corrupt, irrelevant and ineffective. Bush !@#$ed up the gravy train. That's why they don't like him. It is also very much against the rules of protocol to cheer speaches. But, whatever.
  11. Just out of idle curiosity, in your view, who is supposed to secure the chemical plants?
  12. Well said, excellent post Rich. I didn't have my own company, but had full P/L on two others. That's the way it is. Next?
  13. I'm not a right wing whacko, and I still can't respond because everytime I do unless I stoop to the Kerry/Bush Bush/Kerry bad sound bite idiotic mentality where Dan Rather or Sean Hannity tells us how it is it takes 5 paragraphs and everyone goes away. What's the point? I'm pegged as one of the right wing whackos, and all I do is tell things like they are from my little nook and cranny. Y'all generally continue your non-stop nonsense in another thread. Tenny, I know you go out and work for what you believe, (misguided though it might be) but most of the rest of you-WTF are YOU doing to try to make something better, or at least different? "Oh, I'm going to go vote!" Fugg that. It takes 30 friggen seconds plus the drive. For all the complaining, that's all the time you are going to devote to the future? If you don't know what you are voting about, what did you accomplish? Thought so. Folks could read any of several well thought out pieces from either side-points of view and information withouth the rhetoric and the misinterpretations-but hey, isn't there a Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-run on USA? Ooooh-there's a special on Laci's Uncle at 10!
  14. You ever go fishing for catfish and have your day spoiled because the bluegills are always stripping the hook?
  15. If that were the only solution. If it were me, I'd try to take them down with something that doesn't rely on DNA testing, just so that me and everyone else was sure we had them.
  16. I'm in. This operation would require a seasoned planner.
  17. It is specifically prohibited in most of the contracts, KBR comes to mind, that contractors are not permitted to be armed, unless specifically providing security services. Insurance and legal reasons. Some apparantly actually abide by it.
  18. Little known classified fact. Since so much movement is done on horseback there, a careful study of Monty Python conclusively proved that several special operations soldiers with coconut halves could create the sound of attacking tribesman, which often times flushes the Taliban from their caves where they are given sensitivity traing and sent for a time-out.
  19. I wasn't meaning to be disrespectful. A lot of sites mean to imply that he was somehow singled out. What CIA support there was was generic, and he happened to be around, hence folks say that he was trained and supported by the CIA. In that context, him and a few hundred thousand others. Witness information indicates that he may have been involved in one battle where he actually fired a weapon. bin Laden actually never had much of a direct role in the fighting. He attempted to set things up financially more from the background. His particualar efforts were at cross purposes with the main efforts in some areas, and his support was actually rebuffed. There isn't any solid evidence that he was ever in direct contact with the CIA from a combat training perspective. He was actually more the beneficiary of a "train the trainer" type of operation.
  20. You are correct. It's the short yellow bus they ride to practice.
  21. This has certainly been amusing.
  22. Well, looks like the shoe fits to me...A$$wipe.
  23. CNN also gave up that the CIA had expert geologists studying the rock formations in the UBL videos, to try to get a fix on where they were being shot. That's why you never saw another UBL outdoor video. Also, the CIA didn't "train" Bin Laden. Do some homework.
  24. With Tom, you'll end up with an ultrasound.
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