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Everything posted by _BiB_

  1. I think that's already been solved. Angelo has been given a majority interest in the new corp. I don't think the Orioles are going to lose that much base anyway. As tom points out, the Stadium issues need to be solved soon. This stadium is going to cost a lot more than $400 million by the time all the deals for votes are struck.
  2. Your middle initial is N? Speaking of which, why is Garlic called Garlic? You don't lick it. It should be Garchew, or Garmince or Garsaute. As for the reading chair, great idea. I do my best work there.
  3. I've never seen Seinfeld. Not a single episode. None. Nadda. I have been wondering though, for a long time-why neckties don't come in standard sizes. Out of all the ties I have, no two are the same length. That really gets to me. Every single damn one ties different. I have a hard enough time in the morning without having to figure out where to double windsor. And I can't get the stupid ABBA song out of my head. Friggen DC Tom.
  4. Try working in Homeland Defense. This crap will give you nitemares.
  5. "Hey Sarge. How long have Pico and Alverado been on patrol?" "Since about 1600." "Wow, that's 400 years."
  6. Is this war justified? Yes. Next question?
  7. I'd really enjoy watching some baseball that wasn't the Orioles. The Braves would be in town a few times per year. That could be fun. I know there's a lot of DC folks posting or lurking here. DC is pretty screwed up, ain't it? This has got to be the biggest welfare mecca in the nation. Williams has gotten some great development done downtown. And he gets bashed constantly for it. 3/4 of the city wants any revenues basically mailed to their post office boxes. More money for schools? What a joke. Money isn't going to fix DC schools, management will. They have plenty of money. They squander it. If it doesn't go into a "social program", DC doesn't want it.
  8. I'd pay good money for that.
  9. I'm a horrible human being....
  10. Do you think we can get 18 pages out of a thread discussing why another 18 page thread went away? And anything in between? A filter check should be good for four or five pages, at least.
  11. The Mayor has to get a $400 million bond through the city council to fund the stadium, or no baseball. The minority centric city council, who for the most part doesn't like the Mayor are drawing the battle lines. They say they don't want baseball, they want more low income housing a a free public hospital. Looks like he has 1/4 to 1/3 of the council on his side. This could get interesting. Washingtom might not be the lock folks think it is.
  12. Things getting slow in the igloo?
  13. Great, now I have Randy Quaid in the mix. And Snots the dog. You are getting my therapy bill.
  14. Psychological warfare maybe? I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock into either teams press conferences about the upcoming game. It kinda seems like "I know what hut you are in and I'm gonna bomb you three days from now". BB doesn't fear the Bills at all. That's the Bill's advantage. I think they'll lose, there's always the zebra factor for anyone playing the Pats (especially the Bills), but they might just be respectable doing it.
  15. Well, if it's any consolation, you are right...champagne and flowers might help the rest of it.
  16. Go Braves. (chop)
  17. Almost forgot..... Keggypoo......
  18. No, that's a wholly owned subsidiary. Lot's of people do get that mixed up, though.
  19. Awww. Not AGAIN! Now I have "warning Will Robinson" running through my head and I want to nail Judy. This has got to stop!
  20. Especially the upside down ones. Man, i still have to wonder what y'all did to pis$ off the big man that bad.
  21. No......as-sholes. We're as-sholes. See? You don't come around and you miss the important memos.
  22. But wouldn't people talk? Oh, that wasn't to me. My bad. I sure know some folks damn well came out for me. I'm very honored to have them as friends. Y'all take a bow.
  23. Bastard. I was going to use "If a coaching career were a football field, this is how much time I have left"
  24. DC NPR has a local politics show everyday. It's absolutely hillarious sometimes, especially when you take into account they are being serious. What a dumb bunch of fools. They don't even try to hide the abuse of the system. The current trend overall is fighting tooth and nail all the new development and progress a few are trying to get going here. It's all about handing more handouts to those already receiving handouts. Watch. There's going to be a lot of opposition to this Expo's deal. That new stadium is going to be fought hard. 400 million gets a lot of handouts.
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